How did a smart watch saved the life of an American hostility?

  • Time:Jun 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

How did a smart watch saved the life of an American hostility?

السبت - 29 ذو الحجة 1442 هـ - 07 أغسطس 2021 مـشخص يرتدي ساعة اليد الذكية من صنع شركة آبل في الولايات المتحدة (أ.ف.ب) نيويورك: «الشرق الأوسط أونلاين»

A hostility from the American city of New York revealed that his Smart Hall from his "Apple" saved his life, according to the "Independent" newspaper. Brandon Schneider, 25, believes that his smart watch is "Apple and Catch", in addition to his commitment to exercise and a healthy life, saved his life After hitting his head on the hospital bathroom floor and losing consciousness, his passion for everything related to fitness was pushed to wear "Apple and Watch", a smart watch with the possibilities of communication with emergency services. Basically, people use it to track their fitness goals. In a post on Instagram, Schneider, who works as a sales specialist and a qualified running coach: said: “I want to encourage everyone who reads this post to buy a smart watch or if you have one of you Emergency communication settings now. ”Schneider explains life -threatening experience in the same post. Last month, he rushed to the emergency room because of what was believed to be kidney stones. While he was there, he went to the bathroom and fainted because of the pain and suffered from a "skull fracture" and "emerging brain bleeding." Schneider explained that "he was found awareness shortly after the fall because his smart watch discovered a very fall." And if you notice an hour The smart "Apple Watch" is your fall while wearing it, it will vibrate, warn and warn. According to the website "Apple" on the web, you can "choose to contact emergency services or refuse to alert by pressing (closing) in the upper left corner or clicking on (I am fine)." The notice of the fall alert that Schneider sent was refused because he lost his consciousness. After obtaining medical care, he discovered that he had a "multiple blood tumor that was increasing in size and soon became threatening his life and required emergency brain surgery." After the surgery he needed on July 13, Schneider explained that if he was not seeking to get On medical care or passionate about the already healthy life, his condition would have been more crisis and may have reached death. Preserving the activity is still important to Schneider because he hopes in the New York City marathon in November. He continued: “It is the fifth marathon for me and it will also be As a celebration and a way to restore my fitness. ”

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How did a smart watch saved the life of an American hostility?