Dubai Airport. Constant achievements in the race of excellence.

  • Time:May 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Away from being a working cell that includes more than 90 thousand employees and deals daily with more than 1,200 flights and about 400 thousand passengers, a look inside Dubai airport during the past year reveals continuous achievements and does not stop for the excellence race.

During the past year, the Dubai Airports Foundation has been implementing an integrated system of services and new products and initiatives that were not limited to operations, but it included the happiness of employees and the rehabilitation of cadres through sustainability and the environment and even the use of the latest technologies that provide travelers with a smooth and flexible experience that makes this giant airport a city and gate to a larger cityIt is Dubai.

Perhaps the most prominent projects that have completed during the past year the development of the new "Airport Operations Control Center" for all partners from airlines and control bodies to manage their operating operations at Dubai International Airport.

Among the most prominent factors needed to enable the new center to work efficiently and effectively is the central airports operating system that will bring together the various information technology systems on the airport campus and the partners in a unified and solid structure, which places all the required information within the reach of airport management.The system will benefit from the immediate data provided by the various partners, providing the ability to make more informed and proactive decisions.

During the past year, all basic work packages were purchased in order to facilitate the benefit of the system as soon as possible, and effectiveness tests were performed at work stations, computers equipped with virtual technologies, video walls and integrated communication systems.

And that is in the current joint control room to ensure that all users' needs in the new control center preparations are combined.The operations of the group communications system "Tetra" were also completed in addition to enabling it to work quickly in order to push the project wheel to construct and complete it completely during 2016.

The year 2015 witnessed the launch of the training program on the airport campus with the aim of training the operating operations teams on the procedures of the new generation, in addition to training on the sale systems of the airport operating system, sensors and operations planning tools (see the advanced system department for more details.

Innovative systems

The airport is preparing to apply an innovative system to operate airports during the current year that will provide the central jobs and benefits necessary to operate the airports of "Dubai International" and "Dubai and Drd and Singlal" efficiently and effectively.

The most prominent outputs of the innovative solution include an advanced tool for the management and planning of resources at multiple airports, interactive screens to display flight information, a standard project for project services that allow immediate exchange of operational information, and an airport performance tool to provide follow -up and proactive management of airport operations.

By taking advantage of the direct links through an increasing number of data fields provided by the most prominent partners such as Emirates, Flei Dubai and Danata, the new information portal platform allows the exchange of operational information between the systems of these partners, improving the total vision and the availability of the necessary operational information for planning and daily management.

In total, the new information portal platform would allow operators to be able to make deliberate and proactive decisions along the full process of operations, and exchange information richer in detail such as passenger data, travel procedures and boarding information and luggage data.This new integration platform is a very important phased step in the plan to launch a completely new system to manage multiple airports within the coming years.

Dubai airports are also working to unify their systems to measure the movement of passengers, in addition to offering new technologies in order to upgrade the experience of travelers.

The year 2015 witnessed the launch of new sensors in all security areas to convert flights throughout the congresses A and Concourse B at Dubai International Airport in order to ensure accuracy in measuring waiting times and length of waiting and crowding, and applying changes to plans and work style on the same day.The sensors are scheduled to be launched throughout the airport during the next 12 to 24 months.

Recycling and sustainability

The Foundation is actively and effectively to reduce the environmental impact of the solid waste collected at Dubai International Airport and Dubai World Central Airport through recycling operations.

During the year 2015, Dubai airports recycled more than 3.067 tons of hard waste collected at Dubai International Airport, compared to 2713 tons of paper, cardboard and plastic in 2014. This included the collection and recycling of 1.018 tons of cardboard and 787 tons of bottlesGlass, 159 tons of plastic, 462 tons of paper, 174 tons of plastic bottles, aluminum packages and 272 tons of wood.

During the same period, Dubai World Central Airport witnessed a recycling of 54.22 tons of waste, including 34.3 tons of paper, 19.6 tons of plastic and 0.33 tons of electronic waste.

A total of 241,970 kW of energy was provided, equivalent to a reduction in 103.7 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Since 2009, the activities of the Earth Hour in Dubai airports have resulted in the provision of a total of 106.707 kilowatt hours of energy, equivalent to a reduction of 234.87 tons of carbon dioxide emissions (according to local data).

New spaces for travelers

Among the most prominent new relaxation areas is the family area in the "Zen Park" in "Concourse B" within "Building 3".This new facility includes a closed space for children, containing play equipment, television screens and areas to change children's clothing, and a new number of seats have been added, along with a variety of restaurants next to the new family area.

مطار دبي.. إنجازات مستمرة في سباق التميز

Other improvements in Concourse buildings include laundries with new designs that provide wider and more comfortable areas to change children's clothing and breastfeeding to enhance the comfort of the traveled families.

