Las Vegas Expo..Healthy innovations with a new concept

  • Time:Apr 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

A highlight of the exhibition is the Circular Ring.

Al-Eqtisadiah from Al-Riyadh The Las Vegas Electronics Show “Consumer Electronic Show” is full of Internet-connected devices that measure body health data and provide biometric analyzes, but some experts are concerned about the disadvantages of popularizing the concept of personal health, most notably stress or addiction.
Under the glass dome the Circular Ring shines like a precious gem, but this gleaming look hides hidden micro-sensors capable of measuring more than 140 physical parameters in the body, ranging from respiratory rates to body temperature.
During this week, a large number of startups at the Las Vegas exhibition are presenting accurate biometric analyzes measured with easy-to-use devices, according to "AFP".
"We want to make the concept of personal health accessible to everyone," says Amaury Kosman, founder of the French startup Circular.
This goal is shared by a large number of participants in the exhibition, at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has promoted the idea of ​​telemedicine and exercise at home. But some experts express concern about the flip side of these trends, the risks of stress.
"During the day, it tracks an individual's activity rate. It shows total energy expenditure based on heart rate, blood oxygen, changes in body temperature and other parameters," says Kosman.
Kosman explains this information two months before the launch of the ring, which will sell for less than $ 340.
There is no doubt that the demand for devices of this type is high, as tens of millions of people are currently putting their bodies under partial or continuous monitoring.
The expenditures of the wearable health and sports equipment sector are expected to reach more than 14 billion dollars in 2022, according to the organizers of the Consumer Electronic Show.
This number represents more than double spending in 2018. This growth is due to sports smartwatches such as the Apple Watch and Samsung Watch, with more than $7 billion in revenue expected for this year, and to the connected sports equipment that has boomed during the pandemic, as well as devices personal tracking. Share it

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