Egypt's national team file - Al-Badri's statements about refusing to resign... and the reality of the differences with Salah and Mustafa Mohamed

  • Time:Nov 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Why did Hossam El-Badri refuse to resign from coaching the national team? Did he enter into disagreements with the stars of the Egyptian national team? All of this was revealed by Hossam Al-Badri in his first media appearance after his dismissal from coaching the national team.

World Cup Qualifiers - Africa
ended 21:001Egypt0Libya
World Cup Qualifiers - Africa
Ended 21:00 Egypt

Hossam El-Badri, the former Egyptian national team, revealed the truth about his disagreement with Tariq Hamed, Mustafa Mohamed, and Mohamed Salah.

Al-Badri also talked about being a victim of the misorganization of the General League championship, and responded to the failure to exploit international agendas in friendly matches.

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The former coach of the Egyptian national team also talked about the reasons for awarding the captaincy to Mohamed Salah, and the truth about the differences with the assistant technical staff.

All of the following are on the lips of Hossam Al-Badri in his interview with the Abu Dhabi Sports Channel

Dismissal from coaching the national team

"I don't know the reasons for my dismissal, but it's over for me, and I wish success for the next team, and achieving what I dreamed of, because I had great hopes and aspirations for the Egyptian football fans. Especially when we talk about the World Cup, and being in the tournament."

"Some talk about poor performance, but it was still early days. If you ask the players themselves, they will tell you how tired they suffered due to close matches. My goal was to develop the team to achieve strength in the World Cup. They talked about poor performance at the start of the African Nations qualifiers and I said that we We will lead, and it happened. They said the same thing about us in the World Cup qualifiers, and I was sure that we would lead, and I said from the beginning that the September break would be the most difficult."

a victim of poor organization

"Were you a victim of misorganization of the local competition? Of course. Two very difficult seasons witnessed great cohesion, and strong participation of two great teams the size of Al-Ahly and Zamalek in Qaria. Nevertheless, we did not fail to achieve our goals with football accounts. Winning at home, then a draw away from the ground, and by winning With the next two matches, we would have already qualified."

"Not investing the international agenda in friendlies? I played against Liberia and Botswana in the first stoppage. But when strong cohesion occurred in the seasons, it was better for the players to rest during the stoppage, more important than playing in the friendlies. People forget that one of the international agendas was Al-Ahly As an Egyptian team, it will play a strong match in Africa after that, so I thought that the best thing is for the players to rest, and this will be more beneficial for the Egyptian national team."

"Any coach would like to play friendlies or organize long camps, but when could we have done so?"

Egypt national team file - Al-Badri's statements about refusal Resignation...and the truth about the differences with Salah and Mustafa Mohamed.</p><p>

"Why was most of the media against me after my dismissal? I ask myself the same question. You ask me why, and I also say to myself why. Did I fail? Did I lose the first two matches? Of course I was surprised by the decision, but it is a decision and I am committed to it."

The reason for refusing to resign

"When I was asked to submit my resignation, I refused for one reason, which is my belief that I am achieving the required goal and results, and that I am able to achieve the required by being in the World Cup, and not because of the penalty clause and contractual matters."

"When I was meeting the fans in the streets, they used to say, God willing, we will be in the World Cup, but we want a better performance than 2018, and I used to say sure. My dreams were many for Egyptian football, so I was surprised by the dismissal decision, of course."

"When the decision of the President of the Republic, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, was issued to include an Egyptian coach, there were nominated names, namely Hossam Al-Badri, Hossam Hassan and Talaat Youssef, and then the name of Ihab Jalal entered. They are all big names, but in numbers when you see the situation, Al-Badri is Number one.After that, Ihab Jalal was the closest to taking over the task, and during my visit to my daughter in Germany, I received a call from Amr Al-Ganaini to assign me to coach the Egyptian national team.

"Imagine you were traveling to Gabon to face Gabon, and people were talking about the possibility of sacking you. There are too many question marks."

"Of course, I was wronged by the decision to dismiss me, considering the difficulties I faced, and considering the circumstances, results, and numbers that were achieved.

