Egyptian newspapers: The government holds the concerns of the first -class neighborhoods only ... and harassment is the responsibility of the family, society and the state.

  • Time:Oct 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": While most of the writers goes on their way with great caution, due to the narrow margin of the available margin that prevents them from what they desire, the right to express and criticize, the prominent writer Jamal Mohamed Ghattas, the editor -in -chief of the previous "language of the times", put his hand on the origin of the disease , Who infiltrated the tiles of "Her Majesty", and then threw his shadows on all aspects of life: "We are in front of a slaughtered sheep, whose name was the press, her soul was lost and became at her innocent, and no longer hurts her or benefits her to be cut and cut, or restore and change her skin, Or stuffing them with pre -prepared materials from a party, because after slaughtering them, it left behind media and journalism institutions, teeming with everything and clarifying and broadcasting everything, except the media and the press, and then everything that happened and takes place and will make changes between their occupants, will not be influential, because it is a change not A relationship with him with the profession whose soul has climbed to heaven, in a rounding ticket, it is not clear whether it is a return or not..

Among the concerns of the press and its people is the concerns of the Greater Egypt, and in the heart of it, certainly the upcoming Ethiopian aggression against our water rights, which resulted in fears of a large segment of writers..In what the newspapers celebrated the direct threats made by President Sisi to violators in the field of real estate building, he said, "You will pay good so that we can fix what you did.".President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi's opening of a number of national projects has taken place on the headlines of the newspapers issued yesterday, Monday, July 13..Among the most likely similar titles is to the extent of congruence: Sisi: We paid 50 billion to improve life in Cairo..The state will not tolerate the failure to implement the construction requirements.The newspapers of Al -Ahram, Al -Akhbar and Al -Gomhoria highlighted President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi for the third stage of the Al -Asmarat neighborhood project, which was launched as an alternative housing for the people, who were living in slums, as well as the inspection of one of the fully equipped housing units, and inspected a number of sports projects,And listen to an explanation from the Minister of Sports about what has been accomplished.While the artist Tamer Hosni denied that he had a Corona, stressing that "the disease is not a disgrace", and Lotfi Labib sent a message to his fans, saying: "I am in a state of illness, I am able to work..They considered him almost retirement or retirement..And pray to my Lord heal me ».Fatima Eid, the popular singer, pledged to return to singing after the departure of "Corona".

The guilt of the revolution

Yesterday, Monday, the "mysterious" official continued to supply Imad Al -Din Hussein in "Al -Shorouk", with what he deems the reasons for Ethiopia dare to Egypt: "Without the January revolution, Ethiopia would not have dared to build the dam..And you have to remember what President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi said on October 14: “After this date, Egypt revealed its back and its shoulder in 2011».He adds: The Egyptian popular delegation that traveled to Ethiopia after January 25 committed a crime against Egypt, they did not read how Ethiopia thought well, nor its position on Egypt for decades, and perhaps centuries, and they must now apologize to the people, and admit that they had sinned against themselves and their country.Imad Al -Din Hussein continues, I told him, but I am sure that the majority.He told me, relations and conflicts between countries are not managed in this way, and this delegation gave the Ethiopians an excuse that the former Egyptian officials were wrong, which is not true at all."Did they now realize that Ethiopia did not dare take any step that harms Egyptian rights until after January 25.".In the estimation of this official and speech to the writer: We were exposed after January, and the message that reached Ethiopia at the time, that «Egypt will not have a government 15 years ago, and accordingly it announced the start of the construction of the dam, then dared more, and its capacity increased from 14 billion cubic meters to 74One billion, given that Egypt "entered a deep cave" and will not move to prevent it.But this Ethiopian thinking never imagined that there are Egyptian armed forces, which are still strong, and Addis Ababa did not expect that the people will move on June 30, 2013 and restore matters to their injury ».

