Impossible herd immunity. Will Anti-Vaccines Become a Time Bomb in the Face of the World?

  • Time:May 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The vaccines are the solution, this was the answer reached by virus scientists around the world, after studying the installation and methods of spreading the "Cove-2" virus causing the Coveyd-19 disease, which the world is still under its consequences until this moment.As a result, vaccines had to be developed quickly that had never happened in the history of modern humanity, and to ensure that all the population of the earth to reach the herd immunity, and then eliminate the pandemic.

This ambitious plan still faces many technical, material, and even moral obstacles in light of the monopoly of countries rich in the largest share of vaccines, but if we add the human factor as an obstacle, we will find ourselves in front of a real challenge represented in the opponents of vaccines.In this global crisis that we are going through, the actions of each individual in society will inevitably reflect on the rest of the individuals in one way or another.


Access to the "Herd Immunity" is the supreme goal that all countries of the world are now seeking to eliminate the Coveyd-19 epidemic and return to normal life, and there are two ways to reach it, either that 50-60% of the population suffers from the disease and carry the bodies Anti -anti -virus, but this may cause a medical catastrophe, or that people get antibodies to the virus from vaccines, here the world precedes the virus and blocks all the opportunities to infection and reproduce in their bodies and continue to mutate and spread. If we assume that vaccines work to protect from infection by 100%, we need to vaccinate 60% of the world's population so that life returns to normal and the pandemic ends. But it is not so simple, and reaching the herd's immunity in the case of Kofid-19 is very difficult for several reasons.

First, we do not have a vaccine to this day given 100%immunity;This means that we need to vaccinate more population to cover this difference.To make it more complicated, the more the virus is more likely - like the Delta or omener of the Corona virus - it is necessary to pollinate a greater population quickly.

This plan is hindered by other obstacles, especially in Africa and the poorest countries, where vaccines are scarce, and resources are not enough to produce or import vaccines for everyone.In a World Health Organization report (WHO) at the end of last October, only 6% of the population of the African continent received a full dose of the vaccine, while the percentage was supposed to reach at least 40% by the end of this year (1).

Even today, the percentage of citizens who received a full dose of different vaccines offered up to 46.7% worldwide (2), the largest number of them are concentrated in specific countries, such as China, India, the United States and Europe, while some African countries did not exceed the vaccination rate.1%!Of course, until the herd immunity works, most of the world's residents must have immunity against the virus, and not every country separateanyway.

If only the matter ends here, but we do not yet have vaccines suitable for young children, and children who are born every day without immunity against the virus, and this means that we return again to the zero point where there are a large number of citizens without immunity, which provides a fertile environment for the virus to reproduce and spread despiteEverything, increases the transmission rate from children to unjust adults (3).In addition, the immunity that we gain from injury or vaccine does not last forever, so the longer the time, the greater of people will be at risk of infection again.It is a feverish race that we do not know who will succeed in it, we or the virus.

Among the opponents and the fearful

Even if we are able to overcome all the aforementioned obstacles, we will have a great, fixed problem, which is the chaplain.While some fear that the vaccine receives rumors that teach the side effects of the vaccine, others do not believe in the importance of the vaccine from the ground up and consider it a conspiracy, while there are groups that have devoted their activity to fight vaccines in general, claiming that they are unknown chemicals, weakening the body's immunity, and prohibiting itFrom the chance of infection and naturally forming its immunity.(For more Read: "Fear merchants" .. Why do people refuse to receive Corona vaccines?)

The "Anti Vaxxers" demonstrations sweep the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and many European countries, in addition to the United States, Australia and even India, and these see the imposition of vaccines a restriction of their freedom and negativeness of their rights as citizens.The matter in Germany reached the threat of death, where a group was planning to assassinate "Michael Ketchmer", the governor of Saxony, because of his support for vaccines, unlike many politicians and media supporters who support vaccine boxes that implicit death threat if Germany continued to impose compulsory vaccines on everyone (4).

It began to cross the calls to boycott vaccines to pressure those who already received the vaccine, by publishing recipes "to get rid of the vaccine after obtaining it", as one of the vaccine oppositions in a video on the Tiktok platform called that the effect of the vaccine on the body can be eliminated by immersing it In a bath of baking soda and cleansed boks, and the opposition opposition groups claim that cupping is an effective way to get rid of the effects of the vaccine. All this is incorrect, the physiological process that occurs inside the body when the vaccine is injected into the arm muscles, which includes several reactions in the immune system, which results in antibodies, and there is no scientific or non -scientific method that can eliminate the occurrence of these reactions (5).

The Arab region is not without the manifestations of opposition to the vaccine, but in a way that may differ slightly, instead of forming vaccine opposition groups, individuals express their concern about receiving the vaccine and their fears of the "rare" side effects that they heard have affected some people, whether from TV or those around them . Like this news you find a fertile environment for spreading in societies that do not have a healthy awareness, and many myths and lies are woven around it, and then the belief of anything becomes very easy, starting with conspiracy theories, and even the natural recipes of the vaccine. As the data indicates, the percentage of "frequency towards immunization" in the Arab world between 33% -64% in Egypt, Iraq and Tunisia (6).

