"Electric scooter" .. recklessness and random use is a threat to the safety of children

  • Time:Aug 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Some parents are drifting behind the desires or urgency of their children without looking at the risks of some matters, the "electric scooter" of the phenomena that posed a threat to children and their safety, especially the children's ride to the silence in the public streets and gardens, some of them for entertainment and others as a means of transportation between the home and the school,While categories of young and adolescents use it in the sub -streets of the residential neighborhoods of visits, or go to groceries, or even lead it in the streets designated for vehicles as a kind of entertainment or unlindive entertainment that cause traffic problems that may reach accidents and deaths.

For their part, specialists and educators stressed the importance of educating children in schools about the dangers and harm that they can be exposed to while playing with this device that is not in line with their age groups, as a result of dealing with it with recklessness or using it randomly without any controls or commitment to safety rules, which poses a threat to users from Adolescents and children, and they must go to acquire what is appropriate for their ages and hobbies through many devices that enable them to enjoy their times and protect them from dangers, and they indicated that keeping pace with friends and breastfeeding parents to their children may exacer For his passengers, noting that excessive speed leads to a loss of balance, frequency of falls and injuries.

In turn, the writer, Dr. Maryam Al -Shanasi, said: The forms and types of electrical bicycles have multiplied and we see them within the reach of many, including the category of young people, which raises a question: Are parents ignorant of the danger of their use by their children?

Because when we see children they entertain them in residential neighborhoods, without experience and without any appropriate safety equipment while driving, we know certainty that they are far from monitoring and following up their parents, which would pose a threat to the lives of young people because of their use of cars, instead of driving in the designated tracksIt is in some parks.


Maryam Al -Harbi, a pediatrician and director of research at Abu Dhabi Health Services Company "Health", warned against parents in front of the urgency of their child to buy an electric scooter without control and follow -up, and a group of children use it without wearing safety and ignorance of using it.

She added, "The danger of the scooter lies in the speed that leads to the loss of balance and the fall on the ground, which results in bruises and bruises that may affect the head, neck and spine.".

Maryam Al -Qusayr, a family and psychological advisor, also stressed the necessity of the parents not to accelerate the purchase of the electric scooter for their young, especially as it may threaten their lives, as this type of cycling is not entertaining as much as it is dangerous to their physical health and their lives in general.

وأضافت: «إن قرر ولي الأمر شراء السكوتر الكهربائي لابنه، يحتم أن تكون قيادته بإشرافه ومتابعته، وأن تكون القيادة في ساحة المنزل أو الحدائق التي تخصص مسارات نظراً لDanger الطريق في الخارج، وفي أوقات محددة، كعطلة نهاية الأسبوع مثلاً، كمكافأة للابن بعد أسبوع دراسي مكتظ بالدروس والواجبات».

Economic benefit

من جانبه، قال أحمد النقبي، رئيس لجنة التخطيط والتميز واللجنة الثقافية المجتمعية بنادي دبا الحصن الرياضي الثقافي، رئيس لجنة التميز بمجلس أولياء الأمور: على الرغم من كون «السكوتر» صديقاً للبيئة وذا Economic benefit كونه يعمل بالكهرباء إلا أنه بات خطيراً على الأطفال وأيضاً كبار السن عند استخدامه من دون رقابة، إذ زادت نسبة حوادث الدراجات الكهربائية والسبب يعود إلى الاستخدام الخطأ من قبل الأطفال ومن دون رقابة ولي الأمر، فهي غير مرخصة للاستخدام في الطرقات سواء الرئيسة والفرعية وإنما يقتصر استخدامها على الحدائق والأماكن المخصصة.

He added: It is self -evident that when using this bike, it is difficult for him to control, in addition to his lack of familiarity with traffic culture, and lack of adherence to safety procedures and wearing custom clothes such as helmet and others.

وبين أن أنسب علاج لعدم تعرض الصغار للحوادث إزاء استخدامهم «السكوتر الكهربائي» يتمثل بسن قوانين تلزم أولياء الأمور المتابعة وعدم الإهمال وكذلك تثقيفهم بهذا الجانب للحفاظ على فلذات الأكباد من الحوادث المميتة، وسن قوانين عند شراء الدراجة مثل التسجيل القانوني والتأمين بهدف الحفاظ على أرواح مستخدميها، وتخصيص أماكن لقيادتها وفق شروط وقوانين لتحقيق الأمن والسلامة لمستخدميها، وتشديد الرقابة في الأحياء السكنية والمجمعات للحد من تلك الDanger لخلق بيئة آمنة.


