Egyptian newspapers: Israel is still suffering from the bitterness of the defeat of the October War ... and the bullet that will be prepared on the Arab dream of Gulf keywords

  • Time:Jul 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": They celebrate the anniversary of the 47th October War victories. The talk about normalization was present, strongly, as disappointments still live in the lives of those defenders of Arabism, and the national liberation project, as a result of the setback that prevailed over Gulf capitals, after thatI stood in the face of the case and its people, and represented the cornerstone of the conspiracy against Jerusalem and the Al -Aqsa Mosque..Many of the people of the Arab world are sure that the bullet that is about to eliminate the Arabism was finally launched from these Gulf capitals, which are racing to obtain a place in the queue of the excessive and the tragedy reaches its climax, when the verse turns and becomes the party looking for the satisfaction of the opponent in the Gulf, and not Israeli.

Newspapers Thursday, October 8, reported what Dr. Mustafa Al -Fiqi, Director of Alexandria Library, said that there are continuous attempts so far to abort the October victory, pointing out that Israel tried to market what happened in the gap during the war days as it achieved a great victory in thisThe war, and the West was helping it in the media in that.Al -Fiqi pointed out that the memoirs of Israeli leaders during the war were bitterly dripping, so what happened was a great defeat for Israel and an investigation was opened into the causes of defeat, but they do not want to recognize this.He explained that Israel now wants to erase this victory from the Arab memory, continuing: “We were during the period of the war of attrition in a humiliating situation and we feel bitterness and the war came to return the dignity to us.”.Among the news of the artists, the social media sites witnessed a great controversy, regarding the suspension of a artwork project on the life of Pope Shenouda.A source from the Monastery of Anba Bishoy, the Coptic, revealed to Al -Watan that the financing crisis, and the rejection of some Copts, were the secret behind a series of a series of the life of "Pope Shenouda".The news of the embodiment of the artist Hassan Youssef, the character of His Holiness Pope Shenouda in an artistic work, has spread in the past hours, but Youssef commented on the matter to Al -Watan, saying: “I have an honor for me to embody the personality of Pope Shenouda, but I see from the most suitable to embody the character as a Christian actorMelt with the spirituality and feelings of the Christian religion..

That's why he is afraid

Mai Azzam put in “Al -Masry Al -Youm her hand on the reasons for Macron’s fear and his companions from Islam:“ Fear that Islam will change the composition of the secular French society, turned into a phobia, promoted by the extremist right, and recently joined by French President Macron with a statement of discontent, when he said that Islam is a religionToday, a crisis is living everywhere in the world »The generalization loses its objectivity, and it was better for him to talk about the situation in his country alone, for example Indonesia is the largest Islamic country in terms of population, and Islam does not represent a crisis, despite the multiplicity of races and religions.The crisis of Muslims of Maghreb origin in France is its primary reference to insist on applying the similarity model, because the multiplicity of cultures in one society in relation to the traditions of Jacobi society in France is a threat to the unity of the nation, which is the opposite of the model of cultural pluralism that England applies, and is an enrichment of society, and therefore we do not findThe Islam crisis in Britain, and no one talks about the isolation of its Muslims, which the French president complains about.Since his arrival, Macron used to combine terrorism and Islam in one phrase, a fatal mistake.The terrorist operations carried out by jihadist Muslims are often caused by political, not religious, and if we follow their origins, we will find them as an extension of the influence struggle in Afghanistan, between America and the Soviet Union, then it was required that fighters to fight the Soviets, and there was no better than promoting the idea of the Holy War, and was mobilizedMuslim youth and facilitating their travel to Afghanistan as Mujahideen for the sake of God, against the infidels of the infidels, was the birth of the Islamic jihadist at the hands of the American intelligence with the support of Arab and Western countries ».