We also initiated the expansion and renewal of the main connection trips area in Concourse B, with the aim of providing a more welcome environment for travelers, and includes more seats, warmer, brighter colors, walls of green plants and better advertising panels.In particular, we focused on reducing traffic burdens through checkpoints, and raising the capacity of the region to accommodate more travelers during peak hours.

During the year 2015, a multi -stage process was carried out for the renewal and modernization of building 1, and the surrounding operational areas and the Concorders de.The project, which had been completely completed at the time of the publication of this report, included improvements to the zone of climbing and descent of passengers in front of the building, and the renewal of the inner areas of the arrivals, including adding a new number of restaurants, cafes and retail stores, renewal and full modernization of the current travel and departure procedures hall.

National Geographic

في أعقاب معدلات المشاهدة المرتفعة التي حققها البرنامج في أول موسمين بثتهما القناة في أرجاء أوروبا وآسيا المحيط الهادئ وأميركا اللاتينية، عادت «آرو ميديا» و«National Geographic» إلى مطار دبي الدولي لتصوير الموسم الثالث من برنامج مطار دبي الدولي.

وبدأت قناة National Geographic إنترناشيونال ببث حلقات الموسم الثالث الأكثر شعبية بين برامجها في الربع الرابع من عام 2015، وتضمن 10 حلقات مدة كل واحدة منها ساعة كاملة تمحورت حول العمليات الضخمة والمعقدة في مطار دبي الدولي وسلطت الضوء على الحرفية العالية والالتزام الراسخ لأكثر من 100 ألف موظف يعملون في المطار.

The lens of the program turned behind the scenes of the airport most preoccupied in the world, and followed the efforts made by employees to ensure security, safety and accuracy at the appointments while receiving more than 78 million passengers who arrived on board more than 400 thousand flights.

The third season tells inspiring stories about the many challenges facing the team in its daily operations, a group of distinguished travelers, sudden situations and unexpected events.

The program recounted many interesting stories about travelers and operations on the plane's ladder, within the buildings of passengers, customs points, monitoring tower and flight services.

ومن أبرز الأحداث التي عرضها البرنامج، عمليات تشييد الكونكورس دي الذي يعد أحدث مرافق مطار دبي الدولي. وتعتزم قناة National Geographic إنترناشيونال بثّ البرنامج في 170 دولة و45 لغة.

social communication

During the past year, Dubai Airports channels on social networks witnessed increasing growth, and provided an opportunity to communicate with growing numbers of people around the world and the latest developments, services and products, in addition to consolidating the values of our brand.

In 2015, the Dubai International Airport page became the most popular airport pages on Facebook, and the number of its followers increased to 1.5 million followers by the end of the year.

This massive growth came as a result of a group of campaigns that included many gifts presented by partners such as trips prizes, in addition to the concert performed by international artist Katie Perry at the Dubai Air Show 2015.Dubai airports also launched a successful campaign that included the surprise guest at Dubai International Airport, and won more than a million views on social media channels for Dubai airports.

The video clip, which reviewed the Pedro Pencoute exploration, won a prestigious award at the 2015 Moody's Awards awarded to the digital advertising activities for the airport sector on mobile phones and social networks, as it won the award for the best advertising campaign on YouTube.

The latest information on smart travelers hours

Dubai airports launched their website in a completely new suit, and then in implementation of smartphones in 2014 as part of its endeavor to provide a group of digital products that rise to the experience of travelers by placing allocated information within their reach.

As a natural step after the launch of the website and the mobile phone application, and in light of the increasing popularity achieved by the wearable devices between smart phone users around the world, Dubai airports have launched a new service that allows integration between their application and smart watches.

Thanks to the smart watch application, travelers of technology lovers and travelers through Dubai International Airport or Dubai World Central Airport can receive the latest important information about their flights on their smart hours.

In order to meet the requirements of the huge and varied base of travelers through our airports, the smart watch is applied to the two main IOS and Android systems, making an effective experience on smart watches for all.

The smart watch application for the modern traveler provides access quickly and easily to the latest developments on the journey they follow, and the user shows the current status of the trip and the actual timing of access or departure, the information of the passenger building, the gate or the luggage belt with one meat.

The smart watch application is part of a continuous series of smart initiatives launched by Dubai airports with the aim of easily accessing allocated information and giving travelers more freedom to plan their trips and benefit from their time at the airport in an optimal way.This application is a service that is expected to receive wide approval from the increasing number of travelers who use smartphones and wearable devices.

Within the framework of the first phase of the project, the smart watch application currently provides travelers to access the most important information related to their trips only.We also plan to make the application more interactive by expanding its functions to include how to move at the airport and commercial offers offered by restaurants, cafes and retail stores at the airport.

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