It protects and does not threaten

The armed forces recently implemented a maneuver with all its elements from the forces under a unified joint command representing, as Major General Samir Faraj sees in "Al -Masry Al -Youm" a high ability of efficiency in managing operations, in this important strategic direction, which is the Egyptian -Libyan border, and it appeared during this maneuver.Fighter units with marine emission operations on the shores of the Mediterranean, which also represent a clear message and this sea righteousness, carried out a beach head operation that will be the beginning of major forces in this direction.The naval forces had implemented an important part, through this maneuver with the presence of new weapons and equipment, from the bearing of Mistral helicopters, new German submarines, virtues, glades, and other navy elements, especially since Egypt recently established the northern naval fleet forces in the Mediterranean to protect and secure natural gas and oil wellsIn the eastern Mediterranean, then the leadership of the southern naval fleet in the Red Sea to secure the navigation of the Suez Canal, especially after the Houthis took control of the Bab al -Mandab Strait, which thus became under the control of the Iranians.. على أي حال فإن هذه المناورة أظهرت أيضاً قدرة ذراع مصر الطويلة، وأعني بها القوات الجوية المصرية، التي يمكنها أن تصل إلى أي مكان وأي مسافة بعد أن ظهر تدريبها في المناورة العسكرية، على إعادة التموين في الجو لهذه الطائرات الحديثة، وهكذا ظهرت الرسائل واضحة في هذه المناورة العسكرية حسم 2020، إلى من يهمه الأمر في المنطقة والإقليم، أن القوات المسلحة المصرية قادرة على تأمين حدودها داخل مصر وخارجها، وأن القوات العسكرية في المنطقة الغربية على أتم الاستعداد لتنفيذ أي مهام قتالية، كما عبّر عنها السيد الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي، مع نسور مصر في قاعدة سيدي براني العسكرية، وجاءت الرسالة العسكرية لشعب مصر ليطمئن إلى أن قواته المسلحة قادرة على تأمين حدودها وأمنها القومي، لتترجم مقولة الرئيس السيسى «أن جيش مصر It protects and does not threaten».

Does the "elders" succeed?

A short period separates us from the start of the elections of the “Al -Shaher” council, which prompted Dr. Hamdi Al -Sayed in Al -Watan, to demand the parties to choose a good choice to achieve the goals of the Shura Council, which is the Council of Wages with political, professional and scientific expertise, to be the complementary and supportive political wing of the People's Assembly activity.Legislative and supervisory regime.The House of Representatives has slowly started its activity that sparked many comments, but in the recent period it came to help the grandfather and its president obtained legal and legislative experience, which helped the government to launch in all aspects of development, and stars appeared in the council bearing responsibility with all effort and sincerity and I am sure that the CouncilThe Shura will not be less than the level that the country expects.The former captain of the Doctors submitted some observations based on a long experience in the legislative work (a member of the People's Assembly by election over seven consecutive sessions 31 years) in which the Shura Council issued several volumes on its activity, the extent of years in which he studied many various problems in the field of services, development and supervision.Hamdi Al -Sayyid said: I was invited several times to talk before the Shura Council to express an opinion on some health and environmental problems, and I have a unique experience with the Shura Council, when the People's Assembly was discussing the issue of transferring members from newly death to the neighborhoods, as well as transferring the cornea from the newly deceased, and there is a great need.For this surgery to restore vision to many blind people, Dr. Al -Sayyid expressed his hope that the selection of elected members with experience and excellence, stressing that he is confident that the list of appointed people is subject to national rules determined by the official authorities responsible for the selection..

