Does the cupping procedure contribute to strengthening the immune system during the spread of the "Corona" pandemic?

  • Time:Oct 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

In the past few years, cupping has become increasingly popular with patients and healthy people alike. The pace of demand for this type of therapeutic and preventive intervention increased after the effects of the cupping procedure appeared on the bodies of a group of American athletes who participated in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

On the other hand, the proliferation of centers specialized in Chinese medicine in Morocco contributed to bringing these services closer to those wishing to benefit from them, especially after specialists in the field resorted to using single-use medical tools and providing a great deal of hygiene to perform cupping in health conditions of varying levels. From one clinic to another time center to another.

With the advent of the Corona pandemic in Morocco, discussions and questions were raised about the extent to which cupping can treat people infected with Covid 19? Does performing it in the current circumstances pose a threat to the health and safety of individuals? And can those infected with the virus, those who have recovered from it, and vaccinated with one injection, and vaccinated with two injections, undergo cupping classes without any harm?

Cupping.. and infection with Covid-19

Muhammad Karimeh, a specialist in performing cupping and Chinese medicine, explained, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that “since the lifting of the quarantine up to the hour, cupping has witnessed a remarkable turnout, especially after Some nutritionists touched on the importance of cupping in the current circumstances, and pointed out its role and contribution to strengthening immunity.

Does cupping strengthen the immune system? The time of the spread of the “Corona” pandemic? ></p><p>The same spokesman added that “the field of cupping has known a permanent development since ancient times and is still on that path to this day, except that with the emergence of the Corona pandemic, specialists in the cupping procedure had to raise the level of prevention, the means used and work supplies, in addition to developing cupping methods related to Respiratory system and immune booster.</p><p>And about the possibility of cupping for people with Covid 19, Karimeh stressed that “it is preferable for the infected person not to do cupping, especially if he has symptoms of the disease; However, in some cases, other therapeutic types of Chinese medicine are used, such as water cupping, which is useful in lowering body temperature, while the fiery towel and moxa contribute to the treatment of cough.</p><p>With regard to people vaccinated against the Corona virus, the specialist in cupping and Chinese medicine stated that “cupping does not pose any danger to their health; On the contrary, as some people cupped themselves when taking the first dose and the second dose, and some of them performed cupping on the day of vaccination itself, as some people go to cupping centers immediately after receiving the dose.</p><h2 id=The relationship of cupping to the treatment of corona

Karimeh stressed that “cupping is not a cure for corona; But she helps recover from it. Therefore, it is very useful to include it in the treatment protocol for those infected with the virus, and to direct people to conduct it because of its benefits on human health and strengthening his immunity, provided that it is done by a specialized party or a trained and experienced therapist, while taking all necessary precautions.

The specialist in the cupping procedure gave advice to those recovering from Covid 19, saying: “I advise people who have recovered from the virus to perform cupping, because it helps them get rid of the remnants of Corona, specifically the manifestations of fatigue, fatigue, and some chest pains that accompany some people after fully recovering from the disease.” virus.”

Concerning the circumstances of performing cupping in the current circumstance, the spokesman stated that the specialists are keen on sterilization procedures, wearing a protective mask, and adopting social distancing, taking into account the capacity of the center, and it remains better that the number of people in the waiting room not exceed two.