Discrimination against women in sports: Women "are treated as attractive images, not as professional sport players"

  • Time:Dec 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

"We will continue the struggle together in order to change the rules that govern the clothes, so that the players can exercise, wearing the clothes that make them feel comfortable.".

This is part of the statement issued by the Norwegian Handball Federation (NHF), after the national beach handball team was fined at the equivalent of $ 1,764.What is the crime of the team?

The players refused to wear short (bikini) pants while competing in European championships and decided to wear longer shorts.

Only one day before the event, one of the contestants in the Paralympic Championship (for people with disabilities) was told that the pants she wore was "very short and reveal"..

Unfortunately, the observation of women's clothes and the determination of rules for what the players (and women in general) should not be new to the new matter.

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So we take a look at a number of famous accidents and the consequences that followed.

The beach handball team is fined for not wearing the bikini players

Norwegian beach handball players complained that the pants that were asked to wear in their recent competition.

So they chose to wear shorts when the Spain team faced a bronze medal.

Before the tournament started, Norway called the International Handball Federation and asked for permission to wear the shorts.

Not only did the request refused, but the team was reminded that violating the rules is a punishment, and indeed when the team chose to wear shorts, each player was fined at the equivalent of $ 177.

The European Handball Federation imposed this fine due to the wearing of "inappropriate clothes", and stated that the Norway team played pants "does not comply with the sporting uniform regulations specified in the beach handball rules set by the International Handball Federation".


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But that fine sparked a violent reaction;Many wondered why male beach handball players can wear long and loose sports shirts with pants covering a large part of the thigh muscles, while women cannot wear a similar dress..

In the opinion of the President of the Norwegian Handball Federation, K. Ri Gear Liu, that "the most important thing is to have equipment that athletes feel comfortable", and expressed his support for mathematics and agreed to pay the fine.

"This should not cause a problem and we are in 2021," said Eric Surdal..

The Minister of Culture and Sports, Abid Raja, also wrote on Twitter: "It is very ridiculous - it is necessary to change the behavior used in the world of male and conservative international sport.".

Even the American singer, Bank (PINK), offered to pay the fine.

For many years, the players complained about this difference in the treatment in beach sports, and they said that they find the bikini insignificant and impractical.

"Every sport needs rules.But when we have a set of rules for women only, then we have a problem..

As the maker of the digital content and the previous lawyer, Tofa Lay to the BBC says: "This is sexual prejudice (against women) in its clearest forms..Unfortunately, sexual discrimination in sport often happens, and it has a huge role in the withdrawal of many brilliant sports from their field..

"The case is not a shorts case or Bikini.The issue is that in 2021 it is still said to women what they can wear and what they cannot wear because he still looks at the bodies of women as things and a man has the right to comment on them and put his demands regarding them and express an opinion about them..

"Women in sports are not taken seriously, and they are dealt with as attractive images, not as professional mathematics," added the former lawyer who is often written and commented on social media about scrutiny and scrutiny on the bodies of women on a daily basis..

Mindonka agrees with it: "There is no reasonable justification for wearing bikini.Sports will never change if women are allowed to play with shorts.On the contrary, this will make them feel more comfortable ".

Mendonka participated in establishing a digital platform called (Dibradoras), and aims to increase the showing of women in sports, and highlighting them, as she says, because they often do not get this in the main networks.

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"The sports competitions are designed for men, as it becomes clear to us when this type of position occurs.We are in 2021, and people who run sports organizations, usually eggs of the skin, see the players as decorations, and that their role is to satisfy men.It should be up to women to report better dress for them.But due to the presence of a few women responsible in sports organizations, and mostly there is no woman in such positions, the voices of the players are not heard..

How are the voices of the players not taken into account? And why are the bodies of women and their clothes still subject to the control of the ruling authorities and those around them?

Paralympic sporty pants "very short and detector '' '

The Norwegian team players were not the first to face this problem and - most likely - they would not be the last.

"Kassir and Ovil": This is how the world champion's pants described, so what was her response?