Muhammad Ali Street

حسين منصور في «الوفد يقول في مقاله: «Muhammad Ali Street أهم شوارع القاهرة الرابط بين جنوب القاهرة (المعادي والبساتين ودار السلام) إلى وسط المدينة في عابدين وباب اللوق، أي أنه يحمل حجمًا مروريًا متخمًا، والشريان المتدفق لأبناء الخليفة والدرب الأحمر إلى وسط البلد، على تلك الأهمية فى تسيير الحياة اليومية لأبناء القاهرة، إلا أنه لا يلقى سوى الإهمال والعصف والحفر، وعدم إعادة الشيء إلى أصله، في معاملة وحشية لأبناء الطبقات الشعبية، ليتقافزوا فوق الحفر وليختنقوا ازدحامًا واختناقًا في مخنقة باب الخلق يوميًا، في حصار مديرية الأمن المستمر منذ الضرب الآثم لها، لينفق المارون بالميدان قرابة نصف ساعة حتى يعبروا المخنقة. في إطار تجديد كابلات الكهرباء، ووضع كابل محترم، تم شق Muhammad Ali Street من بداية محطة البيباني في الحلمية الجديدة، بطول الشارع على أحد جانبية شقا كبيرا، وصولا إلى ميدان القلعة ثم بطول شارع صلاح الدين الغربي إلى ما قبل ميدان السيدة عائشة عند موقف الأتوبيسات وأيضًا وصولاً إلى سكة المحجر، ثم إلى شارع باب الوداع من بعد دار المحفوظات – هذا الحفر العظيم أثر تأثيرًا بالغًا في صعوبة الحركة والمرور ذهابًا وايابًا، بما يحمل من مخاطر حقيقية على سلامة الناس والسيارات المتحركة، وجعل الجميع في مضمار للتنافس على مهارة السير على الحبل والأفخاخ المفتوحة المحفورة في استهانة مريرة وقاسية بقيمة المواطن، واعتداء مشين على الكرامة الإنسانية وحق الحياة الآدمية.Neither he hears or answers over a period of two months, it will extend to three or six months, simply. حجم الرتش والحفر وتكسير الشوارع مذهل، وهذا الإهمال ليس جديدا على الشوارع المذكورة، بل هو الأمر العادي والطبيعي، ولا أستطيع أن أتصور أن يكون Muhammad Ali Street بالغ الازدحام بالحركة المرورية، وسير المواطنين بهذه الحالة المتردية من أسفلت مردوم بالرمال والرتش وكأنه طريق ترابي في بلدة فى أقاصي الريف، فضلًا عن مخاطر الحفر الحقيقية، وفي هذا كله نحن لا نتناول اختفاء التنظيم وسيادة البلطجة واحتلال الأرصفة وتكسرها الدائم، في معاملة غير آدمية للسكان، ولا يخفى سيطرة بلطجة التكاتك، الطريقة الحكومية الماهرة ف إثارة حرب الجميع ضد الجميع، ولتبقى هي خالية البال..So is all this calamity a tax that they are not only the first -class neighborhoods of the government?.We do not know for those who go to the rescue shouts of this amount of actually affected people from all this abuse - for nearly a quarter of the inhabitants of Cairo who use these very important paths in traffic... فنحن نرفع أصوات المطالبة باحترام حقوق المواطن للسيد رئيس الوزراء، والسيد وزير الكهرباء ومحافظ القاهرة المهموم فقط بزيارة منطقة الإمام الليث، لإزالة بيوت الناس التي تعوق سير الكوبري الواصل للطريق الدائري، ألا ينظر نظرة واجب وحق نحو Muhammad Ali Street الواقع على بعد خطوات من مقر عمله».

The problem is at home

Farouk Jawida admitted in Al -Ahram that the phenomenon of harassment has become the talk of every home, stressing that the severe ambiguity still surrounds its causes: “Some people give responsibility for the family, the mother, the mother and social sites, and there are those who believe that social media is what opened the way for all these sick behaviors..And if some see that it is a state of escape that affected the Egyptian street in front of a defect in behaviors and a decline in morals..The writer believes that the main reason is the absence of the role of the family, which no longer knows anything about the children.Pictures of girls on social media on most issues, confirm that the family is absent, and that the father and mother are in a valley, and the children are in another valley, and this means that the father does not try, and perhaps he cannot see his daughter's phone or pictures and talks, and she sits in the hours in front of the screen..And that the mother does not know anything about her daughter, although the daughter's secret was always with her mother..The strange thing is that social media has become sources of money, and this encouraged girls to use these sites in suspicious works that are contrary to moral..In the face of this case of behavioral and moral escape, we had known names that appear on the screens in satellite channels in shameful pictures, and there were crude conversations and it became easy to find names on TV, then you find them on suspicious sites, and this opened many doors that encouraged girls to imitateAnd that such behaviors are not anomalous or strange, and the phenomenon has expanded and has become a source of money through special channels, or crude hadiths, and it has become an ordinary thing to read and see every day about an ethical issue in which dozens of girls and young people in cases of harassment and deviation.The writer emphasized that the absence of parents behind the strange phenomena in the lives of the Egyptians ».

