How much do you lose from your life to return to the office?

  • Time:Oct 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Korona pandemic forced employees around the world to work remotely, and during this period they realized how much the time wasted to move to offices daily, and what can make it from teams at the professional and personal levels if they can use it.

In a report published by the American newspaper "WashingtonPost", the writer Sergio Pisania is defending the remote business model, stressing that the lost hours of movement can be used daily to offices to carry out other activities that make our lives better.

How can the work hours to work?

The American employee spends about an hour to move to work daily, or 250 hours annually, or 10 full days.At the end of the professional journey, the total time for the time consumed to move to work may reach a full year.

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Suppose you are taking advantage of the daily navigation hour to learn a new language, after one year you can perfect that language, then start learning other languages, get a black belt in one of the martial arts, or master any other skill..

As an alternative to that time, it can also increase sleep hours, rest, meditation and other activities.It is also enough for that time to watch more than 150 films on Netflix, or to watch the nine episodes of the series "Al Houc'a" 30 times.

And if some do enjoyable or useful things while moving, then - according to the writer - they can find better places to do them away from the means of transportation, by spending time with friends, or in gardening, exercising, cooking, knitting, orsleep.The distribution of these activities throughout the week is the best way to preserve the valuable opportunities that the epidemic allowed us, the writer said.

He adds that wasting time does not constitute the only loss while moving daily to work, but there are also the risks of pollution and the money that we waste and the loss of comfort we feel when we work from home in unofficial clothes.

Transportation is the largest contributor to global warming in the United States, and the average annual cost of transportation to work ranges between two and 5 thousand dollars..

Also, spending an additional $ 10 per day on a cup of coffee and lunch, at work, means that you spend $ 2,500 annually, while eating at home costs about half of that amount..

According to the writer, there are many other privileges that we reap from working at home, such as shrinking the need to wear and washing official clothes, and spending more time with family, friends and pets..

Although meeting colleagues in the office is somewhat useful and enjoyable, but it is not equivalent - according to the writer - the negatives of returning to a work environment full of barriers imposed by the Corona pandemic.