For the first time.. Hama Beca reveals his real name and announces his willingness to give up his nickname in exchange for one condition. The most important news

  • Time:Apr 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Festival performer Hama Beka revealed for the first time his real name, stressing that he does not mind giving up his nickname Beka in order to enter the Egyptian Syndicate of Musical Professions.

Hama Beka said during a telephone interview with the media, Amr Adib, on the “Al-Hekaya” program broadcast on MBC Egypt: “I am ready to change my whole life in order to work and eat a living, and my real name is Muhammad Mahmoud, and the name of Al-Dala’a Hammo, if we want in the union to remove Beka and put any name I don't have a problem."

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This came as a comment on what was reported about the Syndicate of Musical Professions issuing a new set of conditions for accepting festival singers in the Syndicate, which was denied by the Syndicate's first agent, Muhammad Abu Al-Yazid, during an intervention with the program.

Musicians respond to changing the names of festival singers

Muhammad Abu al-Yazid said: "There are no conditions for festivals, the conditions are for all members, and some came out with this story and published it in a strange way today, and this is the first time we hear about the subject."

He added, "Last week, I asked us for the names of non-members of the union so that permits would not be issued to them for parties. Some of them submitted their papers and they were valid, entered a committee and passed the exams."

He continued, "But it is useful for a singer whose name is Hamu Taykha, and his name is Hamu Rajab, and this is a sweeter name. We have no conditions, but the name is not acceptable. He must change his name, and this is the only condition, and in names that do not need to be changed."

Last November, the Syndicate of Musical Professions suspended a group of festival performers, and issued a list of 19 names included in its decision, led by Hama Beka and Hassan Shakoush.

It is worth noting that Hani Shaker, head of the Syndicate of Musicians, confirmed that he prevents anyone who is not a member of the syndicate and who is not authorized to work until their conditions in the syndicate are corrected and the exams are passed.

And when the announcer asked him about his opinion about the union’s decision, he said: “This is our country’s union, and I am not upset, and what we see is right, they do it, and they are with you for the other.”

Festival performer Hamu Beka went out today, Wednesday, in a live broadcast on his official page on the social networking site "Facebook", in which he talked about the lack of views on his YouTube channel after the decision to stop singing, which was issued by the Syndicate of Musical Professions led by artist Hani Shaker.

In response to a follower's question about his being banned from singing while Omar Kamal is allowed to sing, he said: "Sibwa Omar is in his condition, Heshehat hates him too."

Hani Shaker, the head of the Syndicate of Musical Professions, had issued a decision banning a large number of festival singers from working by a collective decision of the Syndicate Council.

The banned names include “Hamo Beca, Hassan Shakoush, and it was decided to cancel his annual permit, coriander and throat, Mustafa Zakaria Muhammad Ali, known as Muslim, Abu Laila, Ahmed Qassem, famous for Philo, Ahmed Moza, Hamo Tikha, Richa Costa, Samara, Shawaha, Welad Selim, the gang, Al-Zaeem, Alaa Fifty, High Heels Band, Magdy Shatta, Wazzah Matariya, Shakl, Amr Haha.

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