Israeli officials: We will be in front of new rounds against Hezbollah and we need a suitable time to strike

  • Time:Dec 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

A special translation of “Jerusalem” dot com- senior Israeli officials said, on Saturday evening, that there is a great possibility of a new possible escalation with Hezbollah, and that there will be other rounds with Lebanon, but the appropriate time for any open tour or a new war must be chosen.

And the Hebrew Wi -Net website (the website of Idioth Ahronoth) quoted those sources as saying that Tel Aviv is currently preferring to focus on what she described as "Iranian aggression", adding that "we can have in the future to launch a smart blow to Hezbollah".

The site indicated that the army and security services are still vigilant for the possibility of an imminent escalation against Hezbollah.

مسؤولون إسرائيليون: سنكون أمام جولات جديدة ضد حزب الله ونحتاج لوقت مناسب لتوجيه ضربة

The same sources told the website, "Israel prefers to keep the decision to open the tour in a more accurate and better timing in terms of the situation..We have to choose when to respond more strongly..The audience does not want war and this is a game in our interest..

According to the site, the prevailing estimates now are that the missiles that were launched on Friday will not be the last and there will be other rounds.

An Israeli source said, "We may reach a battle that lasts for several days, what plays for our favor is that the last thing that public opinion now is is the war.".

"Israel insists that despite the disciplined reaction to the absolute missiles on Friday, the deterrence against Hezbollah has not been damaged," the site says..

The source said, "We have chosen the response in order to not pay the global attention to the ship's attack last week, and we are awaiting a hearing in the UN Security Council on Monday in the hope that it will lead to the condemnation of Iran..We are at our maximum focus on Iran..