Feasibility study of a shoe factory project .. amazing profit opportunity

  • Time:Jul 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

With competition, complications, and even intimidation associated with the shoe industry, you may be concerned that as an entrepreneur without experience you will not be able to start the project of your own shoe factory, but the production of shoes of all kinds is one of those projects that meet the needs of people urgently, it is really very profitable and enabledTo be a great source of wealth formation.

If you are interested in shoes and have a spirit of entrepreneurship, you may be interested in learning how to start your own shoe factory project;But the main issue is that there is a serious competition in the shoe production industry;Due to the presence of hundreds of factories specialized in the production of shoes of all kinds all over the world;So entering into this competition, which is more fierce day after day, requires more hard work, skill, effort, creativity, capital and creativity to achieve this.

But the start of the shoe production line of all kinds is not an easy task;It requires creativity and commercial acumen to make the brand work and make profit, and the creative style will allow you to create products of interest to the target market.

Fortunately, if you do not have the necessary skills when it comes to starting the shoe production line, it is a skill that you can learn with ease, or at least to use external sources, so it can be said that in light of the bidding demand for shoes, work in the shoe industry is considered a very profitable deal;So specify your right field, whether you want to sell luxury shoes or suitable for parties or official shoes, and will the target audience be men or women or both?

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Doubles of shoe industry

With the rapid development in the fashion world there has become a variety of shoes available for different occasions, from a wedding to a job interview, and the list goes on.

In addition, good shoes can remove pressure on your back and spine, in other words: shoes are an essential piece that does not help you to transfer your personality in a unique way.

Global shoe market

There is no doubt that the shoe industry in the world is witnessing a strong competitiveness, as the size of the global shoe market is estimated at more than 385 billion US dollars in 2021, and a number of experts in this leading industry expect that the global shoe market grows at an annual growth rate of 5.7% duringThe period from 2022 to 2026.

The increasing demand for modern and comfortable shoes is a major factor that pushes the global shoe industry, in addition to increasing enthusiasm and awareness regarding the importance of choosing the appropriate and comfortable shoes for the feet, the prosperity of the electronic commerce sector in retail all over the world, and the high levels of income available to consumers are the main factors that facilitate growthThe manufacture of shoes of all kinds.

The shoes consist of different materials such as: the skin, plastic, rubber and fabric, and among these skin is one of the prominent materials used in the manufacture of shoes, moreover many makers use environmentally friendly raw materials, including recycled car tires, recycled carpets,Organic cotton, leather dyed with vegetables to produce shoes.

Fellow products are the biggest challenge facing the shoe market worldwide, as they greatly impedes distribution channels and lead to a negative impact on the entire market.

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Shoe factory project project

Behind all these statistics and trends you will notice that the shoe industry of all kinds is of great importance to the national economy;In terms of trade, employment, investment and revenues, and since shoes are one of the basic products that enter into fashion, you will find that there is a heavy demand for them in various types and sizes, which leads to an increase in the volume of sales and then a lot of profits.

With the increase in the monthly income for the consumer, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of wearing high -quality shoes, elegant and high -level, which enhances the speed of profits when it comes to starting a shoe factory project, and the reason for this is because the project is already based on the movement of buying and selling throughout the days of the yearOnce a pair of shoes is sold, you will receive the amount in cash immediately.

The idea of ​​the project revolves around the creation of a specialized factory for the manufacture and production of shoes, using the latest technology; It aims to cover the increasing demand, in addition to achieving more profits, and it is noteworthy in this project that it comes among the successful business; Where any person can start their first commercial activity in the world of entrepreneurship by working in the field of shoe industry on a small, medium or even large scale according to the investment capacity, and although scientific degrees and certificates are useful, it is not a condition for starting your shoe line, However, it is better to have experience in the retail industry.

دراسة جدوى Shoe factory project project

If you are thinking about starting your own shoe line, you may have already have an interest or some experience in designing shoes, and in the interest of providing the necessary assistance to all people who want to enter the world of entrepreneurship through the shoe industry, the entrepreneurship site provides a studyFeasibility of a shoe factory project.

First: Market and competitors research

At the present time, there is a huge number of leading companies and brands in the shoe industry of all kinds - whether it is local or global - which means that there will be many local and international competitors;So it is important to decide who you want to compete with, if you have a comprehensive knowledge of your competitors is the key to staying at the top of your competitors.

