For pregnant women ... follow these tips for the best comfortable positions

  • Time:Feb 28
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes


Short link: Follow us also on Facebook During her pregnancy, the pregnant woman faces many pains and difficulties that make her unable and anxious throughout this period, and she usually searches for the best ways and positions for a healthy and safe sleep through Pregnancy.
Therefore, here are the best tips for pregnant women to sleep comfortably during that period, according to (the beautiful).

The best sleeping positions during pregnancy:

1. The best sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side, as it improves blood circulation for you and your baby and also ensures that the inferior vena cava is not compressed, which could limit blood flow to the placenta.

2. If sleeping on your left side is uncomfortable, a pregnancy pillow may help relax your tummy, back, neck, and knees.

3. If you find that you suffer from back pain, use the "SOS" position, which is sleeping on the side while trying to put a pillow under your stomach or between your legs.

4. In late pregnancy, you may suffer from shortness of breath, so you should lie on your side or lie on pillows.

Ways that pregnant women should avoid while sleeping:
Sleeping on the back can cause sleepiness On the back Problems with back pain, breathing, digestive system, and low blood pressure, which leads to reduced blood circulation to the heart, especially if you are in late pregnancy.

Sleeping on the stomachSleeping on the stomach is impossible due to the physical changes that occur, which make It is difficult to lie on it, as sleeping on the stomach causes many problems, whether for you or your fetus.

Tips for a better and comfortable sleep during pregnancy:

• Reducing caffeine intake and avoiding drinking Coffee, tea, or caffeinated beverages after 3 pm

• Drink plenty of water and fluids throughout the day, but reduce your intake of those fluids two hours before bed so that you do not have to get up and go to the bathroom.

• Exercising, which the doctor advises you for 30 minutes, as those exercises that are practiced such as yoga and others before childbirth work to relieve tension and improve blood circulation.

• Body massage works to sleep better, with the need to avoid exercising before going To sleep within four hours.

• Taking a warm bath or a foot or shoulder massage helps you to relax.

• Make your bedroom dark and quiet at night to get a comfortable sleep.

• Wear loose and comfortable clothing that helps freedom of movement.

For pregnant women, follow these tips for the best positions Comfortable to sleep