Searching for an enemy

During the Cold War and the words of May Azzam still did not hear about Islamic terrorism, terrorism was Western, the red brigades, the Irish army, the separatist ETA Organization and others, and the most famous terrorist was Carlos and not Osama bin Laden, but after the fall of the Soviet Union, it was necessaryThe industry of a new enemy is: "Islam".Is Islam really a danger to the world?So let's assume: What if Islam disappears from the world?Will the world solve its problems and enjoy peace?This hypothesis was presented by American writer Grayham E.Fowler, in his book "A World without Islam" and denied it, saying: "We can provide signs and evidence that prove the existence of a shivering gusolic unrest in the Middle East relations with the West, before Islam, but rather goes beyond the precedence of Christianity as well.".He added in another location: “There were impressive relations between Islam and four great civilizations: Western Europe, Orthodox Russia, Hindu Hindu and China Confucianism..Islam and these civilizations reached consensual situations, as well.The current crisis in the relations between (the West) and (Islam) does not link it to religion except with a non -minded link, while its momentum stems from the political and cultural clash, as well as the conflict of interests and competition ».Mai emphasized, religions are guided and not ruined, and Islam is a guidance and not a crisis, but it is the condemnation that Macron wanted to comment on his internal and external failure, to escape the crises that follow him and his personal fears of the realization of the submission scenario.

Overcome your poverty

At a time when millions of young people remain without work, as Abbas Shoman explained on "The Seventh Day", it neglects the gates of gain that our law brought, these poor people can transfer to the list of the rich, and not only achieve the elements of a decent life.Among those doors is "speculative", a company that arises between a party that owns money, and does not improve its development, or does not find time for that, and a party that improves trade, but has no money, and it is agreed that the owner of the money pays a specific amount of money to this factor to work with it,In a trade that agrees on its type and place, or delegates the employee of the working money in that, then he trades in this money with the legitimate trades he deems, and the profit between the Lord of Money and the worker at the end of the period is certain rate.The settlement between them is not required, so it is permissible to stipulate the more share of the worker or the Lord of money, and the least for the other is, the important thing is that it is not a numerical amount like a thousand and the like, but rather in relation to the centenary to ensure the worker’s diligence in his trade, and from these methods the “Al -Masqa” company is a company that arises between the owner of fruitful treesAnd a worker in which he works and takes care of it on a part of what the trees are proposed by the fruits, for the full freedom of the parts in determining the proportions due to each of them, provided that the part is common, and not specified in a specific fruit of a person for a person and another trees for his partner, hedging the injusticeIt is watering.And a company close to it is called "the farmer" and the difference between it and the course, that the farmer is on a land cultivated by the worker, with seeds from the owner and the outside of the transplantation between them according to what they agree, and the evidence of the two companies what our Messenger did with the Jews of Khaybar, after they broke their covenant with the Muslims, and their Messenger was postponedOn their land and responded to their request to grow it and the fruit and the resulting planting between them and the Muslims are equally equitable.

Wealthy money without money

We remain with Abbas Shoman, who has identified from the gates of provision of livelihoods that do not need capital at all, including the company "Al -Sanayeh", which is similar to the microcosm between craftsmen who agree with them, to accept the work provided that the wage between them is no difference between the work and whoIt does not work, and it is a company that addresses the issue of some makers exposure to unemployment in some days and work in days, while others are the opposite of them, and thus the partners guarantee some income in all their days.There is a company called «Al -Eddan» and it is similar to the Sanayeh Company, but it is between workers working on daily, and they master a workmanship. Although economists' minds are missing from many types of partnership and investment fields, a company for businessmen without capital called "Al -Wajh" company, which is an agreement of a group of businessmen who have been bankrupt to form an agreement company between them, to buy goods in the term based on their face, and the trust of merchants The sentence is in them, and after selling it, they pay the price, share part of the profit, and make the rest of the capital; In order for them to have capital, each of them can trade independently, or agree that the partnership remains between them.Thus, it turns out that our Islamic jurisprudence approximately fifteen centuries ago came through ways to gain all capabilities, needs and skills, and made its contractual conditions flexible meet the desires of its parties and take into account the varying capabilities and experience.

