Gantz may cancel constructive permits for Palestinians in Khirbet Zakaria, south of Bethlehem

  • Time:Aug 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes


Ramallah - “Al -Quds” dot com - a special translation - the Minister of the Occupation Army Benny Gantz is studying the construction permits recently granted to Palestinians in Khirbet Beit Zakaria in the vicinity of the “Gush Etzion” settlement complex, south of Bethlehem.

غانتس قد يلغي تصاريح بناء لPalestineيين في خربة زكريا جنوب بيت لحم

The Hebrew Radio "Kan", on Sunday morning, quoted sources in the "Blue -white" party led by Gantz, as saying that the decision is being considered, especially in light of the project site, in addition to the voices opposing this in the government coalition..

Gantz recently visited the region and met with officials of settlement leaders who explained to him the necessity of canceling the construction permit, and informed them after his tour of it near Khirbet that he already understood that this issue is complicated and sensitive.

And the ruin of “Beit Zakaria” or “Khala Skaria” as it is called it is located southwest of Bethlehem, and in the heart of the “Ghosh Etzion” settlements, it consists of several residential gatherings such as the Balta, Wadi Shakhit, Khalla Afana, and Al -Shafi’i area.The occupation cut its reasons by setting up ten settlement stars starting in the year 67, namely: “Kfar Etzion, Alon Shivot, Majdal Oz, Navi Dania, Jabtout, Beit Ayin, Roche Tzarim, Betar Eilate, Efrat, Eli Azar”.

  • مواضيع متعلقةاحتلالاستيطانبيت لحمبيني غانتستصاريح بناءخربة زكريااكمل القراءةAdvertisementاضغط للتعليق

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