King Farouk wanted to include her to his harem and saved her.

  • Time:Jun 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

With her bold features and hidden eyebrows that accompanied her in all her artwork and her famous role in the play "Raya and Sakina", the late artist Samiha Tawfiq was able to print her unique imprint on cinema screens in the golden age, until she left our world on the thirteenth of May of the year 2010 AD.

The naughty cinema girl "Samiha" was also able to attract and attract attention to her, and while she is in the best of her femininity, she found herself, and she was asked to join "Haramak", King Farouk, but she did not respond and asked for help from her teacher, the late artist "Tahia Carioca", who paid her some ofSmart advice, which I knew how to get out of this impasse.

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The late artist, Samiha Tawfiq, stated in her last interview that on one night she went with the artist "Tahia Karioca" to visit King Farouk, she noticed "Greetings" that King Farouk's eyes are examining the body of "Samiha" and began to prolong her face and features, so she gave her a greeting to her wordsIn the secret: You must return to your home, Samiha .. Indeed, the artist "Samiha Tawfiq" came out of the Al -Obraj building to work with the advice of her friend and teacher, "Greetings to Carioca" and she was able to survive that she was from the harem of "King Farouk" at the time.The credit for that more than once was attributed to her friend and her connection with a greeting of Carioca.

أراد الملك فاروق أن يضمها لـ حريمه وأنقذتها تحية كاريوكا .. وماتت على فراش الفقر في نهاية مأساوية

And with the July Revolution, Samiha wanted a life partner, until she got married for a short period of the officer, and issued in her face or orders that he asked her to stay away from acting and obeyed his orders at the beginning of their marriage, but after separating from him, she returned to art barracks again, until she married after him the well -known musician"Attia Sharara."

Despite the beginning of "Samiha Tawfiq" with the will of her father, that she would see her as a modest and veiled girl from this life of art in which her daughter's daughter and the late actress "Naima Akef" sank, but the rebellion hit her when she fired her feet to her artistic origins to enter the field of cinema despite her father's decisions.Soon, "Samiha" has made its way among the big stars, but the wind comes as ships do not desire;Because the diseases raided them quickly and hindered their continuity career.

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Among the diseases that surprised the body of the artist "Samiha" is the disease of cirrhosis, and the beautiful artist did not find someone who stands next to her except her teacher and supporter, the artist "Tahia Kariuka", who carried all the tasks and costs of treatment, as was attacked by osteoporosis, so when she was performing a scene she wore in itAn open dress, then she was suffering for two weeks of pain and pain in her bones.

In the recent years of the artist Samiha Tawfiq, she did not find anyone to bear the expenses of her treatment except her friend, the late artist "Shadia", who has been sending her a sum of money every month until she announced her death on August 11, 2010 at the ageAnd cinema.