Black Business

After days of the research, we did not find an empty custody in any government hospital to save a newborn child, so the victim's father used Bassami Sabri in the "delegation" to save him, and if the writer discovered that there are dozens, but hundreds in the waiting lists, and whoever wanted to serve him ask the difficult question..If you want to enter it, will take another place waiting for death?This frightening question was enough to end the journey of research in state hospitals.Sabri continued: I went to private hospitals, began with its cheapest, and was surprised that the price of one night is 2500 pounds, which means an increase of approximately 2000 pounds from her counterpart in government hospitals, I was confused what to do?A minimum income, and it was before the floating of the Egyptian pound, and the high prices, from the sons of the middle class, and now he asks his Lord every day..How will the children of children manage?With the difficulty, I found a cheap nursery for two thousand pounds per night, and I told a neighbor that it was only a thousand pounds, and I did not inform him that he would bear the perpetrator of the good of the difference, and I expected that the period would be short two or three days a lot, but it spanned a week, and I entered and my neighbor, who discovered what I hid on in (HasbaBarma).I was shocked by the language of the numbers. In Egypt, 200 thousand children are premature, if they did not find a vacant nursery, they are subjected to a lung explosion, due to the lack of oxygen, or their families are exposed to the most heinous types of exploitation in private hospitals, and newborns;Because of the severe shortage of nurseries in public hospitals.My great shock was in the lack of doctors, nurses and nurses specializing in saving these infants, as the nursery doctor is completely different from the child specialist, and most nurseries suffer from neglect and lack of maintenance, and abroad in most cases are missing.The same thing is in the private sector, not all of them are good, and the height of the physicist is caused by the price of one nursery to 500 thousand pounds, and its medical staff receive a high wage..This codified trading needs immediate and urgent intervention by President Sisi, to confront this dirty business, by allocating an initiative to provide civilizations.

They are Avichai

One of the battles of the "delegation" was an attack led by Hamdi Rizk against the spokesperson of the occupation army: “Affir.Dead, and lies even on himself and his followers, and lies in the dates, events and battles that took place years before his birth..On October 6, 1973, the Great Transit day, the Egyptian forces' invasion of Israeli defenses, and the destruction of the Bar Lev line, the name of Avichai Adraei was not written in the birth of the Hebrew state, Avichai, born July 19, 1982!Avichai suffers from the sudden fall every time, falls from a condition, almost on the same annual date of Egypt and Arabs celebrations.October 6, a day of torment, in which Avichai is a mockery of once, bringing her to himself with a false false conversation, turning the facts installed in history records.Let him first review the notes of the political and military leaders.The most important Avichai and sings with a delusional victory for the occupation army, Avikhai controls his mental illusions that harm him electronically, and transforms from a realistic person who is healthy to a person and the most important ill, and is captive of that illusion, and the illusion patient as is fixed in the psychological references in a continuous anxious cycle, overlooked by dark ideas,And the illusion that he was inserted, despite his will, drawn from his tongue to a dark tunnel full of fear and anxiety ».

صحف مصرية: إسرائيل ما زالت تعاني مرارة هزيمة حرب أكتوبر… والرصاصة التي ستجهز على الحلم العربي خليجية كلمات مفتاحية

Hope far is approaching

Finally, Jihan Fawzi's speech in Al -Watan has been the World Health Organization, Bushra Sarah since the Korona pandemFrom 800 million people around the world may have had the virus, as one out of 10 people may have been infected with the virus.Optimism accompanied by caution does not leave the statements of the World Health Organization, and if it is always overwhelmed by its statements, cautiously touched, if the conversation is related to the Corona virus.Hence, Mike Ryan's statement, CEO of the World Health Organization, said that the vast majority of the world's population are still in danger?Warning that the epidemic will continue to develop, saying: “But we also know that we have the tools that help us reduce the transmission of infection and save lives at the present time, and these tools are at our disposal.”.We can no longer distinguish between truth and deception, with regard to Corona news, and the studies and research issued on the virus, which are characterized by its entirety of confusion and contradiction, and in many cases intimidation and intimidation, we no longer have a fixed fact about what is happening about Corona, and the ambiguity surrounding it, The statements that come out of European countries raise dismay, and when a statement comes out of the British Prime Minister, that a miserable winter will witness the country, in light of the expectation of deaths, the number of injuries doubles, noting the number of daily injuries by about 50 thousand and deaths 100 thousand, this means that the possibilities of controlling The virus through the most accurate knowledge of what was in its beginning, is still doubtful.

