It is located in most homes .. Get rid of the "crying child" plate in your home: you answer poverty

  • Time:Oct 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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You may find it in your home, or the home of a member of your family, hanging on the facade of the house, or inside the rooms on the walls, this handsome child, with the wide eyes filled with tears, has become a stray feature, sadness inhabits it, perhaps the image or the most famous painting in most homes is aboutThe world, which started in the streets of Madrid, even Britain and Egypt, to become one of the most famous paintings in ancient Egyptian homes.

A long story was associated with that famous painting, on which the British newspaper "The Sun" shed, to recount the details of this child, the secret of his crying and draw it on the paintings entitled "The Crying Child" that carried many meanings of tragedies and sadness.

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What is the secret of the crying child's painting?

"The crying child", the hero of the painting that attracted the Spanish painter, "Bruno Amadeo", famous for "Giovanni Pragolin", in 1969 with his continuous crying, without talking or expressing his grief, only cryThe crying of the child, who pity on him and tried to help him, but the child's silence always raised his curiosity, to try to help him take him with him and provide food and drinks for him.

A short period and the painter reached the truth of the child, after "Giovanni" received a priest, he told him the story of the child, who bore the name "Bonello", explaining that the reason for his crying was his house was subjected to the fire, as he saw his father in particular burning until he uttered his last breath, which prompted him to roam the streets crying.

According to what the newspaper mentioned, the priest, "Giovanni", advised to get rid of the child and his paintings because wherever the fires are erupted, the latter did not care, and he kept the child, and his paintings, which numbered 28 copies.

The story did not last long, after the painter returned to his home to find him complete.

It is worth noting that in the year 1985, the British newspaper "The Sun" confirmed that there is a long series of investigations into several incidents about the outbreak of mysterious fires, which the common factor was the presence of that painting in the place.

Energy expert warns householders: Get rid of them by answering poverty

On this aspect, Hanan Najm, an expert in energy science, warned of the presence of that painting in the homes, stressing that it brings negative energy in the place: “Unfortunately, the picture is her story and saw it as a tragedy, and this is a reason to bring negative energy and poverty, and upset along the place».

And the energy expert continued during her talk to «Han»: “Any need to put it in our homes, and her hero is a tragedy that affects our energy, and the pictures that we like when we see it with a sense of suffocation, so we must get rid of it along.”.