They greet them

صحف مصرية: الحكومة تحمل همّ أحياء الدرجة الأولى فقط… والتحرش مسؤولية الأسرة والمجتمع والدولة كلمات مفتاحية

Nashwa Al -Hofy in Al -Watan saluted every girl and a woman who realized that her silence is not chastity or shame, crowned her creation, so she decided to expose all a sinful palm that he used to practice doing with immorality, using the fear of the victim, the ignorance of society and the silence of institutions.The writer continued: Greetings to state institutions that did not deal with the charges as a second or third degree issue in the list of necessities, starting with the National Council for Women, through the Attorney General and its influential statement, ending with the decision of the Council of Ministers to approve the draft law on the data of the victims of the victims in the crimes of harassmentAnd the sexual assault submitted by the Ministry of Justice.yes.. كان الجميع على قدر الحدث في وقت قصير ليكون السؤال: «ماذا بعد»؟ أهمية السؤال، كما اشارت نشوى، تكمن في الإجابة عن سؤال آخر مفاده: هل ما حدث موجة قوية أثارت الانتباه لقضية تتعلق بوضع المرأة، ونظرة المجتمع لها، سرعان ما ستزول بمرور الأيام؟ أم أنها وقفة جادة من جميع الأطراف، بمن فيهم المرأة ذاتها، لإعادة النظر لها كإنسان لا كنوع؟yes..Despite the number of victims in the case, which exploded those feelings in Egypt, the details of the incident and its surrounding information about the accused and his power in controlling the victims, and repeating it in more than one place, the case opened the doors of life for many silent question marks for years about other detailsSociety used to deal with it as a Muslim.

Rubes, not cams

The misfortunes of a people when a people of benefits, Abbas Al -Trabili summoned this example in the context of his speech in Al -Wafd about an unfortunate phenomenon: “If we knew the wealthy war, that is, the beneficiaries of the war, even after it ends, then we are among the Corona epidemic, we find wealthy people who reap the tremendous wealth from behind the trade, In what we need from materials or products that help us cross the crisis of this epidemic..What most of these materials, for example: the masks, especially after the state stressed the prevention of any person entering any government or service building, if he is not wearing this muzzle..And the dawn there is healthy or good..And there is what you receive after use for one hour, no more..And according to the quality of the material, which is made of the muzzle, its price is..And good for it is more than ten pounds, which is suitable for multi -time use.We found masks - and perhaps garbage and noticed the difference - their validity does not last for more than an hour..It is produced by what was named under the ladder, and the demand for it from taxi and microbus drivers increases after the state strictly obligated drivers to wear them to the driver and for all passengers..Also, trains, metro and mass transportation..And with the strictness of wearing it, the demand for its purchase increased.The other thing is the process of washing hands several times every day..And be careful to use certain types of soap, which contains necessary antiseptic materials, as it is not enough - as they say - to use any soap, but rather what is included in its manufacture, some antiseptic materials such as the Dettol..Until the hands became completely dry, and here some are forced to use moisturizing substances for the skin so that the multi -laundry process does not cause any health harms of the hands ».


