Do the heat cameras reveal Corona virus injuries?

  • Time:Jul 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Many countries have resorted to installing a thermal camera, in public places, to monitor any changes to the health of people, in anticipation of the spread of the Corona virus.And the heat cameras, thanks to the use of infrared technology, can detect the heat that the human body rays, usually in the front area and then estimated the basic body temperature.These cameras are a very powerful tool, and firefighters usually publish to track down slowly burnt stones and search for suspects away from view.Although it did not solve medical purposes, it gives a reasonable measurement to the skin temperature, but this is to measure the exact body temperature.."This device, in general, said less accurate compared to the medical heat balance, such as the heat balance that is proven in the ear," said Derek Hill, a professor of medical imaging at London University College..The body's temperature should be in the range of 37 degrees (98.8 Fahrenheit).The temperature is usually 38 or more high.But the normal temperature varies from person to person and changes during the day.It can also witness fluctuations during the menstrual cycle.It is not easy to get an accurate reading of the body temperature.Although the measurement of the body temperature can be in the forehead, in the mouth, in the ear and under the armpit, the most accurate way to measure the temperature of the body is in the rectum..And the lampsamee has any ability to detect the Corona virus infection, but it reveals the high temperature, and the fever is one of the symptoms of the Corona virus.Other symptoms include: nausea, headache, fatigue, loss of taste, and loss of smell.But not everyone suffers from the virus, who suffers from a high temperature, and not everyone who complains about the high temperature infection with the Corona virus.

Add a Coronwalk Advertisement, this will not know thermal cameras on its own on other symptoms or the lack of symptoms- known to be wrong negatives.It also defines people who are not well due to their fever for another reason- known as wrong positives.The World Health Organization said that measuring body temperature alone "may not be very effective".Cameras must be prepared well and taking into account the surrounding air temperature.The danger is that the cameras may give the operators a wrong sense of safety."It is it...Just a tool is many tools ".He added, "The radiation from the skin is likely to be affected by wearing masks.".Therefore, most of the body temperature measurements are on the forehead, which is usually exposed.not necessarily.The skin's temperature actually decreases during exercise due to the appearance of sweat on the body's surface.And the human body is capable of controlling the temperature even after exercise, and for this it is necessary to far away, in fact, the high temperature.Professor Hillin said that it comes using mobile devices to measure the temperature directed to the front.It is not necessary to touch the skin, but it must be within a few centimeters of the skin.Although these measurements are accurate and do not exceed a small part of the skin temperature, they monitor the correct way of fever in 90 percent of cases compared to the use of a device to measure the rectal temperature.

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