Foreign Ministry: Incitement of the ongoing investigation committee is an official Israeli terrorism to cover up the crimes of the occupation and the settlers

  • Time:Nov 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Ramallah - “Jerusalem” dot com - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that the campaign of incitement launched by the Israeli government against the Human Rights Council and the ongoing investigation committee it formed regarding human rights violations in the Palestinian territories Official Israeli terrorism to cover up the crimes of the occupation and settlers.

In a statement issued on Thursday evening, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the escalation of the Israeli occupation forces, settler militias and their armed terrorist organizations, their violations, attacks, crimes and terror against defenseless Palestinian citizens, their towns, homes, land and properties, the latest of which was the settler gangs’ attack on citizens’ lands in Kafr Al-Dik. And their attacks on two shepherds and their detention in the village of Kisan, east of Bethlehem, and the occupation forced the shepherds to leave their grazing lands by force in the northern Jordan Valley.

Foreign: Incitement to ongoing commission of inquiry is terrorism Official Israeli to cover up the crimes of the occupation and settlers</p><p>She said that these violations and continuous crimes are a dangerous escalation that has reached unprecedented levels with the Israeli settlement bullying over our people and their land, and also dangerous levels with settler terror and violent attacks on Palestinian citizens, noting that they constitute an escalating episode in the implementation of the expansionist colonial occupation state projects in the Palestinian land. the occupied territories, with the aim of undermining any opportunity to establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, as an official Israeli policy of successive Israeli governments, one after the other.</p><p>It held the Israeli government fully and directly responsible for these crimes and their repercussions on the conflict arena, and saw in them conclusive evidence that the Israeli right and the extreme right are racing against time in order to destroy any opportunity to resolve the conflict through political means, and any opportunity to launch a peace process and negotiations leading to the embodiment of the Palestinian state .</p><p>She added that Israel chose, in the strategic sense, to perpetuate the occupation and achieve the gradual annexation of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, rejecting any political process with the Palestinian side, and preserving the existing colonial situation, which B’Tselem described as a system of superiority for the “apartheid” Jewish element from the river. To the sea.</p><p>And the Foreign Ministry continued: Not only that, but the occupying state is trying to stop any criticism or condemnation of its racist colonial behavior and practices and the violence and terror of its settlers against Palestinian civilians, and it is launching a large-scale campaign of incitement against any country, international organization or international resolution that exposes these violations or calls for an investigation. In it, as is the case with the campaign of incitement it wages against the Human Rights Council and the ongoing commission of inquiry that it formed, and places obstacles and obstacles in front of it as it dealt with previous investigation commissions that thwarted it, by accusing its members of anti-Semitism and “hatred of Jews”, as if the occupying state is asking the international community to applaud its violations and the crimes of its settlers.</p><p>She indicated that she finds that the content of the message of the seven major American-Jewish organizations urging Israeli officials to condemn settler terrorism and violence reflects the seriousness of the situation that settler terrorism has reached and its serious repercussions on the American arena. Through unambiguous practical measures, to protect Israel's position and support with American legislators and within the American administration and society, bearing in mind that the foundations of Jewish terrorism are spread openly in the occupied West Bank and are well known to the Israeli government and its various arms.</p><p>The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that it continues to follow up on Jewish terrorism against our people, its organizations and its elements at all levels, reiterating its call to the countries of the world to put these organizations on terrorist lists and to pursue and prosecute their members and those who support them and stand behind them.</p></div>
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