Death is no longer far, as we were delusional, and as Abdullah Abdul Salam discovered in Al -Ahram: “We lost almost all tricks of escape from it and wrapped around it..We stand, helpless, desperate, but some of us deal with challenge and possibly an objective, confident of the survival and victory shown.Collective death as a result of wars, epidemics and disasters is not strange for humans. Scientists have found a 3700 -year -old papyrus, revealing the spread of plague, tuberculosis and malaria in ancient Egypt.Death and blood spread everywhere.This is how the Pharaohs wrote in papyrus.As for Muhammad Ibn Abi Al -Surour Al -Bakri, he says in his book, “The Planets in the News of Egypt and Cairo”, about the epidemic that struck the country in the mid -17th century: the uncle of the affliction and the cultivation..Fear occurred in the hearts of adults and children, and every person is waiting for death during the night and day.Throughout history, there are those who considered collective death positive, as it restores the balance of nature that rid itself of the weakest elements.Dawn scientists and politicians believe in the theory of herd immunity with the outbreak of Corona, which means that the virus will affect the majority, and those who have immunity will survive, while the weak will go with chronic diseases..In the past, humans surrendered to the Creator, fate and waiting for the mercy of their Lord, over the writings of their historians.The tongue of what Naguib Mahfouz said in the words of Abd Rabu Al -Ta’i, in the echoes of the CV, in response to a question: How does the ordeal end?If we go out safe, it is mercy, and if we come out, it is justice.Now, the signs of false confidence appear to some, believing that they will bring the Earth and inform the mountains..Always, the major tragedies were, humans increased their peace, solidarity, and sympathy, this is no longer possible, selfishness and the desire of individual salvation ».

The opportunity is available

Among the supporters of President Sisi and the projects that are attached to the importance of Jeddi Zinedine in the "delegation": "When the president announced that building the Egyptian person at the top of the state's priorities, this did not come from a vacuum, but this construction is done on a comprehensive, mental, physically and cultural vision..This will only come with the development of education, as it is the pillar of the human building system, and there must be a vision in the Egyptian national project to develop education, and the fact that the new education system, which was confirmed by the Ministry of Education, is implementing a new philosophy based on dealing with the educational processAs a comprehensive system in all its scientific, educational and cultural aspects, and work to reach the stage of understanding, innovation and the development of creativity.It is no secret to one of the heavy loads of Dr. Tariq Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education, and in front of the need to implement the vision of the national education project for the subject after the June 30 revolution, the land was not paved or easy in implementing this new vision of education in Egypt, and thereforeI am surprised by those who insist on declaring war on every development, update or advancement of the educational process.As if the conditions of education were previously fine, and they forgot that the state of education is in a very severe need for development and modernization, and this is included in the national project, and it is based on the implementation of this new strategy, Dr. Tariq Shawky, who has not yet been stingy to write these lines with hard and tireless work fromIn order to recover education from its deteriorating state, which lasted several decades, which was not covered by any renewal or development ».

Without randomness

مع نهاية عام 2020 والكلام للمتفائل على طول الخط وليد عبد العزيز في «الأخبار»، ستصبح مصر دولة Without randomness ولا مناطق خطرة..When dreams turn into a tangible reality, we must stop to monitor the scene from the beginning to the end, and we consolidate new rules entitled Will and honesty in promises..Some of the scenes that cannot be lost from the memory, I saw when President Sisi took over the reins of the country 6 years ago and talked about the slums and the standard of living of Egyptian citizens, who live in these areas, which were described as dangerous and non -human..At that time, the president said, it is not correct and we do not accept that our people live in such circumstances, and we must start immediately to work to change the standard of living of these people..Indeed, the largest epic in Egypt's history was launched to eliminate slums, and we started to see the residents of Asmarat, Ghit Al -Grape, and many regions in all governorates that turned from a nasty tin and dilapidated dwellings, completely into human compounds, no less than the quality of residential communities in new cities..What I am talking about is a new reality in which Egyptian society lives, to the extent that the presence of one random region has become surprising after it was the official feature that we are seeing slums, among the residential blocs, without thinking even for a moment how to get rid of them, and save its people from the unknown fate..The dream turned into reality, and hundreds of thousands of apartments were built. Millions of Egyptians have absorbed to live a new human life..Eliminating slums was from President Sisi's plans to restore Egypt to normal..Today, Egypt moves to a new stage to fight slums, and is to recover the rights of the state, which was stolen by a few outlaws, taking advantage of some of the circumstances that the country was going through..

