QR code of gold on the back of the iPhone

  • Time:Jun 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

GSM Arena said that the Caviar company specializing in luxury products displays the QR code mode on the back of iPhone 13 Pro.

This code differs from its peers, as the Russian company will make it from 18 carat gold .. This comes within a selection of products related to digital signature.

الصين أكبر سوق للسلع الفاخرة في العالم بحلول عام 2025د ب أ22 يناير 2022iPhone SE.. هاتف آيفون القادم بهذه المواصفاتمحمد إسماعيل18 يناير 2022

كود QR من الذهب على ظهر آيفون

People need a health certificate these days to enter several facilities such as restaurants, sports clubs and other facilities that require proof, which calls for the use of QR code, so the company's idea came by providing a copy of gold on the back of the iPhone.

The QR code can show the business card, website, social media pages, or anything when the wiping over it.

Caviar offers three types of this luxurious digital signature, and prices start from 6220 dollars, while the most expensive cost more than 35,000 dollars because it covers the iPhone with a full gold, not the code alone, knowing that this price against the iPhone with a capacity of 128 GB.In the event that the customer wants to get an iPhone with a capacity of 1 TB, he must pay an additional $ 1,000.

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