Fitbit is withdraws one million hours connected after its users have burns in the wrist

  • Time:Aug 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Fitbit has just announced 1 withdrawal.7 million hours connected.According to the US Monitoring Agency, the Ionian model launched in 2017 causes burns to the wrist items.Therefore, Fitbit has pledged to return the supplement against the defective device, which hit about 118 people around the world.

شركة Fitbit تسحب مليون ساعة متصلة بعد إصابة مستخدميها بحروق في المعصم

On March 2, 2022, Fitbit was forced to withdraw 1.7 million hours connected.The American brand, which Google bought for $ 2 billion in 2019, is compatible with the opinion issued by the US Agency responsible for the safety of consumer products (CPSC).

According to the agency, the Fitbit INIC model, a continuous watch model launched in 2017, represents the risk of burning.The organization requires all smart watch users to stop wearing it immediately.Fitbit sold a million of these hours in the United States and 693,000 outside.Apparently, the problem comes from the built -in battery within the watch.According to the American Agency: "The lithium -ion battery in the ionic smart watch can increase its temperature excessively, which poses a risk of burns.".The agency claims that it has received 115 reports in the United States.118 individuals around the world were wounded with burns while wearing the supplement.The US agency calculates "two third -class burns and four reports of second -class burns,".

In its press statement, the observation agency asked its wearer to return the watch to Fitbit.Upon receiving the device, consumers will receive $ 299.The company will also provide the participating consumers a coupon code for 40 % discount on specified Fitbit devices.Where the company quickly responded to calling the agency that it requested:

How is the paid amount recovered?

Fitbit INIC Watch has not been marketed since December 2021.However, it is still on sale in many retailers, as well as in the used commodity market.If you are wondering if your watch has been affected, we encourage you to check the serial number on its back.If you find a number starting with FB503, call the company.Where you ask the concerned customers to refer to the custom web page on its website or contact customer service for a recovery.

الوسومFitbit Fitbit Ionic