Ghada Adel .. a doctor explains the symptoms and causes of blood poisoning

  • Time:Dec 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The artist Ghada Adel Trend topped the global search engine, Google, after being exposed to a large health problem, after which she entered the intensive care..After her agreement, the artist Ghada Adel announced that she had a state of blood poisoning, which she entered in a state of great fatigue.

Dr. Mohamed Adel, a consultant of immune and blood diseases in Al -Aini, speaks to the constitution about everything that can be known about blood poisoning.

What is blood poisoning? Blood poisoning is a serious infection that occurs when bacteria are in the bloodstream and the infection may be dangerous and fatal and blood poisoning can develop into blood rot quickly.

What causes blood poisoning?

Blood poisoning occurs when the bacteria that cause infection in another part of the body enter the bloodstream and any type of infection if it is bacterial, fungal or viral that can cause septic.These infectious factors are not necessarily required in a person's bloodstream to cause blood rot.Such infection occurs commonly in the lungs, abdomen, and urinary tract. The sepsis often occurs in people who enter hospitals a lot, as the risk of infection is already higher.

And since blood poisoning occurs when bacteria enter and some common causes include the following:

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Abdominal infection.Insect bite.Central line infection such as dialysis or chemotherapy catheter.Extractions.Exposing the wound covered with bacteria during surgical recovery, or not changing the surgical bandage frequently.The environment is exposed to any open wound from anyone.Drug bacteria infection.Kidney infection or urinary tract.Pneumonia infection.Skin infection.

From people at risk of blood poisoning

Those who suffer from weak immune system, such as HIV, AIDS, or leukemia.Young children.the elderly.People who use drugs by injection such as heroin.People with poor dental hygiene.People who use catheter.People who have undergone a tooth surgery.Those who work in an environment highly vulnerable to bacteria or viruses, such as a hospital or outdoor in a polluted environment.

What are the symptoms of blood poisoning?

goosebumps.Fever.weakness.Rapid breathing.Increased heart rate or palpitations.Pallor of the skin, especially on the face.Symptoms of influenza.confusion.Red spots on the skin may grow more and look like a large purple cloth.shock.Urinating a little.

فشل الجهازيمكن أن يؤدي تسمم الدم إلى متلازمة الضائقة التنفسية والshock الإنتانية .If the condition is not treated immediately, these complications may lead to death.

How is blood poisoning diagnosed?

It is difficult to diagnose blood poisoning because its symptoms simulate the symptoms of other cases..And conduct tests, including:

Blood tests.Measuring the level of oxygen in the blood.Mceard factors.Urine tests including urine transplantation.X -ray on the chest.Kidney and liver function tests.