The development of the first wearable device that monitors sugar in the blood

  • Time:Jul 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Quantum Oberchent Inc, which is based in Tokyo, revealed the first non -surgical blood sugar -measuring device in the world capable of continuous measurement, during the activities of the virtual event.

The company confirms that it has solved one of the biggest problems in medical technology;By monitoring glucose, the new wearable device uses the patented spectrum technology to measure glucose precisely in the person’s blood course through the skin, without the need to use a needle.

Using this technique, diabetics will be able to replace the daily routine of using a needle for measurements as soon as it is connected to a wearing device that resembles a wristwatch.

The device appears at first glance as the Apple Watch, and the initial model consists of a small spectrum scale used for blood testing to measure glucose, and this technique can be used to measure a variety of vital signs, including heart rate and electrical heart planning (ECG).

تطوير أول جهاز قابل للارتداء يراقب السكر في الدم


وتقول الشركة: إن خلطتها السرية تكمن في مواد الanalysis الطيفي الحاصلة على براءة اختراع، والتي تم دمجها في الساعة وسوارها لاستخدامها، يحتاج مرتدوها ببساطة إلى تحريك الساعة وتنشيط المراقبة من القائمة، وبعد حوالي 20 ثانية يتم عرض البيانات.

In turn, Kazuma Kato, CEO of Quantum Operation, said: Until now, the insertion of a needle into your finger or arm was the only way to measure the level of glucose precisely, and our device will change this painful habit, which makes the painful daily routine unnecessary for all diabetics.

Kazuma Kato added: We expect the device to be sold to insurance companies and health care providers, as well as building a huge accurate data platform, and providing better solutions to control and management of diseases.

The researchers said: The effects are wonderful and at least partially consistent with a protective effect to protect the nerves and with a special inhibition of the nasal and nervous axis, and the loss of oligingndrocyte cells responsible for generating the two nights .. The drug can protect the nervous system from damage, and reduce the severity of the disease.

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