Corona virus: In the midst

  • Time:Dec 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

We start presenting British newspapers with a report by Porzo Draghay in the Independent Online, entitled "You feel pain: amid war and geopolitical situations, Syrian doctors are struggling to contain Kofid".

The writer says, "The Security Council is preparing to vote on procedures in the coming days to allow the entry of international aid across the northern border of Syria, to parts of the country outside the control of the central government in Damascus,".

He notes that hundreds of food and drug trucks and other substances are transported across Turkey to northern Syria, but the United Nations resolution that permits these operations will end on July 10..

"Russia is opposed to allowing aid because it undermines the authority of Bashar al -Assad.But experts warn that preventing the United Nations from direct access to the opposition -controlled areas in Syria will have severe consequences..

"Preventing UN officials from reaching directly to northern Syria leads to increased cost and supply delivery dates, as well as endangering truck drivers and relief workers.".

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The writer quotes Souad Al -Jarbawi, from the International Salvation Committee, as saying that "the smallest common denominator is the lack of supplies, personal protection equipment, oxygen, and medical supplies.".

"The most important thing is that people trust the vaccine..In northeastern Syria, there is no clarity on the vaccine campaign and who will communicate it, and this raises anxiety and conspiracy theories....Surprisingly, the Corona virus appears almost under control at the present time..

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The writer explains, "Perhaps the relative isolation of North Syria for the rest.Almost all borders are closed.The movement between the pockets controlled by the warring factions is still difficult..

It is also reported by Mazen Al -Ammari, the supervisor of the Kofid Pavilion at Afrin Hospital, as saying that "the last wave has calmed down, which gave doctors and relief workers the time to prepare for the next variable or increased infection.Statistics gathered by Johns Hopkins University showed that the deployment rates of the epidemic have decreased in the country since the highest level ever in April..

"We have created a special section for Kofid, but we really need oxygen," Al -Ammari added..

The writer quotes Ibrahim Hussein, the doctor who moved to Afrin from Deir Al -Zour, as saying that "70 percent of those who were examined in the end show that their results were positive, and warned that people ignore basic preventive measures such as hygiene and spacing.".

The writer describes the situation, saying, "On the streets and markets, few (people) wearing protective masks.During a visit to the pedestrian market in Afrin only, no client or store owner was wearing a mask or it appears to be committed to social spacing procedures.Batal, a 74 -year -old pharmacist in Afrin, said that patients often come to his store first when they get sick, and give them paracetamol (pain reliever) and vitamin C..

"No one is wearing a mask, so I do not wear a mask," Batal says..

The writer notes that "a vaccination campaign has just started, and the doctors, nurses and medical workers were among the first to receive the vaccine.The frequency is high.An anti -vaccination propaganda flows on social media..

The epidemic also hit the regime -controlled areas in Syria, according to the writer.

"Officially, more than 25,000 people were injured by the virus and more than 1,800 people died because of it, but most experts say the numbers are much higher," he said..

Biden between Catholicism and ethnic theory

We turn to a report by David Schurter in the Times, entitled "Biden, Catholic and controversy on critical ethnic theory".

فيروس كورونا: وسط الحرب والمواقف الجيوسياسية يكافح أطباء سوريا لاحتواء الوباء - في الإندبندنت أونلاين

"On his first day in the position, President Biden canceled an order issued by his predecessor who was actually prohibiting training in diversity in federal agencies..Last week, Biden followed this with instructions for training to enable federal employees, managers and leaders to know the systematic, institutional and biased racism against the disadvantaged societies..

"This came at the end of the week in which members of the Republican Congress disagreed with Mark Millie, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, regarding teaching recruits at the American Military Academy, also known as West Point, a" divisive ethnic ", such as a lecture on 'understanding of white raceThe white man was angry and a workshop on 'West Point. ".

The writer explains that the conservatives "saw in the two incidents the fateful influence of the last ignition point in the wars of American culture: critical ethnic theory, a doctrine that believes that America's economy, its legal system and society are based on racist structures that persecute minorities and establish eggs.".

The writer notes that some "accused Biden not only of facilitating a devastating ideology in the name of fairness, but by falling into the critical ethnic theory at the expense of his Catholic faith and his respect for the dignity of man and the public good".

