Even the average Samsung phones will not come with a charger in the box

  • Time:Sep 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

There was a time when Samsung made fun of Apple's decision not to ship a charger with the iPhone 12 in the box. That was in 2020. Then the Galaxy S21 series arrived just a few months later, but it didn't come with a charger in the box.

Since then, Samsung's flagship phones have been shipped without chargers, even the expensive foldable smartphones didn't include chargers in their boxes. Like Apple and in the same footsteps, Samsung said that this is about sustainability and preserving the environment, but it is also clear that it is about other things, perhaps economic. It seems Samsung is now considering not charging heads even with its more affordable devices.

Even Samsung's midrange phones won't come with a charger.

It looks like there will be a day when a phone doesn't come with a charger in the box

Traditionally, mobile phone retailers in Europe have confirmed that some mid-range Samsung phones will not be sold. Shipped with a charger in the box. The list includes the Galaxy A13 and Galaxy A23 that wererevealed earlier this week. The Galaxy M23 and Galaxy M33 are also supposed to be launched soon but they have not been officially announced yet.

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This has not been officially confirmed by Samsung, but the fact that this could be true is not hard to accept. She already knows there aren't many ramifications to deal with. Customers now accept that they don't have the charger anymore, albeit reluctantly, as this is not a factor that users consider when deciding which phone to buy.

So Samsung could go ahead with this, and drop the charger from all the flagship and midrange phones, and that's what it might end up doing in the end. This will enable the company to increase the profit margin on these affordable phones with slim profit margins.

The blame here definitely falls on Apple, as it was the first company to decide to remove the chargers from the box, and we soon saw most phone manufacturers follow suit, confident that this would not cause them trouble, as Apple had already received it from them.