Al -Faisal in the media work

One of the axioms of media work according to the vision of Mohamed Amin in Al -Masry Al -Youm: “That the broadcaster or the journalist be reliable in order to believe it in what he says or discussed from the topics..Is the relationship between the message and the sender is the separation in the acceptance of people or not?Of course, the relationship between the message and the media is a direct relationship, either that public opinion is accepted or not..For example, if your information about a broadcaster is harassed, then you saw that he is calling for a campaign to stop harassment, or raise awareness of the danger of harassment, do you believe him in this case?Do you believe a broadcaster who talks about the poor while watching here and there and traveling to all countries of the world, wearing luxurious watches and earning hundreds of thousands?Also the relationship of beauty to the message and the sender is important..It means a beautiful actress like Yusra when she calls for not harassment, but another broadcaster or a journalist is not beautiful incredible..It means there is a relationship between the nature of the message and the nature of the sender..It is a thousand B in the radio department at the Faculty of Information, Cairo University..The broadcaster of talk shows is not broadcaster..And art broadcaster is not anchor of economics..The first may not believe when he talks about economics or morals, or a broadcaster famous for blackmail when he talks about virtue.The relationship is the whole time between the message and the media.You believe one and do not believe the other..And when Sumaya Al -Khashab spoke about the harassment recently, and she said that she was harassed, but she takes on her that she does not give art his right, and exposes herself to moral harassment and verbal harassment as well...And sad that the news of Somaya in the accident pages is more than art pages..It occupies from time to time the problems of marriage, divorce, alimony, pleasure, and other police records, and litigation sessions..Although it was a wonderful actress project since a time appeared in the series "The Stray Light".

The most dangerous man is a weak man

In a row, two books by John Bolton, former US National Security Adviser and Mary Trump, the daughter of the American president, enter, as Abdullah Al -Sanawi indicated in Al -Shorouk, with the nature of their subjects in the atmosphere of the American presidential elections in early November: “The retaliatory character is not hidden in both.The two books, Bolton, against the background of his expulsion from his site, which he has always looked at..And Mary against the background of the broken destruction of her father, led to his death early, and depriving her with her brother of their grandfather's inheritance.The first, he tried to draw a close picture of the "most powerful man in the world" that he is the most ignorant and ignorant who does not know basic information in international politics, governed by his personal interests before the interests of his country, and is ready to do anything in exchange for the renewal of his presidential term.The second, I tried to draw another close image of "the most dangerous man in the world", quarrels and contradictions of his family, his characteristics, characteristics and psychological contract, which are manifested in bullying, arrogance and excessive narcissism, questioned his eligibility for the presidency and quoted one of his sisters his call "fool", as he stigmatized him with fraud.Since his early beginnings, when he rented a superior student to perform on his behalf the rehabilitation exams of the University of Pennsylvania.Before the issuance of the two books, the international newspapers and sites raced to review the most important secrets and secrets in them, and the nerves of the White House escaped for fear that their materials would shake the president's image before the electoral entitlement date in a manner that is difficult to restore ».


في الكتابين اللذين طالعهما السناوي في «الشروق»، بدا البيت الأبيض هشا يضرب التحلل السياسي والأخلاقي بنيته على نحو يشبه المسلسل الأمريكي «Paper»، الذي أنتج في ستة أجزاء.The series was not a political and morally superstitious on the White House residents, if it compared its dramatic content with what was published in the exciting two books.In the series, conflicts and conspiracies were shown in the White House corpses, all means of violence and bribery were corrupted, and major lobbies and companies were clashed in managing strategic and economic relations, with the major countries, or when passing legislation, or before choosing the presidencies themselves.The rise of the virtual president, Frank Andrewwood for the presidency, was an embodiment of political opportunism. Everything is permissible without the slightest political or moral taboos, in the way of all those who trusted it, and overthrew a conspirator of the president who appointed him as a deputy, until his place was replaced by the first master of the White House.Andrewwood appeared to be a mixture of former American presidents Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and the current Donald Trump.In it Nixon has the strength of his personality and his ability to control and his means, such as spying on his political opponents, and in it "Clinton" is a partnership and influence with his wife Hillary, and it was a complex relationship that the wife did not hide at any time her ambition until she sits on her husband's seat.And in it from Bush provokes fear, dismay and entering wars to confirm his position and give him strength, and something of what happened in the elections that led to his ascension at the expense of the Democratic candidate Al Gore, and in it from Trump some of his family secrets, which leaked a while ago from his brother's daughter to the New York Times».