Health: Omicron prevails in Morocco... and most of the deaths concern the unvaccinated

  • Time:Apr 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Today, Tuesday, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection confirmed that the new mutant cases of the emerging corona virus “Omicron” represent 95 percent of infections; While it does not exceed 5% for the “delta” mutator at the national level, it warns at the same time against underestimating the handling of this epidemic wave.

Moaz Al-Mrabet, coordinator of the National Center for Public Emergency Operations at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, said in his presentation of the bimonthly outcome of the epidemiological situation of the pandemic during the period from January 3 to January 17, 2022, that Morocco has been experiencing, and for five weeks, the third epidemic wave of the widespread spread of the virus. COVID-19".

Al-Murabet explained that the percentage of cases continues to rise, as it recorded 46,569 cases in the last week (plus 33 percent), noting that the speed of the rise is no longer at the same pace, after the rate of rise during the first weeks of this wave reached more than 150 percent; However, this does not mean a decrease in the number of cases, the official stresses.

At the level of the weekly development of the positivity rate, it moved in the last week from 21.7 percent to 24.4 percent, which means that the level of virus spread is still high; However, the speed slowed down a bit.

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In the rest of the indicators, and at the level of the case reproduction index, it became equal, until the end of the last week, to 1.06, and therefore the epidemic is approaching its peak.

As for the level of weekly development of the rate of new cases arriving in the recovery and intensive care departments, it has begun to rise significantly in recent days, as 42 cases were recorded in the first week of this wave, to rise, in the last week, to 536 cases (plus 48 , 1 percent).

As for the death index, it recorded 65 new deaths in the last week, an increase of 16.1 percent. It is noted that this percentage does not rise in a short time, despite the high percentage of positive cases; But it needs an interval of up to two weeks.

In the new national vaccination campaign, the proportion of those vaccinated with the first dose reached 67.3 percent, and the second dose was 63 percent, and the proportion of those vaccinated with the third booster dose reached 10.5 percent, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

The coordinator of the National Center for Public Emergency Operations at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection confirmed, in the bi-monthly statement, that a simple analysis of the data shows that 70 percent of deaths concern unvaccinated people, 23 percent received only one dose, and 7 percent of deaths were not. They receive the third booster dose.

Al-Murabet also renewed, by the way, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection's call for the commitment of all female citizens and citizens to continue to respect preventive measures, such as wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance, ventilating confined spaces, sterilizing hands and respecting the therapeutic protocol, in addition to the rapid and wide involvement of adults and children in the national campaign for vaccination by taking The first, second and third booster doses, which greatly contribute to strengthening immunity and confronting the new mutant “Omicron”.