"Vaccine Hesitance" is known as the frequency of individuals in receiving the vaccine for fear of side effects, or the preference for waiting for a longer period until the vaccines become safer or better taught.One of the important reasons for the fear of the Kofid-19 vaccines is the speed that was made of it, as people believe that the vaccines must be taught for several years first before they are available for use, and this is what did not happen in the case of Kofid, as the first vaccine against the virus was used, which is the Vizer vaccine., December 2020, just 7 months after the start of the test and manufacturing process.(For more Read: "The needle of salvation" .. Can we trust the Corona vaccine?)

 مناعة القطيع المستحيلة.. هل يصبح معارضو اللقاحات Time bomb في وجه العالم؟

Perhaps the world was lucky this time, until the appearance of the Coffee-19 virus, it took the fastest vaccine in history for 4 years since the first step to study the virus until the vaccine arrive Several factors that led to this missile speed in the production of the first vaccine; The first factor is that the Coronaviruses, which are known viruses and is widely circulated around the world, has been extensively trained before, especially since two other individuals from the same family were almost caused by global survival in 2002 and 2012, which are SARS (SARS) (SARS) MERS (MERS).

The other thing is the huge budget allocated around the world for the production of vaccines, which does not happen in normal times, but the major state of emergency that disappeared the planet after the spread of the fierce virus, prompted the owners of capital and governments to pump liquidity in order to save mankind, this helped this to Conducting several parallel clinical trials, and providing a lot of time to re -try each vaccine and monitor its effectiveness and side effects. We do not forget the accumulation of several years of developing the methods of manufacturing different vaccines, which were benefited from during the manufacture of Kofid-19 vaccines, as scientists did not have to invent the wheel again. These endeavors succeeded, as the percentage of protection from the injury reached two doses of the Pfizer vaccine to 95%, in addition to the Astrazzinica vaccine, which provides 63%protection (7).

Dangerous biases

We can penetrate deeper into the issue of rejecting vaccines to understand the reasons that may push someone to reject the thing that is able to save his life and the life of those around him, and may give us theories of cognitive prejudice an explanation for some reasons for rejection.

When you find yourself in a conflict between two opposite ideas, the idea that the vaccine is necessary to prevent infection, and the idea that the vaccine may cause some serious side effects at times, this is called "cognitive Dissonance", where two incompatible ideas are struggled, and for the sake Facade the anxiety caused by this conflict, you will resort to changing one of the two ideas to comply with the other idea, such as justifying yourself that you can be satisfied with precautionary measures instead of receiving the vaccine, and thus satisfies your conscience anxiety (8). Of course, if we add the information that the virus takes advantage of the bodies of unjust people to multiply faster and produce more mutations that may cause a new disaster, you may have a new cognitive dissonance. In this case, you either acquiesce and receive the vaccine, or you find for yourself a strong, convincing justification that makes you not receive.

On the other hand, you may think it is better not to take any step at all, rather than making a decision that may lead to severe consequences, such as getting one of the rare side effects of one of the vaccines.This is called "Omission BIAS", where you think that refraining from receiving the vaccine is safer than taking a step to receive the vaccine and then facing the side effects later, despite your knowledge of the serious side effects resulting from the infection of the virus itself, but it seems that waiting for the injury to comeIn terms of not knowing, it gives a more safe feeling than taking a step forward towards protection.

You may think for some reason that the vaccines are fatal or ineffective, in which case, you will always turn to the information that confirms your belief, and ignore everything that it opposes, in what is called "Availability Heuristic", meaning that you infer your beliefs with the most available information in front of you, and whereThe communication and news sites often focus on the rare side effects of the vaccine, and sometimes neglecting to mention millions of cases that have survived in return, your brain will only summon these rare cases, and inferred that the vaccine is killer and ineffective, you will think that this is conclusive evidence that you were right sincethe start.

Otherwise, if you grow up in an environment secured by the conspiracy theory, and that governments steal peoples, and pharmaceutical companies create diseases to sell their products, it will be easy for you to accept rumors that the Coffee-19 virus created in the laboratory, or that pharmaceutical companies carry malicious intentions behind the manufacture of vaccinesAnd you become less willing to hear the truth or even search behind yourself.Humans tend to believe the information that confirms their previous assumptions, which is much easier than changing old assumptions and beliefs with new ones, even if they are more accurate, while it is called "Confirmation BIAS".

In cases of disasters and emergency, rumors and false information multiply with the same rate of virus, and without careful investigation and seeking the truth it is easy to slip into the trap of cognitive biases that may lead you to refuse to receive the vaccine that is able to save your life and the life of your loved one and the life of every human being on the surface of the planet,Because every non -revised person may represent a factory for the production of the museums.

Time bomb

Despite the scarcity of dangerous mutations, such as "omelarron" or "Delta", we have seen ourselves what one mutamor can, and I grew up inside the body of only one person in one spot of the world, to do the entire world.The Delta museum was first recorded in October 2020 in the Indian state of Maharashtra, and soon became the most prevalent museum in the world;Thanks to his greatest ability to spread.Today, the same is repeated with the Omekron museum that sweeps the world.

