“Haaretz”: Russian President Vladimir Putin knows the place of the Ukrainian president and rejects his assassination

  • Time:Aug 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Watan - The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" revealed, quoting sources in Jerusalem, that Russian President Vladimir Putin told Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that Russia was learning the location of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zellinski, and that it refrains from his assassination.

The Hebrew newspaper emphasized that Russian President Vladimir Putin prefers the arrest of Ukrainian President "Zellinski" alive..

The newspaper said that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke again on Sunday night with Russian President Vladimir Putin.The two discussed Israeli mediation attempts to end the war in Ukraine.

In addition, Bennett spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Schultz.While Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced that he will take off today, Monday, heading to Riga, the capital of Latvia, and will meet US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken..

3 assassination attempts

The Russian talk about the knowledge of the Ukrainian president comes two days after the British newspaper "The Times".That Ukrainian President Foludmir Zellinski survived 3 assassination attempts during the first week of the raging war.

The newspaper said that the Kremlin sent a group of "Wagner" mercenaries.And Chechen forces, especially to Ukraine, to kill Zelinski.

However, these attempts were thwarted by the anti -war elements within the Russian Federal Security Service.

According to the newspaper, officials within the agency alerted Ukrainian officials about the assassination attempts plans.

The Ukrainian Minister of Defense confirmed that three attempts to assassinate his president.

He told the local press that he had received information from "double agents" who do not want to not in this bloody war.

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It includes one of the groups that was said to have tried to kill Zellinski, 44, who belongs to "Wagner", and includes 400 individuals..

The group members infiltrate Kyiv with a list of 24 people who are required to liquidate.

In the event of the success of the attempt, Russian President Vladimir Putin expanded any link to him.

"Mercenary Army"

A source told the newspaper that the Russians want to carry out the process of cutting the head of state in a might be denied.It is considered that if successful, the operation would have a major impact on the course of the war.

The Times reported that the commander of the "mercenary army", the oligarshvini Begini Briguzin, the ally close to Putin.It is called “Chef the President”, which was transferred 5 weeks ago after receiving a summary.

According to the newspaper, the "Wagner" elements were waiting for the green light from the Kremlin to carry out the process.Which includes, along with Zellinski, the killing of the Ukrainian Prime Minister, members of the Council.

The plan was sabotaged after information in this regard reached the Ukrainian government, last Saturday morning.And immediately announced a strict wandering ban in Kyiv for 36 hours, and everyone ordered the commitment of their homes, so that the soldiers can address the "Russian saboteurs"..

A source familiar with the "Wagner" activities stated that about 2000-4000 individuals from the mercenaries of this group have already arrived in Ukraine last January.In order to carry out various tasks.It is believed that

One of the tasks of those who followed President Zellinski and his colleagues via smartphones to know their movements.

A Ukrainian military official said that the Chechen assassination team was eliminated.He tried to kill the president on the first of March.

All this comes, at a time when the British newspaper "Sun" said, quoting unnamed sources that special forces (commandos) are American and British.It is trained in a "very dangerous process" to save Ukrainian President Vladimir Zellinski.

The same sources stated that more than 70 soldiers of the British elite forces have joined 150 US Navy members.At a remote base in Lithuania to plan to carry out this task at night.

The newspaper pointed out that these exercises are carried out by Ukrainian soldiers.

According to the newspaper, the Special Forces will carry out the Zelinski's removal process if he requests it himself.Where the final destination that the Ukrainian leader will be evacuated is unknown.

(المصدر: هآرتس)

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