"While the theory was an increasing area of academic study for several decades, consciousness has erupted about it during the summer of protests for the ethnic justice that followed the death of George Floyd"..

He adds that "this was followed by a conservative reaction, as the Republicans have put in 22 states of bills to limit or prohibit teaching concepts such as ethnic equality and egg distinction in schools, where the curricula are subject to state control.Soon the theory became a common term among conservatives to train in anti -racism, which questions the current situation by describing the white Americans as complicit with repressive power structures..

The writer notes that "the Catholic issue was brought up against the Biden agenda, by the controversial conservative Catholic commentator Andrew Sullivan in his last blog, describing the president's movements as active discrimination, on the basis of forced characteristics, regardless of the value and ability of the individual.".

"I find it really difficult to reconcile the Catholic understanding of the individual's dignity with this type of blind fanaticism, regardless of wearing a progressive language," Sullivan added..

Sullivan said that Biden "was influenced by the Catholic social education", but "he tragicly obliterated his primary distinction from the critical ethnic theory" because the theory was "rooted in atheism", and the world sees "just a function of a struggle for power that is zero..Between white and non -white ".

The writer believes that Biden "took advantage of the Toulsa massacre and its consequences (against blacks, in 1921) as a starting point for his controversial vision to reform the infrastructure to provide comprehensive care for children and higher education and access to capital to raise the level of life opportunities for ethnic minorities".

The writer quotes Jonathan Cheese, assistant professor of history at Houston University, as saying that "any anti -racist effort is classified as a critical ethnic theory..Many of those who condemn the theory did not read it or study it intensively.This largely depends on fear: fear of loss of power, influence and privileges.The biggest issue, all of which stems from, is the desire to deny the truth about America and racism..

The writer concludes, "The dispute over the critical ethnic theory shows how difficult the Catholic President of the Nation has formed a road acceptable through severe doubts about not compromising the right and left positions, with the motivation turning into ethnic justice more politicized.".

"Tangant work"

We return to the Independent Online with an opinion article by Suba Salman entitled "It is likely that black and Asian people who suffer from learning difficulties at a young age, this dark fact alone must force Sajid Javed to act.".

The author says at the beginning of her article..It is now clear that people with difficulty learning more likely to die in young age are black, Asian, or minorities..

"This horrific fact, which has no place in a modern, civilized and multi -cultural society, adds, it is among the results mentioned in the report recently commissioned by the National Health Services Authority regarding the review of death rates people who have difficulties in learning.".

The author explains that "the report, the third of its kind since 2015, is a review of the death of 9110 people between 2018 and 2020.It reflects the racism and minds that people with learning difficulties face..

"Kofid was the main cause of death among people with educational disabilities in 2020, as stated in the report.Statistics indicate that the Asian person who suffers from a learning disability was three times more likely to die because of the white British person..

She notes that "the average age of death for an Asian man suffers from deep and multiple learning difficulties is 30 years old, and he is much smaller than the average age of the white man who suffers from the same kind of disabilities, 59 years old.".

The writer talks about a personal experience, as her younger sister, Rana, suffers from "a disability in learning and report reflects my worst fears.Sufficiently disturbed to know, as I always did thanks to current research on this problem, that my sister is at risk due to discriminatory situations.But there is now new evidence that such challenges are exacerbated by their race..

The writer touches on solutions, saying, "The government can no longer delay the reform of social welfare financing, a system that can prevent someone from entering into a health crisis.Javid (the new British Health Minister) must acknowledge and act quickly.The Minister of Health cannot overlook the fact that the care system supports younger people who are of working age like my sister..

According to the author, "We need a societal, culturally sensitive support for the support of the support.The independent general investigation in Kofid must focus on highly impartial death rates among people with educational difficulties, especially among those who belong to various backgrounds..The national plan to recover from the Kofid virus should be a comprehensive ".

"Why are some people deprived of the chance to" rebuild better? "She asks..

"The experiences of individuals from ethnic minority groups are special concern, says the report on the deaths of people with learning difficulties.This is a sad contempt.People like my sister Rana and families are perfectly like this anxiety.We just need tangible work..