Childhood fever...a cry against infection

  • Time:Feb 13
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Investigation: Randa Gerges
Fever is one of the important physiological mechanisms that fight infections that attack the body's systems, and it is a common symptom as a reaction and an indication of a disease, and in most cases it can be controlled with complete rest, fluids and medications prescribed by the doctor specialist. However, if left untreated, especially in children, it causes seizures, brain damage and many serious complications, and needs immediate attention and urgent clinical review. In the coming lines, experts and specialists highlight this issue in detail.

says d. Nitin Verma, Consultant Pediatrician, said that fever is accompanied by many pathological manifestations in newborns, most notably mood changes, continuous crying and irritability, refusal to eat and drink, not waking up smoothly, difficulty breathing, blue tongue and lips, and the soft spot in his head appears swollen or loose. And his neck is stiff.

He continues: In chronic cases, fever is accompanied by a rash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin. The child suffers from abdominal pain and severe headaches, and prefers continuous sleep and rest rather than engaging in fun activities.

Dr. Verma states that fever is one of the problems that appear commonly among newborns and infants, which affects breastfeeding, fluid intake, appetite suppression, general behavior and the ability to interact normally with the family. It also targets children who suffer from underlying chronic diseases, and may It leads to limited metabolic reserves, and also those who suffer from metabolic disorders. And he continues: Recent studies have shown that antipyretic drugs are not effective in preventing recurrent febrile seizures, and therefore health care institutions are advised to follow precautions and use first aid and preventive measures for children suffering from febrile convulsions.

target category

Dr. Nibras Al-Dur, a family medicine specialist, said that fever affects the “hypothalamus” region in the brain, which is responsible for changing the normal body temperature, which varies from person to person and ranges from 36.1°C to 37.2°C.

Children's fever, a cry against infection

And he adds: Although fever usually targets children more than adults, it is considered simple in most cases, as simple as a cold, and the oral temperature is measured at 40 Celsius, and it should be noted that serious infections do not cause fever or are mild. Just.

Dr. Al-Dour shows that fever is a major symptom in some pathological problems, as the immune system launches a fierce offensive campaign when the body is exposed to infection, in an attempt to remove the cause, and the high temperature is a natural part of this reaction and then it usually disappears on its own. .

And he continues: If the fever rises significantly, then there is a need for emergency medical intervention, and conducting the necessary tests to find out the cause, and if it is caused by a bacterial infection, then the treatment is with antibiotics.

And he adds: In cases of viral infections, the doctor recommends using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve symptoms, but if they are caused by hot weather or continuous strenuous exercise, it is necessary for the medical care team to cool the injured person and lower the temperature.

Main Indicators

Remember Dr. Yasmin Hashmala, a public health doctor, said that fever is one of the most important indicators that indicate that the body has a viral or bacterial infection in the respiratory, digestive, or urinary tracts, immune diseases, tumors of the lymphatic system, or blood tumors.

She adds: Fever appears as a symptom of compulsory vaccinations in children, and it can be an indication of the presence of a serious illness when it is accompanied by nervous lethargy, a change in the degree of awareness and perception, excessive nervousness, or continuous vomiting, which requires a doctor's consultation immediately.

Dr. Hashmala points out that convulsions and nervous attacks are common complications that occur as a result of fever in children from newborns to 5 years old.

She pointed out that there are preventive measures that health care experts recommend that they take when suffering from a fever, the most important of which is applying cold compresses continuously, increasing fluid intake, wearing light clothes, and giving the appropriate dose of antipyretic according to the weight of the child, and in severe cases and bacterial infection it is necessary The doctor should prescribe antibiotics.