Competitive analysis will help you overcome competition and know how to distinguish in the market that is getting more than day after day, and when you study the market and competitors you will be able to learn about a lot of important information about competitors such as: strategies, weaknesses and strengths, in addition to that you can visit retail storesTo find out customer orientations regarding shoes.

In short: If you want to stay at the top of competition, it is very necessary to conduct a comprehensive research on each company specializing in the shoe industry to get an idea of things such as: the most requested type or product in the market, local and international sales opportunities, demand and supply, market share, competition,The cost, the required workforce if you plan to work widely.

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Second: Write a business plan

It is always useful to write a work plan and implement it at the beginning of your business, and you will be a road map that determines how you will reach your goals over the next two years of starting, but you also have to know that your business plan is not necessarily fixed, and of the nature of the competition the market witnesses new effects every day,There are always new technologies and new ways for customers to find products.

In general, we believe that the best strategy for a shoe factory project is to remain smart and adaptive, and as some experts emphasize, the continuous rotation rate in the shoe industry can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, and it may mean keeping pace with the market to adjust your original plan, yet always keep in mindThere are some basics that remain fixed in your business plan in order to be the process of mobility in these changes less tired.

Another more important thing is when you determine what suits your business in the shoe industry and building your identity on this matter you will undoubtedly be able to speak to the right people who look forward to buying your product and learn about the culture of your brand, if you are going to write the plan for your work, there are manyOne of the main areas to consider;The most prominent of them: "The costs of starting and financing, legal aspects and brands, brand identity industry, production, sources, and marketing."

Third: Determine the target audience

The next thing you should do is to determine the target market for your shoe factory, choose the type of shoes you want to manufacture, whether it is athletic, or official shoes, or even any other type of shoes, and you also have to take into account the availability of raw materialsRelated to the capital and skill you possess.

Perhaps this is the most important part of this process: Who do shoes?Do you want to build a group of shoes designed individually for wealthy individuals and sell only a few pieces a month?Or do you prefer to see the shoes you offer on the shelves of each multi -section store throughout the country?Before you start production, you must determine whether you need to make a million pairs of shoes, or only one.

دراسة جدوى Shoe factory project project.. فرصة ربح مذهلة

In general, determining the target market is to determine the characteristics of people or retail stores that are likely to buy the shoes you offer through your own project.

Fourth: brand design

Once you specify the market and the target audience, you should determine your brand in order for people to know the shoe products that you offer through your own project.

So you should count enough time to think well about the potential names of your brand, in addition to that your brand name should be distinctive and related to the shoe industry.

Fifth: Establishing the legal entity

Legally, will the project of an individual royal shoe factory be a "limited" organization project?If you choose the first option, you will bear the responsibility for all your assets and your accumulated requirements on the project, in the end you must register the company legally with all your partners;To avoid any legal problems.

If you are working in the shoe industry as the owner of the brand, do not leave any gaps and make sure this is placed on paper when merging the company.

The legal aspect does not stop there, but your project or business must have a unique legal name and you can use a Google search engine to search for the word or phrase or a set of phrases that you want to use as a name for your business, if you are not sure, look for a good lawyer to advise youRegarding the most important legal aspects in the shoe industry, such as: the tax structure, of course, through these procedures you can get the highest possible return in your own project.

Sixth: licenses and permits

At least you will probably need a public business operation license to start your business in the shoe industry officialThe local ruling agency to ensure that you get all the appropriate licenses and permits.

It is also certain that obtaining an identification number for the employer is one of the basics that must be taken into account;So that the project is complete and has all the legal papers that preserve its position among the most competitors;So you will want to apply for the employer's identification number at the Tax Authority in your state.

Although the employer's identification number is not required for all companies, obtaining a personal identification number can help you provide your taxes, apply for a commercial bank account, as well as access to business financing.

Seventh: Financing your shoe line

One of the important steps to create a shoe factory project is to think about financing as a process consisting of two steps, first: there is financing to build your team and create preliminary designs, plans and preliminary models, and the second: you will need more funding for manufacturing, production and distribution on a broader scale.