It is a matter of time before that museum (X) is able to resist all the vaccines that have been produced so far, and is able to restore the whole world to the zero point and search for a whole new vaccines, constantly threatening to close periods, economic crises, famines, poverty, and high cases of luxuries for several years to come.While vaccine opponents claim that they are the main cause of dangerous mutations as a defensive reaction of the virus to survive our defenses, the mutations that result in the Kofid-19 mutamors arise completely differently (9).

Initially, the Spike Protein is used on its surface to be linked to the receptors on the surface of the nasal mucosa cells, which represent the virus crossing gates into the cells, and kidnaps the cell and converts them into a factory that makes thousands of copies of the virus, until it goes outside again With sneezing or coughing and completing its cycle within another body. During the manufacturing process, not all copies are perfect, some "mutations" must occur during DNA cloning, just as you are afraid of a letter or a word while you are copying a text consisting of thousands of words. (For more Read: The variable "omecron" .. because our battle with "Kovid-19" may never end!)

Most of the time, the mutations are silent, that is, do not change the properties of the virus in terms of the ability to spread or the strength of the injury, and the remaining few mutations write the virus death certificate and make it unsuccessful and die. In some rare cases, the most dangerous or widespread mummies produce, such as Delta and omecron, but the virus needs several thousand copies until these dangerous mutations occur, and this can only happen within a body that has not been exposed to the virus before and does not have any immunity against it, i.e. Inside the bodies of those who have never received the vaccine, or inside the body of a patient with a relatively weak immunity, the virus gives an ideal opportunity to multiply without the immune system interfered in the process and stops it (10).

The Coffe-19 Virus changes with a 4-time slower than the seasonal influenza virus.The latter changes very quickly, we have to manufacture a new vaccine against it every year, fortunately that the Coffee-19 virus does not mutate at the same rate, otherwise this pandemic never ends.So it is difficult to be the reason behind the emergence of the museums is an attempt to escape human defenses as the seasonal influenza virus does, but rather a natural process resulting from the continued virus in reproduction without deterrence, and committing copies that may one day produce a mutamor in anticipation of all the vaccines now.

The last dilemma

It is not enough to ensure that vaccines are given to the largest possible number of people to prevent the appearance of the halls. Rather, the virus is also limited to following the rules of social divergence, wearing masks in crowded places and washing hands with soap continuously, otherwise we will be at risk of spreading one of the resisting hubs.

In this context, researchers in the study published in the journal Nature (Nature) managed to study potential scenarios in the event of a vaccine -resistant museum (for its "museum X"), using a simulation model that takes into account the numbers of injured, recovered and exposed to injury. This study reached two results that appear at first glance opposed, the first is that whenever we hurry to provide vaccines to citizens, we have the weakest chances of the emergence of the museum "X". As for the second exciting result, it is that if a large percentage of the population is vaccinated, but not large enough to reach the herd immunity, the "X" museum will find a golden opportunity to spread among all, whether they receive the vaccine or not (11).

By checking the results, this conflict can be explained in the absence of competition. If only 10% of the population is fertilized, there will be 90% of them vulnerable to traditional mosques, and then the museum will not find enough bodies to affect and spread. But if the vaccination rate reaches 60%, and the percentage required to reach the herd immunity is 80%, then this means that we were able to neutralize the traditional mutants, but we opened the door to the museum "X" to invade everyone's bodies, in the absence of competition with the rest of the mosques. The solution to this dilemma lies in continuing with precautionary procedures, in addition to receiving the vaccine, so that we ensure that in the event of the emergence of the "X" museum he will not be able to reach the cells of our bodies at all.

So, in this battle that does not seem to end between humans and Kofid-19, it seems that there is no easy answer to the question that concerns humans: When does this pace end?If the countries succeed in persuading their citizens to receive the vaccine, provide this vaccine for all, and the countries of the world are contaminated to provide vaccines to the continent of Africa and poor countries, and we succeeded in inventing a vaccine suitable for infants, then we succeeded in adhering to the precautionary measures, then we may be able to breathe intuition and remember how it wasLife form before December 2019.



  1. Less than 10% of African countries to hit key COVID-19 vaccination goal | WHO | Regional Office for Africa
  2. Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Google News
  3. Rethinking Herd Immunity and the Covid-19 Response End Game
  4. Murder plots and threats from anti-vaxxers pose challenge for Germany’s new chancellor
  5. ‘Detox’ routines won’t undo Covid vaccine, experts tell anti-vaxxers | US news | The Guardian
  6. COVID-19 in the Middle East: Arab countries face high coronavirus vaccine hesitancy –
  7. The lightning-fast quest for COVID vaccines — and what it means for other diseases
  8. 5 Cognitive Biases That Explain Why People Still Don’t Vaccinate
  9. Fact Check-SARS-CoV-2 virus began mutating prior to mass vaccine rollouts | Reuters
  10. Unvaccinated People Are Fueling Coronavirus Variants
  11. Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and vaccination impact the fate of vaccine-resistant strains | Scientific Reports