Disable the study and the closure of cafes, shops, mosques and clubs .. The health of the deputies approves the "Epidemiology Confronting Law"

  • Time:Nov 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Health Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, headed by Dr. Ashraf Hatem, Chairman of the Committee, approved during its joint meeting with the Office of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, today, Tuesday, the draft law on procedures for facing epidemics and healthy fodies, submitted by the government, in the presence of Counselor Alaa Fouad, Minister of Parliamentary Councils Affairs, And the representative of the Ministry of Health, and the committee will prepare a report on the draft law to present to the council.

The committee agreed with the government, provided that the fourth article, which includes procedures and measures to confront epidemics and healthy fodifications, is the first at the beginning of the draft law, to stipulate that the first article stipulate that the Prime Minister after the approval of the Council of Ministers issues a decision to announce the state of epidemics and healthy fodies to confront the risk of spreading epidemicsOr infectious diseases in the country or in a region of it;In order to preserve the health and lives of citizens.

The committee agreed with the government that the decision is determined by the period, and MP Ihab Al -Tamawi, the deputy of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, suggested that the decision be for a year, and it is renewable, provided that it is presented to the HouseThe new in his first meeting, and that in the event of issuing new decisions presented to the council, the committee agreed to this proposal.

The first article included 25 procedures and a measure to confront epidemics and healthy sheets to prevent the spread of epidemics or infectious diseases.

تعطيل الدراسة وغلق المقاهي والمحال والمساجد والأندية.. صحة النواب تقر قانون

The second article stipulates that a supreme committee for the Department of Epidemiology and Windows, headed by the Prime Minister, and the membership of ministers specialized in health and population affairs, justice, defense, interior, local development, tourism, finance, catering and internal trade, education, education, higher education and research Scientific, social solidarity, head of the Egyptian Medicine Authority, and Chairman of the Egyptian Authority for Unified Purchase, Supply, Medical Supply and Medical Technology Department, and it is referred to in this law in the committee and for the chairman of the committee to include those who see it to the membership of this committee, and the committee also has the right to seek the assistance of the experts and specialists and calls for the president The committee is its members to hold its meeting immediately after the issuance of a decision to announce the state of spread of epidemics and healthy falsification, and the Prime Minister specifies the committee's work system.

The third article specified the powers of the crisis management committee, while Article 4 stipulates that the committee must have a technical trust, which is issued by its formation and the system of work with a decision by the Chairman of the Committee, and the technical secretariat of the committee will follow up on the implementation of decisions issued by the committee in coordination with the competent authorities, and the preparation of studies, reports and statistics necessary to evaluateThe state of the outbreaks of the epidemics and the health of the health and its presentation to the committee, and the proposal of the necessary procedures and measures to confront the crisis, as well as all the work assigned to it by the Chairman of the Committee.

The measures and procedures included setting restrictions for a specific period of people's freedom to move, traffic or be present at certain times, whether in specific areas or all over the country, and disrupting work, partially or completely a specific period, for a specific period, in ministries, departments, government agencies, and local administration units , Public bodies, public sector companies, public business sector companies, other state -owned companies, and the private sector, disrupting the study for a specified, partial or completely, in schools, universities, institutes and other educational institutions and any gatherings of students with the aim of receiving science, and taking the necessary measures in The exams of the academic year.

The measures and procedures also included disrupting the work with the role of custody, and determining the dates of opening and closing public stores, as well as the matter to close these or some of these stores, and to organize or prohibit public meetings, processions, demonstrations, celebrations and other forms of gatherings, as well as private meetings, organizing or prohibiting the holding of exhibitions and cultural festivals and othersOf cultural activities, the reception of cinemas, theaters and the role of culture for its pioneers.

The measures in accordance with the draft law included organizing or prohibiting the reception of sports and popular clubs, youth centers, sports halls and health clubs for their pioneers, organizing or prohibiting the reception of people with places By taking all precautionary measures and health reserves prescribed by the health authorities, including wearing protective masks and receiving vaccines during present or frequency on specific places, postponing payment in exchange for electricity, gas and water services, partly or in whole, or installments, and extending the deadlines for providing tax decisions or extending The deadlines for paying all the taxes due or some of them for a period not exceeding three months are renewable for other similar periods, and the periods of tide are not entitled to delay or additional tax according to the conditions, and the periods of tide referred to in calculating the period of limitations of the tax due, installments or dam are not included The deadlines for their installments for a period not exceeding three months are renewable for other similar cities, and the installments or tide are entitled to delay or an additional tax Avicena according to the circumstances, installments or dropping in exchange for the use of public money and tumors or in exchange for the services due in exchange for the services provided by the state or any of its devices partially or in whole..

According to the project, measures and procedures also include, organizing or prohibiting the export of some goods and products out of the country, organizing or prohibiting the import of some goods and products in whole or in part, setting restrictions on trading, transporting, transporting, selling or possessing some commodities, setting the price of some services or goodsOr products, a financial or in -kind support report for the affected economic sectors, and the determination of the rules of disbursement of various facilities, companies and projects, obligating the country from abroad to undergo quarantine procedures to conduct some medical examinations or others in accordance with health requirements

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