Hairstyle as a means of measuring social changes

  • Time:Aug 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The method of cutting hair can indicate a certain identity, so we know the new Nazis from their hair stories, and they are called the "barrel of heads" with certain slogans that they draw on their heads, or the hair of the American Africans who leave their hair intertwined as the hair of the international singer Bob Marley absolute irrigation music in the world.

There is a private poetry model launched by specific people and turns into a global fashion such as Elvis Presley's hair, or the Beatles team's hair in all their transformations, or Jennifer Instone's hair in the first episodes of the series "Friends", which launched a general obsession among women about this haircut that has become a fashionThroughout the world for years, it is based on wavy hair to the shoulders with a surprise raised as a wave over the head.

There is the poetry of the Football player Ibrahimovic, who connects him as Japanese samurai warri.This hairstyle has spread among the world's youth for years as well, or the haircut of the legendary Brazilian player Ronaldo, who left a surprise at the front of his head, having his remaining head hair in the way the population of the tropical forests.The tradition of the chin of the Argentine player Messi also spread.

Hair fashion and social changes

Poetry can be compatible with the prevailing fashion, or contrary to it as an expression of the objection, or an expression of rejection of certain social limitations for the woman's hair and the man's hair, such as being short or long according to the gender classification, and if the woman cut her hair short, the name "Garson" is given in French, i.e. "The boy", which means that the short hair of the males between the long females, as is the case of men who prolong their feeling in conservative societies in the twentieth century, which determined in their cultures that the long hair of women and the short of the man, describes the owner of the long hair as "shelter", or "Feminine", or at best, is treated as if it is out of social controls.

Of course, these discriminatory signs are in specific time and societies.Long hair was in many periods of men's advantages, as in European times in the fourteenth century, and up, when European men preferred the "wig" with long hair and gradual bends, while women left their natural hair to be long, but it is often guaranteed and tidy in the braidsAnd glories over the head are topped by the handkerchief.

The short poetry has also turned into fashion since the industrial revolution and the work of women in factories, and then after the First World War, when long hair became an obstacle to the movement of women working in weapons factories, or in hospitals, or in the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war..

However, in the opinion of the American sociologist Rose Whitz, the most prevalent cultural base in the general human culture about the hairstyle is that women's hair should differ from men's hair, regardless of how this difference and its shape.

And poetry stories during the past centuries, specifically during the twentieth century, were affected by major social changes and cultural coups within certain and different societies and cultures.The model of poetry in the beginning of the twentieth century before the First World War was for men and women different from what it became after the war, and the same applies to the Second World War, and in the period between the two wars, and in the stage that followed with the Syrian artists and the new music that was coming out of the womb of the crises thatIt was left by the wars, pains and bitterness that it left in human memory, or from the elaboration associated with the following war of peace.The hairstyles and models changed according to the social, cultural, political and artistic conditions that different societies lived.The hair models associated with the Blues music, then "Pop", "The House", "Town", "Rock and Roll", "Al -Havi Metal Rock", "Al -Braik Dance", and "Disco", and fromThen "rap" with American Africans, and others.

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Thus, hairstyles changed in proportion to the stars of that period of singers, singers, actors and actresses in Hollywood films, after cinema has become a means of entertainment, media and the first advertising in the world.Everyone wanted poetry like the hair of Elvis Presley or the poetry of John Lenin or Mike Jagger, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Court Copein and Bob Marley in later stages, and actors from Ava Gardner, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, Brad Pitt, Leonard DiCaprio of different times and stages.

Logy, Zuckerberg and Mask hairstyle

In the era of technology, globalization and the global village, poetry is still without a specific fashion that can be attributed to this time, or considered it an advantage for it. Teenagers around the world have not yet determined a new form of poetry in which they are distinguished from their peers in the past decades.

Their closure may be in the worlds of social media, and in other concerns related to the virtual world that makes them not interested in finding a different hair story, or describing them.Even the matter appears to be a return to normal, not hairdressing hair or that has no special spirit and identity, as Mark Zuckerberg and all his young aides surrounding him, or Bill Gates's normal hair, but rather befitting a person who does not have time to look at his hair at all, or as the prime minister's hairThe current British Boris Johnson, who seems to forget that he has a hair that clashes over his head.

As for the females, the media gave them a great ability to photograph themselves with the hair they want, and in what color and model choose it, and they put this image in their communicative accounts on the Internet, and they become their true image.

تسريحة الشعر كوسيلة قياس التغييرات الاجتماعية

Often the hair of the girls of this time period has a simple hairstyle, and there is no intense strangeness in it, as is the soft hair of Kim Kardashian and the lineage, or the poetry of Britney Spears, Shakira and former British Prime Minister Theresa May, Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel, that is, an ordinary and simple hairdresser that does not sleep Any kind of different expression except what indicates that females at this time are trying to appear with two appearances, that is, simply beautiful women, as is the case of media and the Internet on the one hand, and with a simple practical appearance that confirms the woman relieves her external beauty contract, to prove that she is able to carry out the tasks assigned To her to the fullest, and in any location it was without the need to be in terms of form beautiful in the sense that the male authority requires the beauty of women.