وكما أوضحنا سابقًا هناك ثلاثة مستويات لتكاليف بدء التشغيل لبدء خط الأحذية الخاص بك «صغير، متوسط​​، كبير»، ويُمكن أن تأتي أموالك من مجموعة متنوعة من المصادر: «الأموال الشخصية، قرض شخصي من العائلة أو الأصدقاء، مستثمري الأعمال، مؤسسات التمويل المختلفة» وما إلى ذلك.

Another option: If you have good credit, which is to use a credit card with a period free of benefits, you will make enough money to pay the card before starting the interest, and you can also try group financing or a housing purchase loan.

It is necessary to understand the risks before you bear any debt when it comes to collecting the necessary funding to start your shoe line, if you want to increase your education, you can use entrepreneurs who have sufficient experiences in this regard specifically.

Eighth: Choose the right site

Before making the implementation decision, it is important to ensure that your commercial project is located in a place that can be reached through transportation, and that the target market is also close to the sites to complete all paper works related to the land with the help of its owner, and commercial areas and industrial cities are considered places appropriate for the shoe production factory;It contains all basic facilities such as: water and electricity supply in sufficient quantities.

It is worth noting that this project can be implemented from the home, but make sure that it has enough space that allows the practice of shoe industry, and one of the important things that must be taken into consideration also when choosing the appropriate location is that the transportation costs in these areas are lower, lower losses and high pricesFor products, in addition to the presence of the target groups in the surrounding areas.

As for the area of the shoe factory, the land area must be large enough to accommodate all the basic facilities that facilitate the production process;So the factory area should not be less than 150 square meters;Where you can divide the entire area into sections, one section must be to treat raw materials and manufacture products, and allocate the second section to store shoes that are constantly manufactured.

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Ninth: Rehabilitation of infrastructure

A step to rehabilitate the shoe plant infrastructure comes within the basic steps;Therefore, it is necessary to invest well in the important services and equipment that the factory needs in the rehabilitation stage, and the basic equipment is to cover all production halls with strong anti -airspace roofs, supply drainage and water lines, paint all factory walls, and ceramic installation in floors.

In addition, a high -quality lighting system must be installed in a way that helps in the continuation of the productive process in various conditions, not only this, but it is also necessary to install fans for ventilation;To get rid of the smells resulting from manufacturing operations, and providing the factory with an administrative section that includes all the capabilities that help in directing production and manufacturing work.

Tenth: Equipment and requirements

الترقيمالتجهيزات والمتطلباتالاستخدام
1قسم إداريلا بد أن يحتوي أي نشاط تجاري على قسم إداري؛ لكي يتمكن الموظفون والإداريون من متابعة الحالة الإنتاجية في المصنع؛ لذلك يجب إنشاء قسم إداري داخل مصنع إنتاج الأحذية يحتوي على كل الإمكانيات الأساسية المساعدة في عملية الإدارة؛ حيث تتمثل في: “أجهزة الكمبيوتر، قطع الأثاث المكتبية، ومكيفات كهربائية وعددًا من المكاتب والكراسي”، وغيرها من المتطلبات الأخرى.
2قسم تخزينمن المهم تزويد مصنع الأحذية بقسم خاص لتخزين المنتجات النهائية وإعدادها جيدًا لمرحلة التوزيع _سواء كان للمستهلكين أو متاجر البيع بالتجزئة_ ويجب أن يحتوي هذا القسم على جميع الإمكانيات التي تضمن فعالية وجودة المنتجات بعد عملية التصنيع.
3مراوح تهويةتُعد مراوح التهوية من الضروريات التي لا يُمكن الاستغناء عنها في مصنع الأحذية، نظرًا لأنها تُساعد في التخلص من الروائح الكريهة الناتجة عن عمليات التصنيع المختلفة؛ لذلك لا بد من تركيب عدد كافٍ من مراوح التهوية.
4أنظمة إضاءةيحتاج المصنع إلى تركيب أنظمة إضاءة عالية الجودة؛ حتى يتمكن العمال والموظفون بالمشروع من مواصلة العمل بمختلف الظروف، وهو ما يُسهم في التركيز على الجودة وزيادة الإنتاجية.
5شبكة اتصالات داخليةلا بد من توفير شبكة إنترنت ذات سرعة وجودة عاليتين، بالإضافة إلى تركيب شبكة اتصالات داخلية وخارجية لإرسال واستقبال المكالمات، سواء بين الموظفين وبعضهم أو للتواصل مع العملاء، وتنسيق العمل بينهم.
6كاميرات مراقبةيجب تركيب شبكة كاميرات مراقبة في جميع أنحاء المصنع؛ حتى لا تتعرض موارد المشروع للسرقة، كما يُمكن استخدام الكاميرات في مراقبة الحالة الإنتاجية وأداء الموظفين والعاملين داخل المصنع في حالة عدم التواجد بالمكتب.
7معدات إطفاءمعدات الإطفاء من الأساسيات في جميع الصناعات؛ حيث يتم استخدامها في حالة نشوب أي حرائق للسيطرة عليها في أقل وقت ممكن؛ كي لا يتعرض المشروع لخسائر فادحة.
8لوحة إعلانية مضيئةمن المهم أيضًا تركيب لوحة إعلانية مُضيئة على المدخل الرئيسي للمصنع تحتويعلى اسم المشروع ووسائل الاتصال الخاصة؛ للتسهيل على العملاء.
9تجهيزات أخرىهناك بعض التجهيزات الأخرى التي يحتاجها مصنع إنتاج الأحذية، والتي تتمثل في: طلاء الحوائط وتركيب السيراميك في الأرضيات وإعداد وتجهيز خطوط المياه والصرف، إلى جانب تركيب شبكة كهربائية آمنة.. وغيرها.

