Gaza is the capital of hope for the weak of the world ... and the miracle is a Palestinian industry ... and the password resistance ... and the disgrace of the prints is keywords

  • Time:Jan 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Cairo - Al -Quds Al -Arabi: This time is not a whole time..The sky had to give the Gaza, who did not have a food meal, but they acquired dignity reserves in our miserable area, hope.And pride is that word that has not been used for decades in our Arab countries, the resistance fighters have proven that it is still valid for circulation there.At a time when the American weapons factories were quick, to quickly extend the Zionist entity with a minute -guided American missile deal, at a valueThose who made it under the misdemeanor of darkness, and promised from God to victory or martyrdom.
وفي صحف الجمعة 21 مايو/أيار كان أنصار الرئيس السيسي في الصحف كافة هم الأسعد حظاً على إثر نجاح المساعي المصرية في التوصل لهدنة بين الفلسطينيين والإسرائيليين، وفي هذا السياق تصدرت عناوين الصحف تصريحات الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي التي قال فيها: «تلقيت بسعادة بالغة المكالمة الهاتفية من الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن، التي تبادلنا خلالها الرؤى حول التوصل لصيغة تهدئة للصراع الجاري بين إسرائيل وقطاع غزة..The visions between us were compatible with the necessity of managing the conflict between all parties by diplomatic means, which confirms the depth and strength of strategic relations between Egypt and the United States ».President Al -Sisi continued: “I look forward to strengthening relations between our two countries and achieving more interests and common spaces, I am greeting and appreciating the American President Biden for his role in the success of the Egyptian initiative, to stop the shooting and achieve calm, wishing the continued cooperation between us to achieve more common successesAnd that would establish a fair and comprehensive peace in the region ».
وحملت صحف “الجمعة العديد من الأخبار السارة من الحكومة للمواطنين أبرزها: رفع الحد الأدنى لأجور العاملين في الدولة إلى 2400 جنيه.The employees who address the Civil Service Law granted a periodic allowance of 7% of the job wage with a minimum of 75 pounds per month, without a maximum, and granted employees who are not addressed to the Civil Service Law, a special allowance of 13% of the basic salary with a minimum of 75 pounds per month, and without a maximum limit.As well as improving the entry of pensioners, an increase of 13%.Increase the teacher allowance, performance incentive, and the reward for transportation exams, with a stimulus report for school administration, increased pensions and granting a periodic allowance for the conversation of the Civil Service Law, and non -addressees, if the House of Representatives approves the draft budget for the next fiscal year.
هزيمة موثقة

Ammar Ali Hassan sees in “Al -Masry Al -Youm:“ The Arabs committed four strategic errors, as they boycotted the Palestinians of 48 on the pretext that he was normalized, and they did not communicate with Jews rejecting the State of Israel for religious or moral reasons, or interests, and they forgot that those who established Israel a group of elderly Jews,They attributed this to Torati's promise, and they did not deal with the Palestinian territories on the basis of the apartheid system.Palestinians 48, who were accused of ignorant of selling their lands, were the ones who adhered to their places, and they owned 82% of the land on which Israel announced its state, so a military rule was imposed on them between 48 and 66, which resulted in their forcibly expelling their land and homes, and some of them were forced to abdicate, and they did not remain for themOnly 3%.They rose up today against a long injustice.Because Netanyahu is a corrupt fanatic man who only believes in himself, he does not realize that his army does not hit Gaza, but rather strikes Israel.How do?Israel had approached its marketing to most Arabs, that coexistence is possible, and the two -state solution is the road.Today the Palestinians wake up, and realize that they are in front of an occupation and separation of my racist, and all the free people wrap around their cause.Does Israel hide its losses?Tel Aviv may not announce all its human and material losses, due to missiles and mortar missiles fired from Gaza, so what correspondents say from the vicinity of Gaza confirms this, where the bombing is continuous for camps and soldiers, and factories and settlements, and there are deaths, injuries and sabotage of facilities, according to reports.What does an accurate American missile deal mean that Israel is of $ 735 million, while the war wheel is taking place?The answer: Israel's missiles directed from its advanced planes- and despite the brutality and succession of the strikes day and night- have not yet been able to "direct decisive strokes" to the fortifications of the Palestinian factions...Simple analysis.In 1982, Israel invaded the land of Lebanon, so the Algerians came out protesting in protest against the collusion of Austria and Germany in the World Cup, which brought their team out of the championship, and history will mention that while Egypt was threatened with existentialism by the Ethiopia Dam, and Gaza was brutally bombed, there were absent who still quarreled about"The Century Club" in Africa.