According to sociologist Herbert Marcios, in his book "The One of the One Dimensions", women who have the agreed beauty as an example, according to the beauty of others, are not lacking in a stage of history and societies..

These women are an example of the uniqueness of the female beauty and the celebration of this beauty, as is the case with Monica Bellucci, or before it Marilyn Monro, or Sofia Lauren, or Sophie Marso, and many others of women whose beauty was used as a standard that is measured by beauty in the period in which they live.

Huge hair market

In general, the hairstyle is related to the prevailing fashion, and whoever violates the fashion appears to be contrary to social consensus, and human beings have always been interested in this poetry, which can be an additional advantage of the external beauty of the person, and even a reason for the relief of this advertising, media and socially compatible beauty in the case of baldness, which often was the cause of ridiculeOr raising its owner in various societies and cultures.

And this hair became a market, and even a private world, starting with the products that nourish it and strengthen it, and the types that are not of hair washing powders, except for the different color dyes, then the market of the hairdressers and the barbers, some of whom become international fame with their styles and their stories that they deduce, and there are the coming and equipment used in a worldHair models and cut it, then baroque or wigs markets, hair transplant clinics, then there is a hair covering of chillions, fountains, hats, and other different economies based on attention to head hair.

Throughout the ages, hairstyles were signs and indications of the social class to which the owner of the hairdo, the ethnic identity and political beliefs belong, and they were also the cause of gender differences (male - female), or the traditional disputes between successive generations.

In the imperial Rome BC, the women's hairstyle was a masculine mass at the top of the head, from which the hair is fall.As for the noble men, their hair required daily attention from many "slaves" and poetry designers.Since then, until the Central European times, the women have left their hair normal, and did not show it in public places, covering it with napkins and hats..The woman who comes out with a blatant hair and without a cover in front of the public is from the prostitutes, and this is her mark in that long period of time.

In the sixteenth century, women began decorating their feeling of pearls, gemstones, strips and veils, and used the technique of "fastening" or "tape" using ropes or strips to tie the hair around their heads.In the last half of the fifteenth century to the sixteenth century, the very high hair line at the front was an attractive.As for European men, they were cutting their broken hair to the shoulder, and it was common in Italy that men dye their hair.

As for the famous European wig, which the questions have always been about, or about the reason for wearing it by men who were not affected by baldness, but the matter is due to the French king Louis XIII (1601-1643) when he started baldness, he was early prematurely.

And he promoted this fashion to a large extent his son and successor, Louis XIV, which contributed to its spread in European countries, and even these baroes became different sizes, types and colors that put the class, functional or authoritarian difference between their wearing.As for the women of the mid -eighteenth century, they developed the pattern of "Al -Bouf", or "swelling" at the front of the head using a small pillow around which the hair is wrapped in order to give a feeling of density and height.

The twentieth century and strange hairdos

As for the story of the short hair of men, it started in an surprising way when the radical politician Francis Russell Duke Bedford Fifth decided in England, he cut his hair in protest against the imposition of a tax on hair powder, and his friends challenged to do as he did, so this hairdo spread in various Europe quickly in the beginning of the centuryTwenty.

First World War

خلال First World War، بدأت النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم في التحول إلى قصّات الشعر القصيرة لكي لا يعوقهن أثناء العمل.Men's hair was short, and it is styled with a line on the end or in the middle, and this shape continued even after the end of the second war.

In the sixties of the last century, women followed the fashion of short hair, such as "bakebinma" in the 1970s, while the revolutionary youth in Europe and the United States during that period were generally long until the shoulders and smoothly with a story of the women and left it as a relative for men.As for the American men and women of African origin, they left their hair normal, and they worked on their curls with stone tools and rams from bones as a return to the African roots..

The role of religion

Religion and faith play an important role in the form of women and men's hair.For example, the Catholic nuns cut their hair very short, while the men who joined the Catholic monasticism in the eighth century they adopted a special form, which is shaving their heads and leaving a bald spot around the head of the head.And the Buddhist monks shave their hair from the end as well.As for the Muslim Muslim women, they cover their hair completely, as well as the Jewish women who marry clerics.

As for the men and women of the working class since the industrial revolution, they took care of their hair normal, or without attention, but the matter has changed among the working class since the middle of the twentieth century, where workers everywhere have either followed the prevailing fashion or choose their own haircuts, such as Mexican workers.In American cities, known as Mongolian hair cut, that is, shaving the whole hair except for a lukear in the back of the neck, and African -American hair with interlocking braids.