Eleven: Equipment needed to start making shoes

الترقيمالمعدات اللازمة لبدء التصنيعالاستخدام
1آلة قص الأحذيةفي هذه الصناعة يتم جلب آلة قص الأحذية بمقاسات مختلفة حسب اختيارك ووفقًا لطبيعة ونوعية الأحذية التي ترغب في تقديمها من خلال مشروعك التجاري الخاص.
2آلة قطع الجلودتُستخدم هذه الآلة أيضًا في قطع الجلود وفقًا للمقاسات والتصميمات الخاصة بالأحذية التي ترغب في صناعتها وتقديمها للعملاء والمستهلكين.
3آلة خياطة الأحذيةتُستخدم آلة خياطة الأحذية متعددة الأغراض في خياطة الجلود بعد الانتهاء من تقطيع الجلود وفقًا للتصميمات والمقاسات.
4آلة تثبيت الأحذيةيتم الاعتماد على هذه الآلة في مرحلة تثبيت الجزء العلوي على الجزء السفلي من الأحذية، لكي تخرج بشكلها النهائي إلى مرحلة التجهيز والتشطيب.
5الخيط والإبرةدائمًا ما يتم استخدام الخيط والإبرة للخياطة في الأماكن التي لا تستطيع الماكينة الخياطة فيها، وهذه واحدة من أهم الخطوات التي يتم من خلالها التأكد من صحة المنتج.
6آلة تشطيب الأحذيةتُستخدم هذه الآلة في مرحلة التقفيل النهائي للأحذية والتأكد من إتمام كل المراحل السابقة، كما تقوم هذه الآلة أيضًا بتنعيم الأسطح الجلدية الخاصة بالأحذية من خلال ورق الصنفرة التي يتم تثبيتها في آلة التشطيب.
7ماكينة تثقيبتقوم ماكينة تثقيب بعمل تجويف أو ثقوب في الأحذية لتثبيت وتركيب الدبابيس والخطافات والحلقات وما إلى ذلك.

Twelfth: Design of shoes and graphics

The next stage of the manufacturing process is to make graphics and designs for shoes that are considering making and presenting them to the target audience;It is preferable to provide workers and employees with modern ideas;So they can translate graphics and designs into modern products that correspond to the desires of the target audience.

This stage is easily characterized by the fact that it does not need any machines or machines, but graphics and designs can be placed on paper, in mind that this stage is enhanced by the speed of production and thus achieving a high percentage of sales.

Thirteenth: Manufacture your designs

Depending on the machines and machines specialized in the shoe industry, you can translate graphics and designs into elegant and modern shoes that correspond to the latest fashion trends, in the early days, you can produce shoes in small batches to test the market, and if the experiences are successful, you can start producing huge amounts of elegant shoesWholesale for sale.

In the essence of all of this, you must adopt standards and quality in the process of manufacturing shoes, in mind that as long as you have resources and capital, you can work in the shoe industry on a large scale, for example, you can manufacture women's shoes, the official shoes of men, sneakers,In addition to manufacturing leather bags, Arabic sandals, specially designed shoes, and many other things.