"When the decision was made, they did not say because of the failure to qualify for the World Cup, but rather they said to complete the path to qualifying for the World Cup. Therefore, I did not fail, and of course I was wronged by my dismissal."

"Have you heard anyone talk about Carlos Queiroz's salary since his arrival? The media was talking about my salary daily, even though it does not exceed 30 or 40% of a foreigner's salary."

"I sometimes played with some respectable names, but I have a lot of international experience, and despite that I overcame these difficulties and did not lose any match. Despite my departure, I have a record of not losing in any match."

"The whole focus was on finishing the Premier League. That was all their focus, because it's the most important achievement for them."

The reality of the differences with the national team professionals

"There have never been any problems between me and Mohamed Salah. I spoke to him shortly. It was said that Salah was asking for the presence of certain players, and this is of course not true. How do they say that my relationship with Salah is bad, when he took the armband with me? How do they say that the great players They were angry at Salah taking over the badge, and we saw Hijazi shining, and Abdullah Al-Saeed was keen to be present, and everyone was playing strongly.

"Mohamed Salah's choice to wear the armband was because the captain of the national team must be constantly present on the field, in addition to the international stardom that Mohamed Salah has achieved. When you look at the other old names in the national team, such as Al-Souliya and Al-Saeed, they are constantly present in the national team, but they may be absent. Sometimes about matches.

"With all due respect and humility, it cannot be argued that I did not control the dressing room, because it did not happen in my entire career, and I could never allow it."

"Some things are altered when things are strange, and my dismissal was strange, so it is exaggerated. They said, for example, that Mustafa Muhammad's shot was against me, even though he came out and stated that he was under pressure and the goal came late? What is the problem between me and him to do that? How is it possible for a problem to occur between us, even though I said after the Angola match that I understand his late arrival, and I played him against Gabon and scored the equalizer?

"Some people talked about problems with Tariq Hamed? Tariq Hamed was not absent from the national team on any international agenda. It is true that he did not participate in some matches as a starter, but the large number of matches and the lack of time differences between them must be taken into account."

The reality of the problems with the assistant technical staff

"It is not true what was said about problems between me and Tariq Mustafa. I would not allow an element in the technical staff to continue in the first place if problems occurred between us. It must be taken into account that some elements were already present in the technical staff before settling on my arrival, such as Muhammad Barakat and Tariq Mustafa, And Ayman Taher. This was one of the difficulties I faced, although they are very distinguished elements after I dealt with them. If I had the choice now, I would choose the same group after I dealt with them."

"If I was offered to train the national team again? Of course I would accept. Zamalek? It is difficult. It was offered to me previously and I refused, and I always say that Al-Ahly and Zamalek belong to their children, not to strangers. Al-Ahly and Zamalek are two great teams, and the competition between them is at the level of the Arab world, not just Egypt."

Al-Ahly period

"During the period of Hassan Hamdi's presidency of Al-Ahly Club, I apologized for not completing my career as technical director of the team. At that time, there were problems in contracting with Egyptian players that I requested to contract with, and we were in the stage of renewing the contract and I informed them that I would leave as soon as I achieved qualification in the African Championship, and indeed They agreed. After that, Hassan Hamdi retreated and asked for my continuation, but I stuck to my decision and they accepted it and left the club.

"I trained Al-Ahly three times, and if they ask to contract with me a fourth time, I will of course agree. Al-Ahly is my home and I do not hesitate to train it."

"Al-Ahly and Zamalek are stronger than the Football Association? Publicly, of course. But in terms of regulations, no. The Football Association is the one who sets the list, and it is the one who holds these clubs accountable, and therefore it is the strongest."

"Some are attacking me for working in Pyramids? At the time, I was free and not bound by any contract. So it was a normal step. Technical or administrative work? I prefer the technician, of course, and Pyramids has never negotiated with me in the recent period."

The Egyptian Football Association announced the dismissal of former Egypt coach Hossam El-Badri from his position, and the appointment of Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz to succeed him.

The Egyptian national team is preparing to face Libya next October, in the matches of the third and fourth rounds of the World Cup qualifiers.

Hossam El Badry, Egypt's national team