The heroine who exceeded her lack of self -confidence to approach Olympic gold

In fact, a day before that fine, an order to leave Olivia Brain, from the British Paralybe team and the world's hero twice, "unable to speak" when they were asked to wear "more convenient" pants while competing in English championships.

The comment came from an official who said her pants are "very short and detector".

The runner and the long jump champion, which is scheduled to compete in the Paralympic Games in Tokyo next month, says that she wanted to talk publicly about the matter to prevent the recurrence of the same position with others.

Breen describes her sportswear as "high -waist bikini pants".

"While competition, we would like to be as light as possible, and not to feel heavy, we want to feel comfortable.I wore such pants for nine years, and I had no problem..

"These two examples may seem contradictory, but they are simply two sides of the same coin," says the former lawyer Lay: "Women's bodies are dealt with and seen as a problem.".

Play by wearing the veil

This problem appeared in 2016 when a picture of the Rio Olympics spread widely showing two volleyball players on the beach - one Egyptian and the second German.The picture caused a lot of speech and comments not because of their sporting skills, but because of their "contradictory outfits" as it seemed, some newspapers commented that the image represents a "cultural conflict".

That comment was strongly refuted and many said that the picture actually showed the "unified strength of sports".

The Egyptian Duaa Al -Ghobashi (who appeared in the photo) was the first Olympic beach football player to wear the veil.

She simply commented, "I wore the veil for 10 years.He did not keep me away from the things I like to do, and the beach volleyball is one of the things I love..

But that spawning caused by one image highlighted a greater problem for many.And the British journalist, Hana Smith, wrote at the time: "Regardless of the culture that I came from, the bodies of women and the way to wear clothes are still seen as public ownership - or more accurately that are still considered ownership of the patriarchal system,".

"Regardless of what a woman wears when exercising, it will always be judged by the men who see her.".

When the American tennis player, Serena Williams, returned to work after the maternity leave, she considered that the costume she wore in 2018 in the French Open Championship was a gift "to all the mothers who passed a difficult pregnancy period".

The 23 championship championships in the Grand Salam tournaments said that the suit that she gave to make her feel like a "Queen of Wakanda", referring to the Black Tiger movie.

But she was told that she would not be allowed to wear that costume again, as the President of the French Tennis Federation, Bernard Godchili, told the Tennis magazine: "I think we have exaggerated a lot at times..We have to respect the game and the place..

Williams said that the suit helped her overcome the problem of blood clots, which she said almost cost her her life during birth.

But she says that she spoke to Godchili at the time, and she insisted that this decision was "not a big problem" and "if they knew that some things we do for health reasons, they will definitely agree to it".

So, with the increasing number of mathematics that take a position and speak publicly - do things start changing?

Gymnastics players wear covered allowances for the entire body

The German gymnastics players wore covered allowances for the entire body in the qualifiers in the Olympic Games, insisting on their position refusing to give a sexual character to their sport.

A number of them had wore similar clothes in the European Championship earlier this year, and Sarah Foss said that she and her colleagues wanted to make younger girls feel safe when practicing this sport..

These suits challenge the traditions followed, as most gymnastics are chosen dancers and there are those who choose to cover the legs in international competition for religious reasons.

The German team had wore a similar uniform during last week's training, and the Olympic champion said three times that the reason for this was "feeling comfortable", adding: "We wanted to show that every woman, and every person, must decide what he would like to wear.".

Swimming caps

The decision not to allow the wearing of swimming caps designed for Afro hair in international competition.

The Governing Authority for Water Sports said that these hats are inappropriate because they are not commensurate with the "natural form of the head".

But these comments have sparked criticism of many swimmers, as some said that the decision will discourage blacks from the sport.

As a result, the situation is now "review".

It is unlikely that the stories of criticism of the players of the players will disappear from the headlines in the future, but the former lawyer does not say that there is something that we can do all to help, which is talking about this issue whenever it passes before us.

"Why? Because we have to show girls, from a young age, it is normal for women to be in the world of sports.".