Corona virus: Five ways to make the hugs of loved ones safer in the time of Kofid-19

  • Time:Dec 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The guidelines and advice on the embrace of loved ones and friends in England and Scotland have changed as of Monday;17 of this month.It is no longer recommended to avoid it among people from different families.For millions of people, this will be the first time that friends, loved ones and families embrace after months of social divergence and general closure.

Experts say, there are real benefits for embrace, as they reduce stress and blood pressure, but the government urges people to be careful.How can you hug with caution?

Here we collected five of the most prominent advice of Corona virus experts on how to hug loved ones and friends safely.


"I personally will be limited to my family members only, not outside it, I think we must reserve about the people we choose very hugs," says Sally Jin Katler, a professor at East London University..

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Professor Kath Nouaces, a member of the "SAG" committee (the Scientific Consulting Committee for Emergency), which provides advice to the government, adds that the risk depends on who is the person you will embrace.

She describes her feeling, saying: "I will have anxiety if we are excited to embrace all our friends every time we meet them again.".

"It is more likely that you do not embrace every person you know, and if you will embrace a person, this is short of a very few family members who are truly estimated to be hugs.".

Frank Atheon, the chief medical official in Wales, urges not to embrace all people, among the large families whose members do not live in one house..

He says: "At the present time, the rates of injury have decreased a lot, and the approach to one of your family members is now less dangerous, but for my part I will be more cautious when getting closer to strangers.".

The advice of the new government indicates that people should be more careful with people at risk of infection..

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Second: Let your embrace quickly be

The length of time you spend is closely connected to someone who also makes a difference.

"Do not lengthen the time while contacting someone face to face, but rather make it a short hug," says Atheon..

Professor Nawax agrees with the opinion, "Do not go hugging and summarize it as much as possible.".

The government explains its updated advice on hugs, this point also, noting that "prolonging the communication periods closely increases the risk of infection, but remember that even short contact may publish Kofid 19, and there is no specific period of time completely safe to communicate with others.".

Third: Avoid contact face to face

Professor Nouex says: "Try to avoid meeting face to a face, so you can tend your face a little from the opposite person's face, and even wearing the face of the face can help you stay safe.".

فيروس كورونا: خمس طرق لجعل عناق الأحباب أكثر أماناً في زمن كوفيد-19

She explains: "The truth is that when you embrace a person, it becomes very close to it, and we realize that the virus is transmitted by breathing; and you are very close to the breathing of the opposite person at that moment.".

"The other thing, which seems very conservative, is the option to wear a muzzle during hugs," says Professor Linda Bold of Edinburgh University..

She adds: "If you want to do that while you are visiting a person at the risk of infection in general, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness and sterilization of the hands, when you touch a person, then you are practically touching the things that this person has touched.".

Fourth: Do not embrace in closed places

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Experts have always been clear that the risk of Kofide is less in open -air open -air.The government's advice on contact also indicates that the embrace of loved ones outside the closed places is safer.

She adds that if the total of persons gathered at home reaches six people, as is allowed as of May 17, make sure that the place has a good ventilation.

Open the windows and doors, or take other measures to allow a lot of fresh air to enter.The higher the fresh air inside, the greater the speed of the virus that is transmitted across the air from the room..

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The government suggests that to make the nearby communication safer, people must conduct a virus infection for themselves regularly, even if they do not have any symptoms.

Currently, the test equipment can be obtained for free.

The government says: "The symptoms of the virus appear only on one person out of every three people, so one of them may transmit infection to others without realizing this. The examination regularly will help reduce the potential risks.".

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Everyone may not be enthusiastic about the return of hugs, but if we look at it from the scientific side, it has many benefits.

Professor Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychology scientist at Oxford University, says: "touch is a really essential thing for humans, and dispensing with it weakens our close relationships," says Professor Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at Oxford University..

He adds: "The most intimate touch type - the arm around the shoulder and its shoulder on the shoulder and these types of behaviors dedicated to close friendships and family members are very important...It makes us feel happy, satisfied and trust in others..

The touch is our first feeling that develops inside the uterus, and research has shown that physical contact with others can reduce the effect of nervous pressure and tension.

Professor Linda Bold says that there are benefits that are scientifically proven to contact and "intimate hugs in particular.".

She explains: "We know through studies that it reduces the heart rate and blood pressure and reduces stress.".

Professor Dunbar says that the reason for humans need physical contact is that we have evolved from the upper mammals that take care of each other..

Adding that although most of the fur that was on the bodies of our ancestors has faded and disappeared, people do the same movements and the exact same nerve centers when they are caressing, embraced or raised on the shoulders of each other.

The touch stimulates endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that help feel happy.