The two parties will win

Imad Al -Din Hussein believes in Al -Shorouk that we are approaching the last moments in settling the crisis resulting from the poor application of the reconciliation law in building violations..This end will not be by winning one party and defeating another party, as some believed, but rather by winning the two parties together, that is, the state and citizens.And if some scratches and shrapnel hit the two parties, during the ignition of the crisis, especially throughout the summer months, until mid -September, when Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, entered, and managed to defuse the crisis skillfully, and before things evolve in a way that everyone would pay a price.Dramatically.Until last Sunday evening, the number of applicants for reconciliation had reached more than 1.7 million Egyptians, out of about 3.1 million violations.The government completely denies that the aim of the law was the collection.The evidence, as it says, has reduced reconciliation prices more than once, to the extent that the rate of reduction reached more than 70 % in some places, and that its goal is to fold the page of the past and start a new page, until the random and unlicensed random and unlicensed construction stops, as well as stopping the construction disaster on the agricultural land.The writer emphasized that the government has settled its matter, and that we are in the process of reaching a formula to close this file, so that those who are unable are not subjected to any harm or harm, and at the same time we preserve the prestige of the state.One of the former officials told the writer: The government made a mistake when it lost all this political loss, compared to an amount that did not exceed ten billion pounds yet, which is the value of reconciliation fines..The writer's response may be right in the political loss, but do not forget that the free reconciliation would have been sending a very wrong and dangerous message, that the violator obtained a great relative advantage, while the committed to the laws was the one who lost.The writer emphasized that the wheel of the solution took place when Madbouly decided to reduce the value of reconciliation.

Was it right?

Some Arab ungrateful, according to Karam Jabr’s opinion on Al -Akhbar are more dangerous to the remaining Arab Arabism.And when Nizar Qabbani wrote, "When did they announce the death of the Arabs?"Although the best periods of Arabism were in the strength of Egypt, and its patronage of Arab issues, and in the forefront of the Palestinian issue, but some Palestinian brothers imagine that obtaining their legitimate rights only comes by attacking Egypt, so Sadat was right when he liberated his land, and urged the Arabs to share it,If he waited for the auctions of the verbal struggle, the state of peace and war would continue, and the forces of the country were drained, and that was impossible for the people and the army."If" Sadat hesitated, Sinai would now be in the knowledge of the unseen, and "if" the Arabs and the Palestinians heard his words, the Palestinian flag would now fly over an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital..Sadat did not leave the issue of his country for bets, auctions, hustle and noise coming from some opposition voices, and he decided to be brave in peace, as he was brave in the war..Some people only look under their feet, and they imagine that weakening Egypt is a force for them, and that its strength prevents them from sitting on the wheel in the region, and that its dumping in the problems is a solution to their problems.Sadat's genius was embodied in his conscious understanding of the balance of power in his time, as America wants to improve its image in the region, and Israel is seeking to be paid for peace after the October war, and the Soviet Union like the old man who is greedy in his abandonment, and the leaders of the refusal prisoners of the slogans of the struggle with speeches.Sadat came with the results of the experience of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who lived and died for Palestine, but he offended the appreciation when some Arab militants gave him in the June war that he did not want, and he was devoted to building his country, and the completion of five -year plans to raise his people..Courage is the source of sound thinking.

