Foot fall hinders walking movement

  • Time:Aug 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Some find it very difficult to raise their foot when trying to walk, and therefore he is forced to make his foot, and it seems to those who look at him ascending a ladder.

This condition is called or the foot, and sometimes the foot hanging, and this term means that the person with this condition finds that raising the front part of his foot has become difficult for him, and that he can walk, he pulled his foot on the ground.

This situation is due to many reasons, and mostly are evidence of a problem, and the foot is a presentation of it.

This problem can be muscle, resulting from nerve damage in the leg, or that there is a brain or spine injury, or due to weakness or paralysis of the muscles that raise the foot, and sometimes due to some diseases, such as diabetes or strokes.

Mostly, one presented in this case, but some cases recorded an injury in both feet, which affects the cause of the injury, and this condition may have been temporary or permanent..

Al -Wajif gait

The prominent wage of the foot is difficult to raise the top of the foot, and therefore the injured person is forced to drag his affected foot on the ground when he walks.

This can cause his thigh to be raised while walking, and it seems that he ascends a ladder, so that he helps his feet to rise from the ground.

تعرف هذه الطريقة بAl -Wajif gait، ومن الممكن أن تؤدي هذه المشية الغريبة إلى اصطدام قدم المصاب بالأرض مع كل خطوة.

The skin is above the foot and toes in some cases is vulnerable to numbness, and the feet may affect one or both feet, depending on the reason, and it is advised to see a doctor when the injured man draws his toes on the ground when walking.

Slipped disc

ترجع الإصابة بسقوط القدم إلى العديد من الأسباب، ومنها Slipped disc القطني، وفي حالة تعرض مفصل الركبة أو عظمة الشظية لإصابة، وكذلك عند إصابات حول مفصل الحوض ناتجة عن التعرض لحادث.

The wrong sitting positions lead to long periods of time, for those who suffer from inflammation in the peripheral nerves, and in the case of sitting wrong or in a way that causes pressure on the external side of the knee or the bone of the fragment..

It also causes the constant and wrong sitting of some of the elderly, who suffer from health problems that forced them to stay in bed for long periods, in this case,

The cause of the foot drooping can be an infection of one of the nerves that nourish this area, including an injury to the bottom of the foot nerve, or infection in the nerves feeding the foot muscles and leg, as well.

Stadium injuries

يعاني البعض من تدلي القدم نتيجة تعرضه لإصابة في الظهر، أو بسبب حدوث كسر في العمود الفقري، كما أن المصابين بإحدى Stadium injuries، والتي تؤدي إلى قطع جزئي أو كلي بوتر أكيلس، عرضة لها أيضاً.

Infection in this condition is due to brain diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and side sclerosis, as well as in the event that a person is exposed to strokes in the brain centers, or as a result of errors when performing a surgery for a joint installation in the thigh, or to install the knee joint.

This infection can be due to diabetes, which weakens the nerves for a long time, and in some cases the cause is hereditary, which leads to muscle or nerve imbalance, which appears in the form of some muscle atrophy and gradually weakens.

Among the causes of foot falling is the injury of neurons in the spine, brain or spinal cord, as well as the wrong moves of people with fractures or cracks in the leg, while placing the cast, and sometimes due to shot poisoning.

Physical examination

The diagnosis of the footballing begins through the physical examination that the doctor conducted, where he monitors the injured person walking, and then examines the muscles of his legs, and it is possible to verify the presence of numbness of the feet and in the fingers and on the letter.

سقوط القدم يعوق حركة المشي

He resorted to performing photography tests, in order to determine the cause of this injury, sometimes the fall of the foot occurs due to excessive bone growth in the spinal canal, or because there is a tumor or cyst that presses the nerves in the knee or the spine.

Regular X -rays with a low level of radiation are used to see a soft tissue block, or a bone lesion that may cause these symptoms.

Photography tests

Vocal waves can release images of internal structures, thus checking the presence of cysts or tumors on the nerve, or showing swelling on the nerve resulting from pressure.

CT scans are combined with X -rays taken from several different angles, with the aim of issuing cross -brown pictures of the internal structures in the body.

MRI is useful, especially in seeing soft tissue lesions that can press the nerve.

Electrical planning measures the muscle and examination of the study of nerve delivery is an electrical activity in the muscles and nerves, and these tests can be uncomfortable, but they are useful in determining the location of damage near the affected nerve.

Select the reason first

The treatment of foot fall depends on the cause behind this condition, as well as the duration of the injury, and it is possible to use small changes at home, such as the use of carpets and non -slip stones, in order to prevent the fall, as it is necessary to raise the foot higher than usual when walking to avoid the risk of falling.

Some technologies help to stabilize the foot and improve the injured person's ability to walk, including wearing a pillar or ankle in the ankle to keep the foot in normal

The supports and jubs are the most common treatment, as they are worn at the bottom of the leg, to help control the ankle and foot, and maintain them in a straight position to improve walking.

Natural and surgical

Physiotherapy is used to strengthen the muscles of the foot and leg, and in many cases it improves the person's ability to walk well.

Neurosurgery can be useful, for those who have suffered a long time, and the doctor suggests an ankle or ankle bones surgery, or a procedure that transforms the working tendon and joins the muscle with another part of the foot.

In some very few cases, the ankle joint is installed, and from that as if the tendons are not intact, as well as for patients with the elderly, because the tendons are weak, and the transportation process is not suitable for them.

Electrical stimulation

يمكن في بعض الحالات استخدام جهاز تحفيز كهربائي مثل جهاز Electrical stimulation للعصب عبر الجلد، وذلك لتحسين القدرة على المشي بشكل أسرع وبجهد أقل وثقة أكبر.

Parts and connections of the self -adhesive electrodes are placed on the skin, so that one of them is near the nerve that nourishes the muscle and the other over the center of the muscle.

These connections connect the electrodes to a battery stimulant, which is the size of the card pack and it is worn on a belt, or kept in the pocket.

This catalyst produces electrical impulses that stimulate nerves to contract and tighten the affected muscles, and it is operated by a shoe sensor and is activated every time the heels of the injured are left the ground while walking.General advice

It should be noted that the treatment of foot falling begins after the precise diagnosis of the pathological condition, and many of these cases are temporary, and it improves without surgical intervention,

The duration of the treatment mostly ranges between 9 to 12 months as a maximum, provided that the injured person is regular in physical therapy, and the wearing of the foot of the foot..

Doctors with this condition advise a periodic follow -up to the level of blood sugar for patients with diabetes, as well as to ensure the integrity of the nerves of the limbs and the movement of blood circulation in the body in general..

Anyone who undergoes surgeries, such as replacing the pelvic joint or knee joint, should inform the doctor of his sick history before performing these operations..

ينبغي أيضاً معالجة حالات Slipped disc تحت إشراف طبيب مختص، وذلك لتلافي المضاعفات التي تؤدي في النهاية إلى حدوث مشكلة سقوط القدم.