Fourteenth: Choosing raw materials and supplies

Raw materials are the main factors of the manufacturing process;Therefore, you need to communicate with the root of rough raw materials and ask for a timely manner - whether the supplier is locally or globally - and includes the most used raw materials in the shoe industry: «skin, textiles, wooden and plastic shoe molds, foam, belts, ligaments, rubber, and needles»And so on.

Of course, it will be the best option to get the necessary raw materials at a reasonable price through the original sentences, and before choosing the supplier you can start a quick tour on the Internet to form a large network of suppliers and communicate with them;Where you can differentiate between them, and most importantly, make sure of the quality of the materials before receiving.

Fifteenth: Choosing the workforce

In the first six months, you can start running with a manufacturing capacity of 250 pairs of shoes per day, to achieve this you will need a work team consisting of the following: “General Manager, Marketing Director, Legal Accountant, Sales Representative, Maintenance Officer, Production Manager, Production Engineer, ObserverQuality, 15 production workers with experiences and skills for the shoe industry, 2 cleaning workers.

As for the project management, it is preferable for the project owner to be responsible for managing the factory and starting accounts and books, and when it comes to choosing the work team, it is necessary to take into account the availability of a number of major characteristics in employees and workers, such as: experience, activity, work love, good conduct, behavior and ability to bear work pressure.

Sixteenth: Marketing for your project

Being an entrepreneur, you are well aware that every commercial activity has a different marketing approach, and in the reality of the developments that the shoe market is constantly witnessing, we can say that it is necessary to start marketing the brand in an early time, and it is important to use the Internet, especially social networking sites;For elegant and modern shoe products that match the latest fashion, to encourage the audience to try your products.

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Another way is the use of the visual media to announce the products you offer through your project, with no ignorance of printed means such as: magazines and newspapers, and there is another smart way to create a well designed shoe, and contact with one of the celebrities who have a good number of fansOr the followers and send a husband for him or her for free, and all the celebrities do is publish a picture of the shoe

Add to that there is a feature of creating a blog or channel on YouTube when you start a commercial shoe activity, all you have to do is download pictures and create and download videos for some of your best products, and you can also use one of the common blogs in your country.

