Ikea launches its first smart air purification device.

  • Time:May 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Ikea company is working to expand the range of smart household appliances through a new air purification device called the St. The device comes in two versions, a mixture of technology and design.

There are many reasons to buy air purification devices such as breathing air or combating sensitivity.

Prices in this category can range from $80 to $800 per stream, including application controls, compatibility with smart assistants, access to more data and customization.

The Swedish giant company, Air Magazine St. Richard, has two models, the first independently on the ground and the second as a tabletop. At a cost of $129 and $189, respectively.

However, you need to pay for a separate smart house hub of $35 to access the control elements.

Within this price range, you will not have the advantages of smart, ordinary, and high-end models of Nahella and Dyson. Two Ikea airbending devices are identical from the inside, as they contain a designed trichriter system, not the greater one, such as hair and dust.

Ikea launches its first smart air purification device.

The device can provide 99.5% of the small particle carried in the air measuring less than 2.5 micrometers (or 400 millimeters), dust, pollen, receptacles such as forma and hyacinth and even foul odors.

Also read: LJ announces the battery air mask.

Ikea launches its first smart air purification device.

St. Rashad also has five different speeds of a propeller that can be used alone or controlled and tabulated by the IKEA H application combined with the smart home center TREDFRI.

The automatic position is based on the sensor of the propeller to automatically adjust the speed of the fan based on the smaller amount of the propeller in the air. Go check the readings yourself in the application.

The smart house was not about tools for Ikea, the company said. It's about making life better by combining our knowledge of the furnishing of a solid house with digital regeneration and technology.

She added, "Internal air is now an important factor for health." We know there's not one way to solve indoor air pollution. We're working in the long run for positive change to enable people to get the air out of their homes.

An independent St. Maveride is available on Earth in black and mind-coloured, while the side table comes in a color or a color. Both arrive at Ikea stores via the Internet in October.

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