A liar from his day

(Whoever wants life will live despite all the opposing circumstances..And whoever wants others, he only has to sleep until his head touched in a moment).Dr. Mahmoud Khalil continued in “Al -Watan”: Netanyahu came out last Wednesday saying that Israel fought Gaza in 2014, and was able to eliminate the capabilities of the resistance factions, which led to the security of the Israeli citizen from missile attacks for a period of 7 years (that is, until 2021),The goal of the war on Gaza during the past days is determined in limiting the capabilities of the resistance.Netanyahu is a model of leadership that knows how to lie to herself, until she believes the lie, and then export her to its people, Netanyahu neglects the fact that his step towards enabling the Zionist settlers from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood was the direct cause of what is happening, the spark broke out in Jerusalem, and from which there were fireAnger to everywhere on the occupied land, so everyone went out looking for life with resistance that does not know for fear or surrender.Netanyahu also ignores that the resistance has managed over 7 years- separating the 2014 aggression and the aggression of 2021- to develop their capabilities and develop their weapons, so the factions' missiles became able to live, and the drones appeared, but rather the submarines that tried.Netanyahu admitted that the resistance was able to build a whole city underground, moving from it with a complete comfort to hit, afflict and destroy the heart of Israel.

It ended with failure

Dr. Mahmoud Khalil continued to monitor the signs of madness and arrogance of the leaders of Tel Aviv: Netanyahu and the occupation forces bombed the houses and demolished the towers, and killed women, children and the elders..Every time the occupation officials were stating that they had destroyed many of the capabilities.Every Israeli bombing was met by a barrage of the missiles that have died throughout the occupied land, to prove again Israel's inability to repel harm from it as long as it hurt others..Netanyahu's loss was hidden in the heart of what he thought was a gain..He wanted to take a step forward, by enabling the Zionist settlers from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in order to correct his collapsed political situation, but he failed a miserable horrific failure, and he must now sit with the leaders of the occupation to count together the bill for losses.Netanyahu seemed to be weak in front of foreign ambassadors, as he hintled the role that Israel plays in defending the West and the democracy of the West in the region, as if he wanted to seek help in the western sponsor in the face of the exhausting position he lives with its people.In the context of the news that was talking about the efforts of many parties to the ceasefire, it was reported that everything that Israel wants is a closing scene, in which the occupation forces bombed Gaza, without the resistance factions responded to by missiles..Netanyahu is looking for a closing scene in which the water of his face preserves, but the factions refuse, and the bombing continues, and the response will be repeated over and over as long as Israel destroys homes and kills civilians.The resistance knew how to live and communicate despite the opposing circumstances..As for Israel, a force was of vanity..She tried to test herself in Gaza and failed.

Congratulations to the resistance

All indicators, according to what Ashraf Al -Barbari confirmed in Al -Shorouk, says that two parties are the Palestinian resistance and the Egyptian state that made gains that were not the most optimistic people expected..The resistance was able to change the rules of engagement imposed by Israel on the Arabs for the past seven decades, which is that the war is always in the land of the Arabs and that Arab civilians be in the Israeli fire, starting from the residents of the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin in 1948 to the residents of Gaza in 2021, through school studentsSea of the cow, and workers of Abu Zaabal factories in Egypt.For almost the first time, the Israelis live in extended days inside the shelters, for fear of the Palestinian resistance missiles, which reached Tel Aviv and the Israeli vital facilities affected from ports to gas stations, and of course along with the military targets.The follower of the Israeli media, and despite the fact that he underwent the rules of military control, will realize what the Palestinian resistance has succeeded in changing the equation, and the escalation of calls to end the military operations, which lost its feasibility for Israel, will be monitored, and it is no longer able to change the fact that Israel lost this tour in favor of the resistance.At the same time, the resistance re -defined young generations in the world, especially in the Arab world, to the Palestinian issue and explained the unparalleled injustice to the Palestinian people, which was evident in the demonstrations witnessed by most countries of the world to reject the Israeli aggression and support the Palestinian right.

