Revealing the causes of omecaron .. Britain is using the army

  • Time:Aug 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The new Omekron museum, in the majority of the countries of the world, pushed new and rapid measures and means, in an attempt to curb its unprecedented speed of its spread.

In this regard, the British authorities published, on Friday, 200 members of the army to help the capital of London, who were crowded with Corona's virus injuries..In a statement, the Ministry of Defense said that among the 200 relevant military individuals, there are 40 doctors who will help the healthcare staff in the care of patients, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC".She added that "the 160 individuals, who have not received any medical training, will examine patients, make sure to maintain medical stocks, and conduct basic examinations.".London hospitals are exposed to an acute crisis due to the absence of employees as a result of thousands of illness or insulation with the spread of the "omekron" museum in the capital.Until Friday evening, Corona's total injuries in Britain reached more than 14 million and 193 thousand, of whom 149,744 died, and more than 10 million and 668 thousand recovered.."Omekron" postpones the American "Union's case" speech

On March 1, US President Joe Biden delivers a speech on the state of the union, which is an annual traditional political discourse of the presidents in front of Congress..The Speaker of the Democratic House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, according to the approved tradition on Friday, to Biden, invited him to "share his vision" with the American deputies, at a time when his spokeswoman, Karen Jean-Pierre, said that the president before the invitation, without surprises.Pelosi said in a letter to the president: "I write to you to invite you to attend a joint congressional session on the first of March with the aim of presenting your vision of the union's condition.".And the date of the first of March is late, it is usually the American president to deliver his speech on the state of the union in late January or early February.This delay, especially, is due to health reasons at a time when the United States is witnessing an outbreak of the hostel -Omekron of the Corona virus, knowing that hundreds of parliamentarians and guests are invited to listen to the president's speech.This delay would give Biden more time to ensure a vote on his major reforms, which are still stuck in Congress, so that he sheds light on his speech if it passes..90 million dollars from the World Bank for Iran to face "Corona"

الكشف عن أسباب أوميكرون.. وبريطانيا تستعين بالجيش

The World Bank agreed to grant Iran a $ 90 million loan to help it curb the Kofid-19 pandem.The spokeswoman said that "the World Bank’s Board of Directors agreed to additional funding for Kofid-19 at a value of $ 90 million to Iran on December 21, 2021,” confirming press reports..She explained that these funds will not be pumped into the Iranian government budget, but will be used exclusively "to buy basic and vital medical equipment with the aim of enhancing Iran's response to the pandemic".She pointed out that "the distribution and installation of equipment will take place in health facilities approved by the World Bank and will be subject to observation and investigators.".The spokeswoman added that the exchange of funds Cedar also by the World Health Organization ", which reports to the World Bank on all the details related to the implementation of" these operations..The World Bank stated that an exceptional preliminary assistance was approved of $ 50 million in May 2020 to confront the health crisis, and Iran turned into a focus of infection in the area in the region..The authorities are afraid of a new severe wave of injuries after the discovery of the country's ultrasound in the country recently.More than 6 was injured.2 million people in Iran with the virus, which led to about 132 thousand deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data, which also showed 55,000 injuries and 1278 deaths as a result of the virus in 28 days.The spokeswoman stressed that "the World Bank's support for Iran's response to Kofid-19 will contribute to alleviating the current humanitarian crisis in the country as well as in reducing the spread of the disease outside its borders.".

The World Health Organization reveals the reasons for "omekron"

The World Health Organization said on Friday that the spread of omecron is due to a set of factors, including the mutations carried by the museum and the increase in social mixing, according to Agence France -Presse..The head of the technical team in the World Health Organization Emergency Unit, Maria van Kerkov, said that people should reduce their exposure to the virus and try to control its transmission, after a week during which the result of record injuries was recorded.Van Kirkov emphasized that Omekron is very quickly among people for several reasons, the first of which is the mutations that the envelope carries, which are entitled to stick to human cells more easily..And secondly, there is a so -called immune escape.This means that the injury can be repeated...Those who were infected with the infection and those who were vaccinated, "according to a statement distributed by the Health Organization.The health official added that there is another reason that we are witnessing the proliferation of the upper respiratory system, and it differs in this from Delta and other mosques. ".But in addition to these factors, the spread of the virus is also driven by increasing people's mixing and spending more time in closed places in the winter in the northern hemisphere, and not adhering to preventive measures such as physical spacing.Maria Van Kirkov continued: "To the general people, what you should care about is only to reduce your exposure to the virus. We want people to understand and feel some ability to control infection.".She stressed that avoiding long symptoms is a "adequate cause" to try to avoid picking up the virus.A study that talks about the origin of "omekron"

According to a study published by the Genetics and Jeenum magazine, Chinese researchers suggest that they have evidence that the omekron museum may be the source of mice.The study revealed that the "molecular spectrum scale" showed a great difference from the HIV museum that developed in human patients, but it is very similar to the "mutations associated with the development of the virus in the mouse cell".And she notes that the omekron variable had been informed of him the first time last November, and by analyzing it it was found that it contains "45 booms", which made it somewhat resistant some vaccines, and became more able to spread faster.According to the study conducted by a team of scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it seems that "the virus may adapt to the injury of mice cells.".These scientists believe that "the virus may have moved to mice from humans, where unusual mutations accumulated, before returning again to humans," which indicates "the evolutionary path between other mutihads"..Scientists note that although the "story of the omecarone" is not resolved, it is good to search the origins of the museums, to help expect and prevent the emergence of a dangerous museum in the future.The Health Organization reported about 9.5 million new injuries in Corona last week, which is a record result of an increase of 71 percent from the previous week.

Add a Coronna advertisement in Morocco..He declined in the numbers of blood donors because of "Corona"

The blood collection centers in Morocco complain of a remarkable lack.The local "Hespress" website attributed the decline in the number of donors to their fear of infection with the Corona virus.The site was mentioned by the capital, Rabat, Casablanca, and Tangier, and it is the largest city that is usually known as the blood donation centers.And the site quoted one of the officials of the blood centers, as saying that the body to which the body belongs to the mobile units of the blood collection of donors, due to "recording cases of the new Corona virus infection inside the institutions, banks and contracting that we collect bilateral partnerships", as she put it.After the daily injuries to the epidemic and deaths from it remained low since the summer, Morocco recorded an increase of approximately 50 percent in the number of injuries during the past two weeks, according to the Ministry of Health.The total injuries since the appearance of the epidemic have exceeded 954,000, 14,823 of whom died, according to the last official toll, and Morocco counts on the vaccination campaign targeting 80 percent of the population to avoid a "epidemic setback that remains very possible", according to a warning issued by the Ministry of Health about two weeks ago.The newspaper "Hespress" reported, quoting well -informed sources that the Rabat needs only the blood reaches about 300 bags per day..According to the same source, the rate of the cities of Marrakech, Fez and Tangier ranges between 150 bags and 200 bags per day, while Casablanca, which is the economic capital of Morocco, needs about 400 bags every day.