Corona virus: Egypt obliges its citizens to the face of the face "whatever its effectiveness"

  • Time:Jun 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Egyptian doctor, Mohamed Allam, fixed his phone to a table, while bringing a piece of cloth, its 40 centimeter side, and scissors and a paper handkerchief.

Allam recently used to broadcast video clips on his Facebook page to educate citizens and teach them ways to prevent the Corona virus, and to recommend some food and medicines to those who consult them about them.

This time, Allam, deputy director of Al -Nujila Hospital, is the first hospital to isolate the injured in Corona in Egypt, in an educational clip explaining how a mama can be made of fabric at home.

Allam, who had been infected with the virus while working in the hospital and after that, said that "this cloth is almost expensive and easy to help can help reduce the transmission of infection, but it is not complete prevention of it."

After Allam explained the way to make the contempt, he stressed the importance of placing a tissue or a dense layer inside it to help prevent the transmission of the virus, which spreads through the spray of the mouth and nose.

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Social media is filled with dozens of clips photographed to make a house in home, as it has now become necessary to leave the house.The Egyptian government has obligated citizens to take several precautions to prevent the virus, most notably wearing surgical or fabric facial or fabric starting from this week.

These places cannot be entered without a muzzle: all governmental interests, private and public facilities, and transportation of all kinds.A fine of up to 4000 pounds (about 250 US dollars) is imposed on violators, amid other measures taken by the government as an introduction to coexistence with the virus within the next few weeks.

The number of injuries recorded daily in Egypt increased on Thursday, when it reached 1127 cases within 24 hours, after it ranged between 700 and 800 injuries for a week.The total number of cases exceeded 22 thousand, while deaths are close to 900 people.


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Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.


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Many Egyptian families complain that the ovens add a financial burden to their shoulders, as the price of surgical muzzle in the local market ranges between two pounds and 130 pounds, while many question the effectiveness of the cloth.

"Everyone who leaves my children from the house should wear a muzzle, and my husband and my husband are employees, that is, we need a daily five -in -minimum amount of ten pounds. The amount looks little, but with its continuity and perhaps the high price of masks will constitute a burden."

فيروس كورونا: مصر تلزم مواطنيها بكمّامات الوجه

Zayed adds to the BBC that the issue of ovens and their types highlights the difference between the rich and the poor in the face of Corona, "which we did not feel until recently, with treatment limited to government hospitals without private hospitals.

Weeks ago, the government announced a compulsory pricing of some products facing the Corona virus, most notably alcohol and masks.It set its price at the time to the consumer in two pounds, but most pharmacies did not abide by this, and the minimum surgical sale ranged between five and seven pounds, and the government did not announce supervisory measures on this.

Egypt has prevented the export of masks, protective clothes and antiseptics of all kinds since the emergence of the Corona virus in the country more than three months ago, but it has given China, Italy, the United States, Sudan and South Sudan quantities of protective clothes and masks, which sparked criticism of the government.

Later, the government received three shipments of medical aid from China, most of which are masks.The Egyptian army published video clips of a campaign that lasted for several days to distribute the masks in the streets, squares and public transportation, before the campaign stopped for an unknown reason.

Some textile factories allocated production lines to make masks, while factories belonging to the Ministry of Military Production are working to provide what the local market needs, including a daily production capacity of 4.5 million muzzles, according to the government spokesman, Nader Saad.

Saad noted once that the punishment for those who do not wear the muzzle will take place through the authority responsible for the place where there is a violating person, whether the subway train (metro) or government departments, banks, etc., explaining that the House of Representatives will approve a more clear law in terms ofPunishment if the violation is repeated.

A few days ago, the Egyptian Prime Minister, Mustafa Madbouly, explained in a press conference that the cloth masks that wash and sterilize and re -use will provide a good alternative to citizens.

The World Health Organization stated that the masks made of fabrics protect against viruses by between 60% to 70%.

In a telephone conversation with the BBC, the doctor, Amjad Al -Haddad, director of the Center for Immunology and Recruitment, says that wearing masks reduces the chances of infection spreading by a large rate of up to 90%, in the event that everyone wears it and not a single person, and therefore it is necessary to adhere toEveryone wearing it.

Al -Haddad added that the best types of masks are the N95 muzzle, and they are dedicated to medical and hospitals because their possibilities are greater, because they deal directly with people with the virus.This muzzle is more expensive than the rest of the masks, and it is difficult to provide a large percentage for citizens.

After imposing a muzzle in almost public places in Egypt, statistics are estimated that this largest Arab country in terms of population needs the production of tens of millions of masks per month, and it also needs clear standards for the manufacture of multi -use fabric, in the framework of the government's endeavor to start the coexistence plan with an epidemicCorona and gradually restore life in the coming period.

مواصفاتقياسية للكمامة

The Egyptian government has set several requirements for the production of cotton masks, the most prominent of which is the use of materials that meet the health conditions that achieve safety and security for the consumer so that they are free from the urbanization to prevent the respiratory system of problems, as well as free of certain materials and dyes, heavy metals and harmful substances, while emphasizing that the fabrics are efficientHigh, through which water and fluids are not implemented, to resist spray.

The Consumer Protection Agency, a governmental body concerned with the quality of the products in the markets, decided to stop the broadcast of an advertisement for one of the bulk production companies due to what it described as the product not matching the standard specifications of the poverty.

The Consumer Protection Agency obliged the company to stop the advertisement until the concerned authorities obtain the advertised muzzle "to ensure its suitability for use and conform to health specifications."

During the past two months, the authorities announced that the Ministry of Interior has seized millions of masks that do not conform to the specifications and manufacturers without a permit, and arrested those who manufacture and referred some of them to trials.

Obsessive and infection curve

Doctor Islam Anani, a professor of health economics and epidemics, believes that the use of masks greatly helps in breaking the rate of disease outbreaks, or what is called R0, and this indicator in Egypt is equal to 1.4, which means that every ten injured people cause the transmission of the infection to 14 people.

Annan adds in contact with the BBC that the use of masks in Egypt - if everyone adheres to it - will contribute greatly to pushing the curve of the injury to what is without the one, which means the start of the receding of the disease.

Annan stressed the importance of educating citizens about how to use masks, explaining that there are wrong behaviors for a wide segment of Egyptians in their use, including switching masks between individuals, using muzzle for more than the good period, the way to wear them, and ways to get rid of them.