Raboun because of them

As for the second winner, from the point of view of Ashraf Al -Barbari, in this confrontation, it is the Egyptian state that strongly returned to the regional scene as a force capable of moving and taking the initiative, whether through efforts to end armed confrontations and protect the Palestinian people, or in defending the legitimate rights of this people whoThe injustice of the occupation has been suffering for more than seven decades.The truth is that the Egyptian state has moved from the beginning of the current crisis, when Israel decided to displace the residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem for the benefit of the settlers, and even Cairo's announcement of an initiative to rebuild what was destroyed by the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, represents a very positive development in dealing with the requirements of national security for EgyptAnd it reflects a clear maturity in dealing with these vital files.Egypt has taken a strong position against the Israeli ethnic flowers of the Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and confirmed its rejection of these practices that violate the rules of international law, and threaten security and stability in the region.When the Palestinians responded to the ethnic cleansing operations in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and the armed confrontation with Israel started, the strong Egyptian position biased to the Palestinian right continued, and the Rafah crossing was opened, and North Sinai hospitals were equipped to treat the Palestinian injured..Then the announcement of an initiative worth $ 500 million to the reconstruction of Gaza, in conjunction with the efforts to achieve calm, so that Egypt takes the initiative in terms of supporting the brotherly Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and to cut the way on the scenarios that were previously repeated, when other countries jump on restoration operationsReconstruction and trafficking, and even exploiting this to jump on the regional role of Egypt.Of course, the battle has not ended and will not end soon, but what the Palestinian resistance achieved and what the Egyptian state achieved can be built on to restore more rights and roles in the future.

Egypt can

تكشف وتيرة الأحداث المتسارعة كما أخبرنا علي الفاتح في “البوابة نيوز”
في ملف الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي، أن ثمة قواعد جديدة للعبة فرضتها الدولة المصرية على جميع الأطراف.US President Joe Biden contacted President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi, his appreciation of the Egyptian ceasefire efforts, and his affirmation of his country's aspiration to strengthen bilateral relations to face the common challenges in the region;One of the evidences of those rules that enabled Egypt to obtain the support of all international parties, for its initiative on calm and immediate stopping the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.From the first moment of the escalation of violence, which began in the Al -Aqsa Mosque and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in the city of Jerusalem, the Egyptian security delegations moved towards Gaza and Israel, and formulated a draft of the agreement of a truce that won European and American support, and when the Security Council failed through four consecutive sessions in just eight days in issuingA statement calling for Tel Aviv to stop the aggression, President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi met with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, with the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, and they all agreed on the necessity of immediate stopping to shoot, ending all kinds of violence and heading to the Security Council to bear responsibility for the explosive conflict, and to start a processA new negotiation between the Palestinian and Israeli parties, to resolve the conflict in accordance with the relevant international decisions.According to the French presidential statement, France submitted to the Security Council a draft resolution calling for Israel to stop its aggression, which was formulated in coordination with both Egypt and Jordan;It is the project, which came as a surprise to the American administration, according to private press reports that the latter was behind the failure of four consecutive attempts by the Security Council.It can be said that these moves constituted an important pressure factor for the administration of President Joe Biden, which prompted the latter to speak with a very tone tone with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and asked him to end the military operation, considering that it has achieved its goals to deter the Palestinian factions, stressing that he will not be able to repel opposition positionsFor the Israeli military escalation, whether within Congress or the international community.

