Can cloud work devour the telecommunications industry with the launch of the fifth generation networks?

  • Time:Aug 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Fifth -generation technology is expected to revolutionize the network and communications industry by providing high -speed transfer rates that may be 100 times faster than the current fourth generation.

Of course, a number of industries - whether related to technology or others - will benefit from what the fifth generation network provides from the health care industry to cars and smart homes, and others, and therefore there is an increasing need for cloud services.

For example wearable devices that lack sufficient internal storage space, usually depend on larger simultaneous devices such as smart mobile phones, you will be able to work independently with the help of cloud services through the fifth generation networks.

Fifth generation 5G

- "Samsung" launched the first device to support the fifth generation network in April 2019, and then followed by "Apple" in the late 2020, through a mobile that supports these networks.

- Until now, the opportunities to communicate with the fifth generation networks in America are limited, as only one of the three largest American telecom companies, T-Mobile, provided a wide connection to the fifth generation technology..

- While the two companies, "AT and T" and "Ferizon", were forced to postpone the offering of the services of the fifth -generation networks for two weeks at the request of the American authorities due to fears related to the aviation industry..

- However, a new player may join the industry, as it is expected that "Descore Networks" - a company famous for its satellite TV services - will be launched during the next few months, the fourth largest American telecommunications company.

- The operation of the "Dish" network - which will be the first in America, which depends almost entirely on cloud computing - is a test that highlights the extent that the cloud computing will devour the communication industry.

Change in the communications industry

- In the event that the "Dish" proposal is successful and followed by other telecom companies, this will not only reshape the American wireless telecommunications industry, but also the global mobile communications market, whose annual revenue is about one trillion dollars, according to the data of the research company "Del'oro"Group, and will lead to the intelligence industry closely tangled with cloud works.

- Instead of the huge stations used in traditional mobile networks, the "Dish" technology is located in thin boxes connected to the antenna columns, which are directly linked to the "Amazon Web Service" cloud that hosts the virtual part of the network, including all other "Dish" programs with what isIt includes those used to manage subscribers and bills.

"The only thing that the company bought from communications equipment makers is software.

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- As a result, the "Dish" network will be less expensive in preparing and operating it, as it will be fully automated until virtual laboratories where new services will be tested.

Is it limited to "Dish"?

-Not only is "Dish", as "AT & T" sold in June the technology that occupies its main network for the fifth generation to "Microsoft", which it runs for the American telecommunications company on the "Azur" cloud..

On the other hand, the Indian technology company "Rielnes Gio" has ambitious plans to construct a fifth generation network based on cloud services.

- These developments are working to bring the adult cloud services providers to the world of communications. Last year, Microsoft bought the main suppliers of software for the "AT & T" for the fifth generation, "Averamid Nitrox" and "Metaswich", which currently form a new business unit in the name ofAzure for Operators.

- "Google" has made a similar effort and recently formed a partnership with the Norwegian telecommunications company "Telenor", and "Amazon Web Service" announced in November a new offer that allows customers to speed the establishment of networks for the fifth generation, especially in their workplaces..

- The major Japanese internet company, "Rakuten", also built a network similar to "Dish" in Japan, and instead of using external sources of its cloud operations, it was built and launched a unit of "Rakutin Simphoni", to provide the system to other operators.

Political and financial obstacles

- Control of a basic plant for the fifth generation network is very complicated, and it includes following up hundreds of criteria, and the more the telecommunications company wants to be more flexible, the more complicated matters, the more complicated..

- European governments are concerned, if these networks are operated through American cloud computing, and telecommunications companies in Europe and other places are afraid of losing business in favor of major technological companies such as "Amazon", "Google" and "Microsoft", who have already acquired most of the valueFourth generation technique.

As Michael Tarabia, the technology official at the French mobile operating company "Orange", said that if not all of this is financially interesting to telecommunications companies, it will try another matter.

Regardless of all this, the communications work will look completely different after a few years from now.

- Cloud companies have the technical advantage at the present time, and they will try to devour as much wireless networks as possible.

- In the end, cloud service providers and network operators may reach a kind of agreement, in the world of new mobile communications, because neither of them can dispense with the other..

Source: Economist - "Compel The Cloud" - numbers