Does the heart paint explain the heart problems?|My gate

  • Time:Jul 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Does the heart paint explain the heart problems?Some people wonder what the heart drawing measures?How is it done?Does the heart draw explaining the heart problems?And other questions that we will learn together to their answers in the following lines.

Know more: What is the heart drawing?And why does the doctor ask for?

Does the heart paint explain the heart problems? Neurological and muscle cells continue with each other using electrical and chemical signals, as electrical signals control the heartbeat.These signs are spread through the muscle muscle tissue as small electrical impulses, which are measured by an electrocardiogram and feel any changes in them, and displays them in the form of lines or graphs known as an electrical scheme.ECG (ECG) is used to know how the heart works, and the heart rate and its regularity (heart rhythm) is mainly recorded, and the doctor usually recommends that the heart draw in the event of some symptoms or signs that may indicate a heart problem such as:

pain in chest.breathing difficulties.Feeling of tiredness or constant weakness.Heart palpitations (rapid heartbeat).Arrhythmia.The electrocardiogram helps the doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms, and the results of abnormal heart planning may be a sign of damage or changes in the heart muscle.Changes in the amount of electrolytes (such as potassium and calcium) in the blood.A congenital defect in the heart.An enlarged.The presence of fluids or swelling in the cyst surrounding the heart.Heart inflammation (myocarditis).A previous "silent" heart attack (blood flow in the coronary arteries without the symptoms of the usual heart attack).Weak blood flow to the arteries of the heart.Arrhythmia.Atrial fibrillation (Al -Raffar).Heart failure.The atrial heart is accelerated by multi -foci.Over the ventricular tachycardia.Sick pocket node syndrome.Wolf Parkinson White.The possibility of coronary artery tightness.

In the event of an emergency, an electrical diagram is a good diagnostic method and may help the doctor determine the cause of the symptoms quickly and prescribe the appropriate treatment.Although heart drawing is one of the most used tests in the diagnosis of many heart disease, it may not reveal all heart problems.

وقد يكون رسم القلب طبيعيًا تمامًا على الرغم من وجود حالة قلبية أساسية، على سبيل المثال يساعد مخطط كهربية القلب على تسجيل معدل ضربات القلب والإيقاع خلال عدة دقائق وهي مدة الفحص، أما إذا حدث Arrhythmia بشكل متقطع فقد لا يلتقطه مخطط كهربية القلب في وقت الفحص .

In this case, the mobile heart fee (the Holter), which measures the electrical activity of the heart within 24 hours or more, is the appropriate examination.Also, the heart’s drawing may not reflect serious heart problems at a time when the patient does not suffer from any symptoms.

For example, if the patient has a history of intermittent chest pain due to the primary coronary artery disease, this patient may have a completely natural heart drawing at a time when he does not suffer from any symptoms.In such cases, the heart's drawing may appear during the comfort natural.

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So in short, it can be said that the heart drawing is a good way to diagnose many heart problems, but in some cases it may be insufficient, and the doctor needs with him more tests and additional examinations to diagnose the condition accurately.

How to make the heart drawing a heart electrical plan is a simple, easy and safe examination and does not need prior equipment, and the patient can practice his daily activities immediately after the examination, and the examination depends on measuring electrical signals in the heart through a group of electric electrodes that connect to the skin, and the examination is done in the following way:

The doctor or nurse will ask the patient to lie down, in the event of a regular heart drawing (in the case of relaxation), and will paste 12 - 15 of the sensors (adhesive circular segments) on specific areas in my arms, legs, and the patient's chest..The doctor then connects the electrodes to an electrical planning device, to measure the sensors of the electric signals from the heart and transport them to the device that converts them into a graph.The examination takes approximately 5-15 minutes. After completion, the doctor removes the adhesives, and the results can be found directly.The electrical diagram is painless, and contrary to what some think is not to send electricity across the body, and the patient may feel a little discomfort when removing the sensors or some people may have a rash or irritation in the place of placement.Does the heart draw showing the presence of a clot? Heart clots from emergency cases that may be detected early as a savior of life. When the thrombus occurs inside the blood vessels in the heart, it hinders blood flow, which may lead to an emergency medical condition such as heart attacks, and there are severalExamination through which a clot can be detected, which includes:

D-DIMER test.Ultrasound examination, which is the most common examination for diagnosing blood clots.Venous or arterial imaging.CT scan (CT-SCAN).

As for the electrical scheme, the doctor usually does not ask for diagnosis of blood clots, because it may not reveal the presence of a clot, but the doctor may request it if there are signs indicating other heart problems in addition to the possibility of stroke, in which case the doctor requests it in addition to blood and tests.Other graphic to determine all the possible causes of blood clots.

So it is possible that the patient has a simple blood clot in one of the blood vessels in the heart, and no symptoms appear and the heart drawing does not reveal until it reaches a critical stage or the complications develop, especially since the symptoms of the heart stroke may be similar to the symptoms of other heart problems, and these symptoms include:

ثقل أو pain in chest.Feeling uncomfortable in other areas of the upper body.Excessive sweating.Rush.Lightness.nausea.Shortness of breath.Know more about: What types of heart rays?What are its most important uses?

What diseases cannot be detected when electric heart planning? As we mentioned earlier, the heart drawing is a common test to detect many heart problems, however it may give a natural result despite the presence of a heart problem, that is, the natural result of the electrical planning of the heart does not meanNearly there are always no underlying heart diseases, and there are some diseases that cannot be detected when electric heart planning, which include:

The weak plaque: It is a form of atherosclerosis, and the weak plaques are sediments that contain fat that accumulates on the inner layer of the arteries walls, and does not affect blood flow, and cannot be discovered with ordinary heart drawing and even with the heart's drawing with effort, yet it is one of the basic causesFor heart attacks.Heart clots: As we mentioned, if the blood clot is in its infancy and is not accompanied by phenomenon, it may not be revealed by an electrical scheme.Future heart attacks: The heart drawing may reveal a silent heart attack that occurred earlier or a current heart attack, however it may not reveal a future heart attack, so it is better to use an electrocardiogram as an indication of a future heart attack along with diagnostic testsThe other.

In the end, it is possible to answer the question, "Does the heart draw explaining the heart problems?"It is a quick and easy diagnostic method that helps to detect many heart problems, but it may not be sufficient to diagnose some other cases, and only a doctor can determine the tests necessary to assess the patient's condition and know the cause of the symptoms and determine the appropriate treatment.