"Just the face of the face" .. Why should we not use this type of masks now?

  • Time:Jun 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

As a very infected omecarone museum continues to spread, some experts are advised to reconsider the options of masks, especially if you are still wearing cloth masks, according to the CNN network.

Dr. Lina Wayne, emergency physician, professor of politics and health management at George Washington University, says that the masks of fabric are more than just the face of the face, and do not serve public health, especially with the Omekron axis.

"We need to wear at least three -layer surgical maintenance, which is also known as the disposable muzzle," she added.You can wear a mask of cloth over the muzzle, but not only wear a fabric mask. ”

"Ideally, a muzzle (KN95) or (N95) can be worn in crowded places, as this quality prevents the fine molecules from entering the nose and mouth better."

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During the first months of the epidemic, public health experts advised the public not to use a muzzle (N95) because health workers were facing a lack of personal protection equipment, but several months have passed since that and there was no problem, according to Dr. Lina Wayne.

However, the latest guidelines for the control and prevention centers regarding the choice of masks recommend avoiding masks (N95) and the use of two or more laundrable masks, which the American expert sees "a fatal mistake".

"If we will ask the public to wear masks and they do not originally have a culture of wearing and do not like them, then at least we recommend wearing the most effective masks."

For its part, Irene Broomage-a professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts-said that there is another factor that leads to change in the recommendations of the mask, which is the best understanding of Kofid-19 and how it is spread.

"It has continued for a long time until people realize the nature of the infection of the air transported by air, which may differ from influenza infection, for example, as both of them can spread through spray and inhalation slightly from the surfaces, but it seems that the main cause of the Corona virus infection is the airThe subscriber.

"The masks of fabric - which were encouraged earlier from the epidemic - can filter the large drops, while the most effective masks (such as N95) can filter both large drops and smaller atmosphere or molecules that are likely to be loaded with portable viruses in a stateThe presence of infected people. ”