Just sympathy

غزة عاصمة الأمل لضعفاء العالم… والمعجزة صناعة فلسطينية… وكلمة السر المقاومة… والعار للمطبعين كلمات مفتاحية

Akram Al -Qassas affirmed on “The Seventh Day” that what is happening from the Israeli occupation forces towards the Palestinians, is a repetition of repeated aggressive behavior, but it is the first time that the facts appear to be with this clarity and overlap, because it comes in the midst of the social media, channels and publishing platforms, which make a state of liquidityAnd the informational density, with a mixture of confusion, while the cases of solidarity in Europe and America increases, it also faces clear Israeli propaganda, and it is irony that the occupying state that possesses power and weapons, and the bombing of the Gaza towns, homes and streets, it provides itself as the aggressor, in returnRockets launched by the resistance are depicted by Israel as a threat to civilians.It is sufficient for a look at the losses numbers, 231 martyrs, including 65 children, 39 women and 1710 Palestinian injured, and a tremendous destruction in the buildings, mosques and churches, while the factions announce the launch of 3,500 missiles on Tel Aviv, the occupation provides the matter that it is exposed to a barrage of missiles, so it exaggerates the reaction,Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announces that he had won and ended the missile threats, and eliminated the infrastructure of the resistance, while Hamas responds that it is still able to launch the missiles.Amidst the breadth of publishing and social communication departments, the traditional parties that used to bid in the Palestinian issue, or the parties that want to advertise themselves, disappear, while reactions remained duplicate, do not exceed the declaration of sympathy and support, without new ones that could be in the interest of Palestinian rights.The writer emphasized the presence of a few parties working hard and without accounts, or a desire to exploit the conflict for political or propaganda goals, and from the first moment Egypt continues its efforts to calm, to a ceasefire on Gaza, and allocates $ 500 million for reconstruction.

This is its destiny

The Egyptian and strong Egyptian support for the Palestinian people was not surprising to those who know the extent of the leadership and people of Egypt's association with the Palestinian issue, those relations that Alaa Thabet described in Al -Ahram as deep roots, and in the depth of history, especially Gaza, which was for long periods part of Egypt, and remained belowThe Egyptian administration since the 1948 war, and the two peoples fused, and the blood of the Egyptians was asked in wars that were not only a defense of Palestine, but also from the Egyptian national security, which Palestine is its most important gates, which link it to the Levant and all the Arab East.President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi’s decision to open the Rafah crossing to receive the wounded Palestinian brothers in Gaza stems from the responsibility of Egypt and its position and its deep relationship with Palestine and its people, not only this, but President Sisi announced the provision of support amounting to 500 million dollars, in addition to opening an account in all banks to donate to the fundLong live Egypt, affiliated with the Egyptian presidency, for the reconstruction of homes and infrastructure destroyed by Israeli warplanes and boats, in conjunction with extensive Egyptian efforts on several axes to stop the war on Gaza, from contacts and meetings with Arab leaders, Islamic and European countries, the United States of America and the permanent members of the Security Council,To issue a quick decision to stop the fighting, and to find a just and comprehensive solution based on the establishment of a Palestinian state on the occupied lands in 1967 and its capital, East Jerusalem, a position that has not changed, and Egypt made a great effort, the largest part of it is not announced, or did not receive great media attention.The position of Egypt included several axes, the first of which is the most important unification of the Palestinian factions, to form a unified force capable of acquiring popular and international legitimacy in the Palestinian territories and the rest of the world.

Watermelon is fine

We go to “Al -Watan”, where Mahmoud Al -Barghouthi refuted the allegations of the poisoning of some fruits, on top of which is watermelon: what was rumored to lie, slander and ignorance about the Egyptian peaches and watermelon, the most beautiful summer fruit, and the fastest corruption in the intense heat, especially with poor circulation after the harvest, whereSome of those who are bound are negative cases that do not leave the fingers of one palm, to depict them and broaden them as a general phenomenon, and that it is responsible for cases of intestinal colic filled with Egypt's hospitals, which is a pure lies and slander.With the availability of social media pages, the ease of its establishment, and the cheap costs of their costs, those who caused the mere "boys" to the "municipal walnut" rings turned into a "captain" of cultivation, agriculture, agricultural production, farmers, hunting, hunters, and other names that are formed according to the availability,Their owners claim that they are official speakers of the children of the food producers class in Egypt, whom most international norms described as the real "life makers"..And it happened during the past few days that one of the people who caused people came out through a page of colors in all the colors of the political and social spectrum, and issued a statement in the name of the "Captain of the Peasants", warning the Egyptians against eating peaches and watermelon, with justification that they are contaminated with pesticides, and that they caused the spread of cases of poisoning for children,And even adults.It is proven that Egypt does not have a "captain of peasants", and that the General Syndicate of Peasants has been dissolved for more than five years, due to financial and administrative violations, and the unified general union law for peasants is still in the list of parliament committees, throughout its past session, and even during the current session.What is said regarding the Egyptian peaches and watermelon is not new, especially at such a year annually, that is, in summer, and when entering the Egyptian fruit season, the start of the sale, boom and export season, with the aim of spoiling the joy of farmers, with a severe blow to their appearance, and thus destroying an important part of the Egyptian economy,It is associated with agriculture, and it is certain that they know that Egypt's production of watermelon is about one million tons, or more than 125 million watermelon, despite the climate changes that have eliminated half of the crop..

