Facebook storms the smart watch market in the summer of 2022

  • Time:Nov 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Follow up the event- Technopook

The Facebook platform is working to launch a smart watch in the summer of 2022, as the team is currently working on the second and third generations for the coming years.

About this, communication specialist and digital scientist Maryam Shaheen said that according to the leaks, the watch will be two composers, one front for video calls and "selfies", and one background, which will allow the user to separate them from the watch and install them using certain accessories on different places, such as: backpack.

فيسبوك تقتحم سوق الساعات الذكية صيف 2022

The watch will contain a large amount of sensors to follow the vital and healthy variables in an accurate and wide way, such as tracking and monitoring the heartbeat, according to Shaheen..

The communication specialist expects that the watch will carry an open source operating system from the Android system, while it will support communication technologies such as LTE, with the ability to use them for calls in isolation from the phone, such as Apple and modern Samsung watches.

With regard to future versions of the hour, it is possible to reach the Facebook glasses of the augmented reality that Facebook announced last year, to be an arms of control or setting settings and data entry, according to Shaheen.

The watch is expected to come in colors: white, black, and gold, at a price of $ 400.

Shaheen explained that the secret of Facebook's interest in building a smart watch came after attempts to acquire Fitbit in 2019 before Google was able to acquire it, and since that period Facebook spent nearly a billion dollars to develop the first version of its hour and put a team of hundreds of people working on the project.

Shaheen indicated that the main goal of Facebook in the current stage is to compete with Apple, Google and major companies that make wearable fitness technology such as watches, glasses, sensors, etc..