Do not overcome joy

The nature itself is angry at the man and refuses to be a party to the process of transferring power.You will not leave her to human beings with ambitions, including hatred and stubbornness..Jamil Matar responded to his interlocutor in Al -Shorouk, to which the news of Trump's disease was made sarcastically: But this nature will not find before it and appointed to it except this type of human being, the political elite, especially the ruling group, has become all of this type, otherwise America will not be descendedThis decline and what she and the world have reached this complex situation.Then I whispered skeptical between me and myself, and whoever is aware of me, the man proved before his ingenuity, when we were imposed on us, we are all in America and abroad, to play roles in the episodes of a series that he writes and brings and represents it with us, and he is also the spectator.As for the slope, in my opinion, it had been obtained for decades, and its signs were not hidden.The Cold War was the last opportunity for America to train in dominance and leadership.Then it was time to lead in leadership, and the world lived with America, a stage from which he came out, in a way that has dispersed the goals, and perhaps it has not yet come out of it.America acted during a raging outbreak.There is no consideration for international institutions or rational leadership rules.The Iraq crisis was a model for a hesitant superpower, and it was with the war in Afghanistan, which is the longest war in the history of America, the material evidence of the breadth of holes in the civilization of the West and the speed of the disintegration of the Atlantic camp.One of the most important things that the second globalization left for us, which coexisted with the Cold War and has almost ended with its end. She left us a rapprochement in the models of government in the major countries, and at the same time left very broad gaps between the layers of one society.I left more prepared for the rulers of the major countries, especially in the West, the cradle of democracy and its shield, to overlook the rules and ethics of liberalism and separate the authorities.

His dismissal will continue

Jamil Matar continued: “The political differences between the practices of government in Washington, Moscow, Nodhi and Beijing narrowed.At the same time, we entered a stage in which the entry diverges and the social differences expanded, there is no exception to China, the United States, Kenya, Russia and the Arab countries.It united or almost united the moods of the rulers, the methods of their rule, and they were repulsive in each country separately and all of them entering people, extreme poverty and obscene richness.I will not be in the cruelty of American political scientists, who hold Donald Trump responsible for international chaos and the fall of America.Among them, for example, not exclusively, Ecanbury from Princeton and Edward WhatsApp, from southern California, Charles Copshan from George Town and Joseph Nai from Harvard.Finally, I read to me, saying, "We have conceived the soul for four years, and we will not be able to conceal it eight.".Read or hear the word "disgust" written and uttered by American experts and scientists.I do not remember that I have read or heard it before in an analysis or study of an international relationship or an external policy.Another books describing the moment as historical, "The moment of America meets an insecure and no safe election box.".I ask and many ask the same question, especially after the scene of Walter Reed Military Hospital, but is it time for the Western decline march to stop?The week started with some thinking that the health conditions of President Donald Trump, as it was reported to us, may force him to leave close to the White House.I arrived at the end of the week, convinced that the president is not ready for a quiet trip, not in any form of a departure.The man has prepared from the tools of bustle what he believes in, America, to the West and the world, an exciting and unprecedented journey..

Arts of art

In a long time ago, the stories of love among the artists had the hadith of the people, and it was a beautiful enjoyable thing, as Farouk Jawida admitted in Al -Ahram..Love was the motivation for marriage, as most artists were low -income, with the exception of Abdel Wahab, Leila Murad, Umm Kulthum and Farid Al Atrash in their golden age..And the stories of love between the artists still live in the memory of people even if they remain imagination, such as the story of Rami and Umm Kulthum, there are real stories between Anwar, Jedi and Laila Murad, Farid Al -Atrash, Samia Jamal, Shadia, Salah Zulfikar, Souad Hosni and Nightingale, Muhammad Fawzi and Madi Yousry, and Rashidi AbazaAnd more than Habiba, Faten Hamama, Omar Al -Sharif, Shweikar and Fouad Al -Mohandes..This was the case of art and artists, they were lovers of love, art and life.And you are now trying to hear about a true love story in the artistic community, and you find nothing but failed marriage stories that end in the courts, khulat cases, accidents of accidents and accusations between husbands, this took my money and set up me, and this took half of my life and went..The battles and the media revolves every day for a new story and the stories spread, all of which tell about things that offend the people of art, and the worst of that is the marriage of art and capital, where rapid marriage deals are made between artists and businessmen, which are quick relationships that may reach days or months, and they are allConfirmation of art and artists in everything..Such pilot relationships should not turn into constants in people's lives, and it is not wise for a person to turn into a field of experiments in search of money or fame.Marriage is a sacred bond and must be governed by constants and traditions, especially since the marriage of artists has always been appreciated by society, because the artist is a role model in his art, behaviors and morals among people..There are love stories among artists who lived in the hearts of people and it was a beautiful memory of the hearts that loved and sincerely and did not search for deals.