Napon in the summer

The exception in those who participate in this business that Ahmed Abdel -Tawab talks about in “Al -Ahram” are those who are committed to the law, who fulfill their pledges in their advertisements in which they promise to eliminate summer insects and mice in homes, or in the workplace, and they do their work efficiently, without disputes, and according to the financial valueThe agreed upon, and there are others who are experienced by seasonal monuments every summer, who are good at luring their victims with false advertisements, intended in them inaccuracy, and they speak in a soft, polite way, to prepare the customer to accept a process that is discovered after he was involved, that she was not the clarity that appeared to him, after he believed temptationsThe ads, with the attractive way in which the deal began, where the owners of the project claim that they have wide experience and competent workers, and materials imported from advanced countries, then, which is the most important, the promise that the task ends from one pinch, and that the cost is low, then the victim soon discovers thatThe amount announced, is only on the transition and inspection item, which has never been mentioned, and that the materials used are expensive, with what the victim did not agree with, if the announcement is clear, then the true, fierce face in the quarrels is clear about the oppositeMali, in which the owners of the project deliberately excite the fuss in front of the neighbors, which is not desirable by many customers, so they pay the required until they forgive themselves from the embarrassment and then the shock is after this, that spraying has no effect, and that insects are very reassuring, and that they are stillIt threatens infants as it was before the imaginary spray.This type of monument has spread a lot, raising questions about the role of monitoring state agencies, and how is it allowed for anyone to take advantage of newspapers or the Internet in false advertisements, that want to be caused by victims and the monument to them to pay money that is not announced?Without obtaining the service announced.Is it not logical that the state agencies protect citizens from the monument?

They are the vaccine

Karima Kamal was interested in “Al -Masry Al -Youm” with doubts about the feasibility of the Chinese vaccine: Dr. Mohamed Abu Al -Ghar got the vaccination with the two doses of the Chinese vaccine, “Senovarm”, and it was understood that any vaccine does not prevent the injury completely, but if there is an injury, it comes light and does not require entryTo the hospital, but Dr. Abu Al -Ghar entered the hospital, which means that the vaccine was not at all influential.When we got the vaccination with two doses from the cinematic, we felt safe, and that we are somewhat safe from the damaged virus, and that we survived that we lose our lives because of the virus...We did not stop wearing the muzzle and we did not stop the precautionary measures, and we stayed imprisoned in our homes, and we apologized for any gathering, we stayed as we were before we got the vaccine, but we started to feel a degree of safety, with a degree of protection..Now we no longer feel this safety and this protection, as if we did not get the vaccine.Does what happened to Dr. Abu Al -Ghar, that the vaccine is not influential?One of the people, an economy and businessman, wrote on Facebook that he had obtained the two doses of the Chinese vaccine Senovarm, and then after several weeks he analyzed the detection of antibodies, he did not find any counter -bodies, and asked: Does this mean that we have injected with water?This doubt is not only shocking people, but rather it strikes the vaccination campaign in a killing, especially since we have not yet been vaccinating a number of people that could be influential in the spread of the virus, according to the latest announced by a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, a million and three people have been vaccinatedOnly so far, that is, we need years to reach an impressive rate..From here, the Ministry of Health must announce all the required information, including how whoever receives the two vaccine doses with the virus, the suspicion affects everyone.

