Permanent infection with the "omekron" conversation ...

  • Time:Jan 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - "Why are we not infected with omokerron and relaxed? Its symptoms are moderate, right?This question is thrown at some of the fully fortified people who have received the reinforced dose, based on the opinions circulating on this matter on many social platforms..

Dr. Paul Ofit, Director of the Checks Education Center at the Children's Hospital in the American city of Philadelphia, was regretted, because the idea of trying to infection intentionally "common".

Dr. Robert Murphy Opht agrees.He is the executive director of the Hafi International Health Institute at the Venberg College of Medicine at North Westroll University in this, pointing out that this idea was popular "like wildfire".

He warned that this idea has become "widespread, and among all groups of people, fortified, reinforced, and antithesis receiving the vaccine", commenting that "it is crazy to try to develop it.It is more like playing with dynamite ".

And if you have these ideas, here are five reasons that explain to you why you should not be intentionally suffering from the "omekron" conversation..

1.It is not a "cold"

Murphy explained that the high temperatures, body pain, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, and severe congestion are the most moderate symptoms resulting from the infection of the "omekron" infection, and cause it to be exhausted for several days in patients..

Murphy commented that "people talk about omecron.But it is not a severe cold. ".He continued it is "a disease that threatens life".

قد يهمك أيضاًمنظمة الصحة العالمية تتوقع إصابة أكثر من Kh0% من أوروبا بمتحور أوميكرون خلال أسابيع

A recent study conducted on more than a million people, published by the American Centers for Control and Control of Disease, showed that the risk of severe disease as a result of Kovid was higher in people who are fully fortified and reached 6Kh years and over, or in people with weak immune system, orThose who suffer from one of the next chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, heart, lung, nervous system, or liver.

Murphy explained that even people with good health may have severe disease, pointing out that "I am treating a patient who has a full hate and enhanced dose, and is more than 6Kh years old, and does not suffer from basic diseases, and he is currently in the hospital and a bad situation.".

Ofit said: "It is true that if you have an omekron conversation compared to the Delta conversation, you are less likely to hospitalize, and to enter the intensive care unit, and to put a synthetic breathing device/ or the risk of death, and this includes all age groups.".

Ufit added that this "does not mean that it cannot be severely ill," noting that "it is just less severe.But the death rate due to its infection is not 0 %.Never seek to develop it..

التعرّض للإصابة بمتحوّر

a.You can develop "long coffee"

It has become known that the loss of the sense of smell (and thus the sense of taste) is one of the most common symptoms in cases of "moderate" disease from "Coffee-19".According to studies, approximately 80 % of people recover their ability to smell within a month or more, but other patients do not restore the senses of smell or taste even after six months of injury or more..And a few of them never restore them.

Although this may be annoying, the loss of sensation of smell and taste are among many health problems that can last long after developing "Coveyd-19", and it is called "Coveyd Tall".As for its symptoms, they are exhausted, including shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, heat, dizziness, brain fog, diarrhea, heart palpitations, muscle and abdomen pain, to mood fluctuation, and difficulty sleeping.

قد يهمك أيضاًBeing "moderate" does not mean that it is not intense..Experts on the symptoms of the incidence of the Corona Omekron

The severe disease may also cause "Cofide the Law" with great damage to the lungs, heart, and kidneys, in addition to your mental health, and a disability may be classified under the law of Americans with disabilities, and other federal laws..

Ofit explained that "we are still trying to understand the long Kofid," he said, "Because we do not know the reason, I will not rush to meet my desire to develop a natural virus infection, as the natural virus is called the wild virus always, and there is a good reason for that, it is out of control," stressing, stressing.Not to "risk infection with a normal virus.“

P.Spreading infection among children

According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Control (CDC), more than half of the children (Kh4 %) between the ages of 1a and 17 have received the entire anti -"Kovid" anti -vaccine, while only aP % of children received between Kh and 11 years of their first dose..

And since the reinforced doses, the main resistance of "omecron", obtained approval from the "CDC" agency last week for children aged 1a years and over, but a few of them received the third dose.

This means that any behavior that does not adhere to preventive measures such as not wearing a muzzle, or commitment to social spacing, or assembly, especially in closed places, may expose you to "omekron", and thus expose others to injury, and the virus may be transferred to your children.

قد يهمك أيضاً"Omekron" museum does not exclude children..America's hospitals are preparing for the worst scenario

Data from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows an escalation in the number of injuries in children..

Children suffer a mild disease as a result of "Coveyd-19", but injuries to the rapid "omekron" infection, recorded among children under the age of 18, broke the standard hospital numbers, according to "CDC"..

"The best way to protect these children is to vaccinate them because they have eligibility for that, and that pollination includes their brothers and their families as well.".

4.Click on the healthcare system

In this regard, Murphy said that the injury intentionally with any type of SARS-COV-a museum will contribute to the continuous and pressure on the health care system. ".

And the reports of the US Department of Health and Humanitarian Services during the weekend, showed that nearly a quarter of hospitals, whose number exceeds Kh,000, suffers from a "severe shortage of employees"..The data showed that this registered number is the highest since the start of the pandemic.

قد يهمك أيضاًStudy

It is expected that the deficiency between employees will increase with the registration of "Kovid-19" injuries among the health care workers who are on the front lines, or forcing them to quarantine after being exposed to "Kovid".This is done at the worst time witnessed by health care centers, as American hospitals were filled with more than 1P8,000 patients in Corona, according to the ministry..

"The health care system is not designed only to care for people with Kofid, but to care for children with appendicitis, and those who suffer from heart attacks and are exposed to car accidents,".

He added: "The situation will worsen, and it becomes more difficult because a large percentage of the population did not receive the vaccine, and a large percentage of people at risk did not get the reinforced dose.".

Kh.Do not mess with the mother nature

Is it a good idea to have intentionally ill?The older age will remember their parents "water chickenpox parties" in order to expose their young children to a child with "overcoming it", because the cases of smallpox in adults are more dangerous..

قد يهمك أيضاًTwo comparison studies between the infection of the Corona interviewer "Omekron" and "Delta"..Which is more dangerous?

"Oh, this was also a bad idea," Ofit explained..And he narrated the story of an educational film on vaccines that he worked on years ago, during which the photographer revealed how his sister left life after she was infected after her participation in one of the chickenpox parties..

Ofit concluded that "do not mess with the mother nature.".