In a secret meeting .. Apple will finish the production of iPhone and these devices will replace it

  • Time:Jul 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

In more than ten years, Apple has received billions of dollars in manufacturing and selling iPhone devices.With its sales lower and the smart phone industry fluctuating, the company is considering the devices that will replace the iPhone.

According to a recently published report on the "Investment" website, Apple revealed in a secret meeting of employees last October that the devices that you expect to replace the iPhone are smart glasses.

The report stated that some of the first versions of smart glasses may reach the market by 2022, and another "more elegant" model is scheduled to reach 2023, and the senior Apple managers believe that smart glasses will replace the iPhone within a contract.

No product was officially announced from Apple, but these two glasses were detailed in a crowded room in the company's employees at its headquarters in California.

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According to the people who attended the aforementioned meeting, Apple explained the details of the two devices in this way:

- It is said that the first device may be launched in 2022, and it is similar to the virtual reality headphone "Oclos Quayst", with a high -resolution screen, and cameras installed abroad.

- The second device expected in 2023 is closer to sunglasses, with a thick frame to accommodate a battery and processors.These glasses are intended for use throughout the day, and it is a step closer to Apple's final goal, which is to launch an alternative to iPhone.

The future of the reinforced reality indicated previous reports to the Apple Smart Escope Project, and stated that the first version will be in 2020.Other reports reported that Apple has been working in the form.Apple has not officially disclosed any newly enhanced reality devices projects.

The idea is to integrate augmented reality as follows: Instead of looking at your phone, the interface is displayed within your field of vision.For example, a copy of Google Maps will cover the trends around you when wearing glasses to lead you to the desired site without the need to watch the phone screen.

Recently, Apple has added the basic reality programs to iPhone phones, including "Arkat", "Realte Cut" and "Realty Comboser", which are three tools aimed at motivating developers to create augmented reality programs.

The CEO of the company Tim Cook has repeatedly spoke about the potential of augmented reality technology, and how this technology can change the way we use technology forever.