The wealthy dogs

The problem of stray dogs is still a very bad phenomenon in the streets of cities throughout Egypt.The problem of stray dogs, as Amr Hashem Rabie sees it in “Al -Shorouk”, is not far from the problem of the presence of dogs in general, whether stray or misguided in the streets and homes of Egypt.For non -stray dogs, it appears to be lighter than the major phenomenon related to stray dogs.The non -stray dogs need their affairs for some organization related to the pamphlets, the controls of walking in the streets, and the issue of leaving them in the balloons or above the surfaces barking and causing inconvenience to the neighbors.The largest and most painful is to let it pass by passers -by in the streets, intentionally or intentionally, or pollution of places with their waste, especially with their owners taking them in the streets and public places, with the aim of carrying out the output process.In this regard, it may need legislation that compels the owners of these dogs to the necessity of licensing them, forcing them to put these licenses in hoops around their neck, and to approve their owners during the license to fully responsible for their actions towards others.

Resist dogs

We return with Amr Hashem Rabie, to the most important problem, which is the stray dogs that have abundant in the past few years, and disposal of them through killing has exposed the person to the situation under the status of the law, especially after the associations that protect animals abounded, and all of this because of the cause of animal welfare, even if it isThis is sometimes done at the expense of human rights, which is already violated on more than one side.For years, we have heard about seeking to develop a strategy to eliminate rabies disease in 2030, which is a strategy at the heart of its work to eliminate this offensive phenomenon by all legal means.This strategy has not been announced to this day, and it is talked about at times, that it is present and sometimes in the form of the unknown, as if it is in the process of preparing.For all the foregoing, the full responsibility to eliminate stray dogs becomes the responsibility of veterinary medicine, governorates, local development, research centers, and the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee in the House of Representatives.The latter, in particular, had previously discussed the topic in 2019, then soon returned to the closed drawers by the 2020 parliament.The presence of dogs is a great deal in the streets, the insecurity and the inappropriate appearance that leaves them, and intimidate the safe during the walk, especially women and children, especially the time of the evening through sterility, barking, and so on, and the remnants that leave them in the roads, and other problems are the most important thing that can be saidAbout the repercussions of this bad phenomenon.In the past, they said there is a difference between the dog and the sheep, the first gives birth to 6-10 of the puppies, and the second gives 1-2 of the lambs, but the blessing is on the second, so you find the latter more numerous, being useful for a person in all aspects.Today, the verse turned, dogs have become more than the number of sheep times and times, and the reason is of course not only in the absence of the blessing that has ceased to exist in those days, as much as it is also the absence of resistance that almost eliminated dogs, or the multiplicity of causes that make them an extensive rampant phenomenon.

Advice for the artist

It seems that you do not appreciate the blessing, this is what Safia Mustafa Amin said in “Al -Akhbar” to the young artist, when he complained about the many congratulations calls he received on the occasion of Eid Al -Fitr, and his inability to respond to it.He continued, saying: How do I find enough time, I am busy most of the time, and I take the holiday to rest from the trouble of work and its responsibilities throughout the year, so I asked him: Are the names of call owners registered on "your mobile"?He answered: Yes, I know most of them.I said: So you have a relationship with them, and they have their right to respond to their calls.It is not a condition that you respond in the moment and the moment, but you can certainly find time to suit you, his specialization to return congratulations and respect for people..The mobile device allows you to send an apology message from two words, if your circumstances do not allow immediate contact.He said: Many of them have an interest, and therefore they do not expect me to respond.I asked him sharply: Weren't you ever, the owner of an interest, and you were chasing adults to achieve it?If your manager or boss calls you to work, or any important person you need, wouldn't you accelerate to respond to him and take care of his call?Commitment to respect others bring you closer to them, and pushes them to exchange appreciation and respect itself..But neglect or indifference to people's feelings keeps you away from them, no matter how small they are.Respecting people is a sophisticated behavior that the family instills in children from a young age, whether by example or direct advice.The world will not last for you..And the person who has social intelligence is the one who knows the destiny of people, no matter how small they are, appreciates them and deals with them with respect, even if he sees that they do not deserve, so his sophisticated, polite style is beneficial to him because he pushes the other until he is replaced by the same respect..