Countries are trying to block them .. Chinese applications invade smartphones

  • Time:Jul 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Many Chinese companies anticipate events, to protect themselves from evil approaching one of the most famous local technology programs around the world "Tiktok", whose fate has become dependent on a third party about his continued work in the United States of America, after being considered a threat to national security.

Chinese -cross -border applications are afraid of a similar destiny, after the governments of several countries have moved towards re -examining the nature of their work and connections, especially in European countries, after the American escalation against China.

In an article, the advisor in innovation, Enrique Dance, believes that Chinese applications have learned to benefit from their homeland through public subscriptions, especially in the United States, as she has become more knowledgeable about the product category from any other person in the world, and it can launch their products in other markets.

He added, that Western governments have begun to see that Chinese applications and services are dangerous, because they are in the pocket of the Chinese government that is now creating a database of the main information abroad (OKIDB), regarding the potential data of interest to prominent citizens or influential people in other countries, as the authorities are inBeijing is not the only one that follows this type of monitoring, but it does so on an unimaginable scale.

The most influential applications

Contrary to "Tech Talk" for short videos and the "WeChat" conversation program, which is also used for shopping and electronic payment, which the US government is seeking to ban their work in the United States under the pretext of national security, many Chinese applications have been able to access millions of smart devices around the world.

Ali Bay (Alipay)

It is an application that follows the Ali Baba Group, and one of the payment services - via mobile phone - the most popular in China, and has international aspirations, where the "Ant" financial group, which falls under its framework, works in its implementation in retail companies abroad.

"Some Western applications are trying to copy the" Ant "financial group model," says Maximilian Friedrich, "ARK Invest".How to benefit from artificial intelligence. ”He added that her approach to extracting personal data and relationships with the Chinese government may raise concerns about privacy, especially as it expands abroad.

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But the American CNN network commented on the US sanctions against the Chinese "Ant" group as a "empty threat", as it depends on its revenues on local transactions, which will protect it from any global tremors that may be exposed to it.


It is an application to send images, music and other files between devices without internet connection or active Bluetooth, where all shapes and sizes can be sent.According to the "Appsflyer" performance index, the application ranked first in the world in terms of growth among media sources, as it achieved a huge growth rate of 160% in applications installation in the first half of 2020, compared to the 2019 version.

This height was accompanied by a significant increase in the application customer base, which helped him secure the first position in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

Sher It seeks to design a special international content strategy to continue towards the world, and the last of these endeavors was the appointment of the Indian "Bush Patia" as Vice President of the global content strategy and acquisition, as he joined it after 14 years of successful leadership tasks with global brands.

UC Browser

It was developed by the UCWB mobile online company that follows the Ali Baba group, which is one of the most common mobile browsers in China and Indonesia.

The application sparked a lot of controversy over safety and privacy, and was banned by India last June.In May 2015, the National Security Agency documents "NSA" - which was leaked by the laboratory, Edward Snowden - indicated that "UC Brosser" leakes sensitive data such as the identities of international subscribers on the mobile phone, and other data that enabled intelligence agencies fromFollow users.

Helo (Helo)

The social media application was launched in India in 2018, and it currently has more than 50 million users, and the ownership of the Heldings Limited company, which it has issued to the Chinese company "Bytedance" that owns the "Tech Talk" application.

The application has been downloaded more than 100 million times on the Google store since its establishment, after its download was available in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, the Gulf states and some African countries to serve the Indians in these sites.

According to the company's data at the end of last year, users spend about 30 minutes on the "Hilo" application, and 85% of the content on the basic system of creating users.

Other applications

The Apple and Google store includes many Chinese applications that have strengthened its presence around the world, including "Camscanner"% Of users edit their photos by using it before publishing on social media platforms, as well as "" (, the International Travel Agency via the Internet, which includes more than 400 million users around the world.

Survival guarantee

Multiple statistics in the field of financial payment indicate that Chinese companies represent more than 50% of companies around the world, and according to the American CNN analyzes, the ban on "Ali Bay" and "Wittat" will harm American companies that depend on the two applications inChina.

Analysts believe that this path is the lifeline of Chinese technology from the danger of Western and American sanctions, by seeking to link its presence constantly with the interests of companies in the country that seeks to prohibit it, which guarantees it to remain cross -border.