«السكوتر الكهربائي».. التهور والاستخدام العشوائي تهديد لسلامة الأطفال

In turn, Nour Al -Alami explained the official of activities, health and safety in a private school, that the "electric scooter" needs batteries that must be changed every period, and these batteries are not recycled and throwing them will cause a major problem in getting rid of them later, in addition to that, these devices may ignite and cause firesWhen shipping and exploding, pointing out that its use in sports corridors is annoyed by passers -by and road users who are walking.

Al -Alami said: It cannot be calculated as a means of entertainment or movement, as weight gain (pregnancy) on it may expose its driver to imbalance, and that any error movement, such as rapid wrapping or pressure on the brakes, is wrongly harmed by the driver, at the present time some students who lived are used next toTheir schools of electronic scooter for mobility and this is a mistake, while if he uses the bike, it works to stimulate its bloody cycle, move its muscles and maintain its physical fitness, as well as stimulating its mental activity to start its day with its full activity..

وعدّت لمى سعيد النجار معلمة تربية رياضية، أن الأبناء يسارعون في اقتناء نتاجات التكنولوجيا الحديثة، والتنافس مع أقرانهم، وقد انتشر أخيراً السكوتر الكهربائي بشكل واسع بدوافع حب الاستكشاف، غير أنهم أغفلوا الآثار السلبية الناجمة عن هذه الأجهزة مثل الإصابات الناجمة عن الاستخدام غير الصحيح ومما يزيد Danger مثل هذه الأجهزة عدم الالتزام بإجراءات الأمن والسلامة ولبس معدات الحماية اللازمة، وقيادة هذه الأجهزة في الطرق غير المخصصة.

It recommended to avoid such means because its negative effects are more than positive, and because it affects public fitness, especially among students under the current circumstances (Kovid 19) that affected the movement of students in general, replacing them with walking, and performing exercise that improves fitness and enhances mental and social healthFor students.


من جهتها، نصحت سماء بركات اختصاصية اجتماعية، أولياء الأمور بعدم الانسياق وراء Desires الأبناء في كل ما هو جديد على الساحة، وألّا يستسلموا أمام إلحاح وبكاء أطفالهم للامتثال للشراء وهنا ينبغي للأهل إعطاء الأولوية لسلامة أطفالهم، وتحديد الهدف من وراء هذا الاقتناء.

And I attributed the reason for the driving of the children behind the purchase of "electric scooter" to the ease of its use and its high speed, but besides these features, many are ignorant of his dangers that may lead to the life of the individual, especially children, explaining that his dangers exceed the bicycles that are used in entertainment and sports, as excessive speed in the scooter leads to the scooterElectricity to the loss of balance and the frequency of falling on the ground, which results in bruises and bruises in the head, and all of this affects the health and safety of the child.

In turn, Maha Ibrahim, the principal of a private school, opposed the use of the electric scooter not only for reasons related to the possibility of exposure to safety accidents and injuries, but because it is with a false practice of sports, according to its description, its use is not related to the employment of any muscle of the body or the development of motor skills and physical consistency of the child or the teenagerThus, it is usually called for laziness, not the other way around.

Parents of

For their part, a number of parents demanded the competent authorities to determine the age allowed to lead the electric scooter, expressing their dissatisfaction with the abuses of children when using them in the streets of residential neighborhoods without familiarity with the rules of their leadership, and without taking into account the passage of vehicles, which poses a great danger to them.

Faisal Al -Zaidi explained that a group of children do not master the skill of the safe driving of the electrical silence, which leads to a doubling of the opportunity of injuries and accidents.He stressed the need to set laws that define methods of using a scooter to create a kind of commitment.

كما قال محمد قطيش العامري: «للأسف الشديد أرصد يومياً أطفالاً يقودون هذا النوع من الدراجات في الأحياء السكنية فقط من باب التسلية، الأمر الذي يعرضهم لDanger كبيرة ولا سيما أنهم في كثير من الأحيان يقودونها أمام المركبات وبسرعات كبيرة».

Ali Muhammad Al -Kaabi suggested determining the number of people available to them using the scooter and their ages, and stressed that some young people may be at risk due to the lack of attention of the drivers of cars because of their presence in the streets, which requires legislation of laws that protect individuals, and that young people lead these bikes without knowing the safe wayTo use or protect themselves from the dangers of accidents.


رأت مها إبراهيم أن العديد من أبناء الجيل الحالي أصبحوا يستخدمون السكوتر الكهربائي بديلاً للدراجات والسكوتر الحركي بينما هم في أمسّ الحاجة لممارسة hobbies تتضمن رياضات حقيقية مرتبطة بتوظيف أكبر عدد ممكن من العضلات، ليس ذلك فحسب بل إن الرياضات الحركية تساعد المراهق على بناء التركيز وتصفية الذهن والتخلص من الطاقة السلبية والضغوط وعلى عادات النوم السليمة.

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