How did the spread of "Corona" spread to our homes?

  • Time:Jun 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The American Mayo Clink published a detailed report, in which it shed light on the best ways by which houses could be sterilized, and the other methods and materials used to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, Covid 19, contained information about its spread mechanism and the most likely places where the virus might be found, as well as other means and materials used in sterilization and tardiness.

There is no doubt that there is an ongoing development in specialists' understanding of the secrets of corona disease and the mechanism that leads to the spread of the virus. With the emergence of vaccines that have shown promising results against the disease, the introduction of specific doses of vaccine is one of the most effective ways to counter the spread of the pandemic among people and is currently the first weapon against the emergence of new waves and strains.

In order to combat the disease and reduce its spread at home, many steps and measures have to be taken. This does not require the purchase of very specialized chemicals; rather, the materials in the house usually perform this very easily.

Proliferation mechanisms

The virus that causes Corona's disease can spread through the brain of a person infected with the virus. It can also spread through contact with surfaces or objects touched by an infected person, but the risk and risk of infection in this case is fairly low.

Another known way of spreading the disease is through a spray released into the air by sneezing or coughing, where respiratory spray is released into the air when sneezing or coughing by someone infected with the virus. Although the risk of infection is high, the normal respiratory spray does not travel long distances; usually it is no more than two metres. The virus may stay on the surface for several hours to several days. But studies suggest that the virus is unlikely to spread by touching common surfaces three days after being touched by a person infected with Covered 19.

Breathing particles can be stuck in the air for a few minutes or hours. This is called air transmission of the virus.

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Methods of prevention

In the event that a household resident is among the most vulnerable to serious symptoms of the disease, care must be taken to keep the roof clean on an ongoing basis, especially if there is a person who has been tested positive for the virus in the home.

Another step would be to open windows when possible to improve ventilation. Also check the air flow at home when using bleach, antiseptic or other supporting substances. Before starting the sterilization or cleaning process, protective gear must be worn, preferably the use of single-use items so that they can be disposed of immediately after completion. In the absence of any other option but reusable alternatives, they should not be used for any other purposes. It also provides for washing hands under the running water for an appropriate period after the removal of the cleaning equipment. Cleaning with water and soap is enough to remove dirt and accumulations and reduce the number of bodies on rooftops. After that, a disinfectant can be placed on those surfaces to remove any remaining orthopedic.

Active materials

Many types of disinfectant should be kept on the surface to be sterilized for a certain period of time to take full effect, which is called the contact period, and this can be learned by checking the product information label for details of the contact period.


يعد خلط بعض المواد الكيماوية ببعضها بعضاً خطيراً جداً، ورغم ذلك توجد العديد من الطرق الآمنة التي يمكن عبرها خلط مجموعة من السوائل المطهرة لاستخدامها لأغراض التعقيم المنزلي للقضاء على فيروس كورونا كوفيد-19، إذ يمكن عمل Purgatory. عن طريق مزج حوالي 20 مل من مادة التبييض المنزلية مع نحو لتر من الماء. ولكن يجب قراءة واتباع التعليمات والتحذيرات. وارتداء القفازات الواقية والتأكد من أن وجود تهوية جيدة في الغرفة. ولا ينصح بخلط مواد التبييض منزلية الاستخدام مع السوائل التي تحتوي على مادة الأمونيا أو أي منظفات آخر، إذ يمكن للمزيج أن يُصدر أبخرة سامة تؤثر في الموجودين بالمنزل.

When the electronic devices or smartphones are sterilized, it advises the factory's instructions on how to clean or sterilize. Many manufacturers have started to issue awareness leaflets on how to deal with the devices after Corona's spread. However, smartphones can be cleaned using disinfectant ammonia, which contains no more than 70% because their increased concentration can harm surfaces or cause color change. The telephone and its sides are erased and the rear part as well, with a focus on the areas where the fingers are usually placed. He then leaves the phone or the electronic device to dry up, which is also true of desktop computers, laptops, and remote control. Once this process has been completed, the hands must be properly washed with water and soap and then sterilized.