Seventeenth: expected costs

الترقيمالتجهيزات والمعداتالتكلفة المتوقعة
1تصميم العلامة التجاريةتتراوح تكلفة تصميم العلام التجارية الخاصة بمشروع مصنع إنتاج الأحذية من 345 إلى 425 دولارًا.
2تأسيس كيان قانونيتتراوح تكلفة إجراءات إنشاء كيان قانوني لShoe factory project project من 500 إلى 575 دولارًا.
3التصاريح والتراخيصتتراوح تكلفة الإجراءات القانونية لاستخراج التصاريح والتراخيص اللازمة لإنشاء مصنع إنتاج الأحذية من 460 إلى 530 دولارًا.
4إيجار مساحة المصنعتتراوح تكلفة إيجار المنشأة لبناء مصنع أحذية، بمساحة 150 مترًا مربعًا في إحدى المناطق الصناعية، من 800 إلى 1150 دولارًا شهريًا.
5قسم إداريتتراوح تكلفة تجهيز قسم إداري للمشروع يحتوي على العديد من الأدوات التي تُساعد في إنجاز الأعمال الإدارية، مثل: أجهزة الكمبيوتر والمكاتب والكراسي وأجهزة التكييف وغيرها، من 3750 إلى 4500 دولار.
6قسم تخزينتتراوح تكلفة تجهيز قسم لتخزين منتجات الأحذية بعد الانتهاء من عملية التصنيع، يحوي كل الإمكانيات التي تضمن صحة المنتجات، من 1900 إلى 2350 دولارًا.
7مراوح تهويةتتراوح تكلفة شراء وتركيب مراوح التهوية من 550 إلى 620 دولارًا.
8أنظمة إضاءةتتراوح كلفة شراء وتركيب أنظمة إضاءة عالية الجودة من 840 إلى 925 دولارًا.
9شبكة اتصالات داخليةتتراوح تكلفة تركيب شبكة الاتصالات الداخلية، بما فيها الإنترنت، من 175 إلى 210 دولارات شهريًا.
10كاميرات مراقبةتتراوح تكلفة شراء وتركيب شبكة كاميرات مراقبة داخل وخارج مصنع أحذية من 760 إلى 820 دولارًا.
11معدات إطفاءتتراوح تكلفة شراء وتثبيت معدات إطفاء حريق داخل مصنع إنتاج التوابل من 580 إلى 650 دولارًا.
12لوحة إعلانية مضيئةتتراوح تكلفة شراء وتركيب لوحة إعلانية مُضيئة على واجهة المصنع الرئيسية من 200 إلى 235 دولارًا.
13تجهيزات أخرىتتراوح تكلفة التجهيزات الأخرى الخاصة بمشروع مصنع إنتاج التوابل، والتي تتمثل في: طلاء الحوائط وتركيب السيراميك بالأرضيات وإعداد وتجهيز خطوط المياه والصرف، إلى جانب تركيب شبكة كهربائية آمنة وغيرها، من 6240 إلى 6570 دولارًا.
14أدوات بوفيهتتراوح تكلفة شراء أدوات بوفيه من 240 إلى 285 دولارًا.
15آلة قص الأحذيةتتراوح تكلفة شراء آلة قص الأحذية من 800 إلى 950 دولارًا.
16آلة قطع الجلودتتراوح تكلفة شراء آلة قطع الجلود من 745 إلى 830 دولارًا.
17آلة خياطة الأحذيةتتراوح تكلفة شراء آلة خياطة الأحذية من 1150 إلى 1200 دولار.
18آلة تثبيت الأحذيةتتراوح تكلفة شراء آلة تثبيت الأحذية من 1300 إلى 1360 دولارًا.
19الخيط والإبرةتتراوح تكلفة شراء كميات مناسبة من الخيط والإبرة من 320 إلى 450 دولارًا.
20آلة تشطيب الأحذيةتتراوح تكلفة شراء آلة تشطيب الأحذية من 1500 إلى 1575 دولارًا.
21ماكينة تثقيبتتراوح تكلفة شراء ماكينة تثقيب من 680 إلى 760 دولارًا.
22الخاماتصاحب المشروع هو من يمتلك القدرة على تحديد تكاليف الخامات وفقًا لخطة التصنيع واستراتيجية الإنتاج التي يتم اعتمادها، ومع ذلك يُمكنك تخصيص نحو 50 ألف دولار كميزانية أولى في العام الأول من إطلاق المشروع.
23أجور العمالةتتراوح تكلفة أجور القوى العاملة في Shoe factory project project، وهم: «مدير عام، مدير تسويق، محاسب قانوني، مندوب مبيعات، مسؤول صيانة، مدير إنتاج، مهندس إنتاج، مراقب جودة، 15 عامل إنتاج من ذوي الخبرات والمهارات الخاصة بصناعة الأحذية، 2 عمال نظافة»، من 12.500 إلى 13.650 دولار شهريًا.
24التسويقتتراوح تكلفة الحملات التسويقية لمنتجات الأحذية التي تُقدمها من خلال مشروعك التجاري الخاص من 800 إلى 950 دولارًا شهريًا.

Eighteenth: The expected total cost

1التكلفة الإجمالية المتوقعة– تكاليف متغيرة: تتراوح من 14.275 إلى 15.960 دولار أمريكي شهريًا. – تكاليف ثابتـــــة: تتراوح من 22.180 إلى 24.542 دولار أمريكي تقريبًا.

In the end, we would like to confirm that the aforementioned numbers in the above table that relate to the costs of the details of the feasibility of a modern shoe factory project and keep pace with the year 2022, are based on official sources, and it is possible to return to some of the famous electronic stores, such as: Ali Baba;To review some prices related to the necessary equipment and requirements for the project, and may increase or decrease according to the environment or geographical location in which the project will be established.

The nineteenth: expected profits

The pair of shoes made of leather that is sold to a large local retail seller may achieve between 4 and 7 US dollars, and the intermediate shoe pair can achieve between 3 and 5 US dollars, and if the factory operates a production capacity of about 500 pairs of shoes per dayThe project can achieve clear profits from 385,500 to 420.750 dollars in the second year of the launch of the project.

These profit expectations can be accessed and more if all smart steps are adhered to that related to the implementation of a shoe factory project, bearing in mind that close contact with suppliers and effective logistical services plays an important role in the success of the project.

Twenty: Project success factors

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