Exciting details were revealed during the investigation of the Darb Gulf merchants who accumulated huge fortunes through smart operations.

  • Time:Jan 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

Exciting details revealed during investigations with dealers The Gulf Trail who accumulated huge fortunes with smart operations.” title=

Exciting details were revealed during the investigation of the Darb Gulf merchants who accumulated huge fortunes through smart operations.

In this context, members of the National Division of the Judicial Police initiated investigations with merchants in Darb Ghelf who are in pretrial detention in Okasha prison, and revealed the existence of an international network active in smuggling mobile phones, computers, digital tablets, and wearable electronic equipment and selling them in markets, especially Darb Ghallaf al-Bayda, and it turned out that the matter concerned more than 20 defendants, including an Iraqi, while national search warrants were issued against others, showing that they closed their shops immediately after the raids that were launched by the National Judicial Police Division under the supervision of the Judicial Police Directorate of the General Directorate of National Security.

Al-Masaa confirmed that the arrest of well-known merchants in Darb Ghallef revealed new smuggling routes that included Al-Bayda, the port of Tangier Med, and cities in Spain. Its value is about 69 million dirhams, and it was illegally entered into Morocco from Spain.

The research conducted by the National Brigade of the Judicial Police, based on information provided by the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance, enabled the dismantling of the network specialized in international smuggling of mobile phones, computers, digital plates and electronic equipment, after the arrest of suspects in Tangiers who were found to be working for well-known merchants in the Derb Ghallef market. .

Investigations revealed that defendants intend to forge labels of international brands to be used in previously used phone boxes, and they are also being repackaged through legal mechanisms prepared for this as new phones that have not been used before.

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