An exhausted symptom that accompanies Corona patients after months of injury .. What are they?

  • Time:Dec 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)-A new research showed that after 12 weeks have passed since patients with "Kovid-19" left the hospital, 74% of them suffer from exhausted and severe symptoms..

Five months have passed since Lucy Ghahan had "Kovid-19", and her life has not yet been normal.

The disease causes what Ghahan calls "storms", as she feels short of breath, anesthetized in her hands and feet, and her heart rate rises when she performs simple tasks.

Ghahan said that during Shahraimao and Mayonio, he could barely speak because of her severe illness.

Before she had the disease in early April, Ghahan was running three times a week and had a regular yoga routine, but today she cannot imagine what might happen to her if she tries to exercise..

Gahhan is one of the thousands of people around the world who has turned Coffee-19 to have a chronic condition.Gahhan and other "long -journey owners", that is, people whose suffering continues with symptoms of the disease for periods that exceed the continuation of the disease on average, that their cases were not taken into account.

It can become about three quarters of those who were transferred to the hospital because of the "Coffee-19" from "long-trip owners", according to a research paper that has not yet been published..

Researchers from the UK Academic Respiratory Unit of the "North Bristol NHS TRST" in the United Kingdom examined 110 patients with "Coffee-19", whose symptoms were required to stay in the hospital for five days on average.

After 12 weeks after the patients were discharged from the hospital, 74% of them reported symptoms that include shortness of breath and excessive exhaustion.

Despite these symptoms, 104 out of 110 patients in the study, the results of their exams, that is, a blood test, appeared normal, while only 12% showed the results of X -rays on an abnormal chest, and 10% showed a restriction of lung function through testsBreathing.

The British Medical Journal issued new guidelines for health services providers in August on how to treat "Coffee-19" patients from "long journey owners", and it is estimated that up to 10% of all people who have been infected with the virus can have long disease symptomsTerm.

أعراض منهكة تلازم مرضى كورونا بعد شهور من إصابتهم.. ما هي؟

The guidelines include specific blood tests that must be submitted, and in some cases the patients are referred to pulmonary rehabilitation, and make them use the podium oxiding scale at home to measure the level of saturation in the blood..

Such results contradict the categories that were established early in the pandem.

It turns out that this is not the case for everyone.The British Medical Journal’s instructions were cited with “weakness or absence of the response of antibodies, relapse, infections and other immune reactions, non -adaptation, and mental factors such as the subsequent stress of shock as they contribute to long -term symptoms”.

The British Medical Journal has approved similar cases of SARS patients and Middle East respiratory syndrome.

"For patients who followed them, many of them continue to complain about coughing, breathing problems, and severe fatigue, after a long period of first injury," said Dr. Milan King Han, a lung disease specialist and professor of medicine at the University of Michigan..

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"Long trip" and disturbing independent jobs

One of the main problems is the care of every patient with long-term "coffee-19" symptoms in knowing the number of symptoms related to the heart and lungs and the amount of the disease that is actually caused by a deeper form of neurological diseases according to the Greenspan, the physical therapist residing in New York and the founder of the "Pulmonary Wellness FoundationFoundation ".

Before engaging in physical therapy or respiratory system, Greenspan asks all his patients to obtain a full examination from their doctor to exclude the presence of a heart condition or stroke, or pulmonary blockage before starting physical therapy.

Greenspan explained that the symptoms of some patients are mild and can start with a more traditional rehabilitation plan.

As for the "long -journey owners", that is, those with long -term symptoms, Greenspan explains that they have an independent job defect, a condition characterized by poor communication between the involuntary nervous system and the rest of the body.

The involuntary nervous system regulates automatic body functions, such as breathing, sleep, and digestion.And when it does not work, symptoms can appear in different ways, depending on the person.

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Greenspan said that while shortness of breath and cardiovascular problems are among the symptoms that his patients face, it is not usually the most common cause of their suffering..

Gahhan and others who suffer from a long -term symptom of "Coveyd -19" disease are facing an erectile heart acceleration, which indicates a sharp rise in the heart rate when moving from the lying down position to stand..The gravitational pull leads to the gathering of blood in the legs, and this condition can cause dizziness and fainting.

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Many patients show neurological symptoms that are compatible with encephalitis and muscle marrow, known as chronic fatigue syndrome, according to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Vochi.This diagnosis requires at least six months of symptoms, which is a standard that has not yet reached "long -trip owners".