Smart clothes

On the scientific revolution, Hassan Fathi told us in Al -Ahram: “In the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at the University of Bordeaux, the researchers have invented a new type of clothes that allow those who wear it, the possibility of controlling the various electronic devices, and this is the first time that a technique has been reached that allows the conversionTraditional clothing, to a smart console capable of playing music, or increasing lighting in electronic devices by simply pressing clothes tissue, and without the need for an expensive manufacturing process..And the use of this innovative type of clothes is similar to wearing a remote control, not only this, but it also provides protection for the user from rain, spots and bacteria, but it can be washed more than once inside the traditional washing machines, without being damaged..This technology has already obtained a patent, and its innovators are currently seeking to find partners to market it on a commercial scale.The obsession with developing and changing the view of the clothes did not stop there, because the "concealment cap" that we used to see a formMonitoring, the surveillance system only sees it as a passer -by!Kate Ross, an American fashion designer and a "professional penetration of data networks", means "piracy" in developing clothes capable of misleading surveillance cameras, where the image of the person wearing clothes appears as a car in the camera recording.These costumes were covered with pictures of car numbers that lead to the operation of automatically reading systems and pumps these data to the systems, which are used to monitor and track citizens ».

Antil Giza

حصلت «الوطن» على صورة Antil Giza بعد القبض عليه في منطقة أوسيم، عقب تداول فيديوهات إباحية له مع عدد من السيدات والفتيات. وتبين أن Antil Giza ظهر في 9 فيديوهات إباحية مع فتيات، وإنه كان يلجأ لتصويرهن خلسة، من أجل ابتزازهن ماديا، وخوفا من إقدام إحداهن على قطع العلاقة معه، في حالة عدم الرضوخ لطلباته.Investigations indicated that the accused got acquainted with his victims for several months, and that he was luring them one by one to his home to have sex with them, and that he was putting surveillance cameras in all the apartment rooms to implement his plan, and then he started using these videos to blackmail them, and asked for money from them, in exchange for notPublish it on their pages on the social networking site "Facebook".The sources continued that the accused was attracting girls by establishing a friendship with them, then he begins to reincarnate the role of the lover, and that he intends to enter the door from his door, and delude them by his willingness to engage them, and through this entrance he continues his methods, until he succeeds in establishing a full sexual relationship with every victim. وكشفت مصادر أمنية عن تفاصيل القبض على Antil Giza، وأنه نجح في استقطاب 7 فتيات وسيدات ومارس معهن الجنس، وصورهن خلسة لابتزازهن ماديا وجنسيا، في حالة محاولة إحداهن قطع العلاقة معه خشية الفضيحة، وبعد تداول مقاطع فيديو إباحية، تظهر شابا ثلاثينيا مع عدد من الفتيات تمكنت الشرطة من القبض عليه، كانت معلومات وردت إلى ضباط الإدارة العامة لمباحث الجيزة، تفيد بانتشار عدد من مقاطع الفيديو الخادشة للحياء، لأحد الأشخاص في أوضاع مخلة مع سيدات، وتمكنت المباحث من تحديد المتهم وضبطه وبمواجهته اعترف بتفاصيل الواقعة.