Carlos Ghosn: This is how it escaped from Japan inside a musical instrument box

  • Time:Sep 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

On a cold night of the nights of December 2019, and at 10:30 pm, Carlos Ghosn, one of the former giants in the global auto industry, was extended inside a box on a plane waiting for a flight from Japan.

"The plane was to take off at 11 pm," Ghosn recalls..

He adds: "30 minutes of waiting inside a box on the plane, in preparation for taking it off, maybe the longest waiting period occurred in my life.".

This is the first time the man, who served as the president of Nissan and Renault Motors, tells the details of his bold escape.

Ghosn talks, in an exclusive interview for the BBC, about the ways he denounced to walk in the streets of Tokyo without anyone knowing him, and why was the choice of a large box of music equipment to escape inside Japan, and the joy he felt when he finally arrived at his homeland, Lebanon.

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Ghosn says: "What excitement, finally, I will be able to tell the story.".

Ghosn was arrested in November 2018 after Nissan accused him of reducing his annual salary and misuse of the company's funds, which is an accusation he denies.

At that time, Ghosn was the chairman of the Japanese auto manufacturer, and he was also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the French company "Renault" and the Chairman of a tripartite alliance between the automobile manufacturers and "Mitsubishi".

His decision was to reduce costs in Nissan, which was initially controversial, as a step that seemed to save the auto company and became a very respectable and well -known character.However, he insists that he was subjected to "side effects" in a battle against the growing influence of Renault, which still accounts for 43 percent of the Japanese company..

The documentary "Storiville" shows the details of his exceptional rise and sudden fall in an episode entitled "Carlos Ghosn: The Last Flight", presented by the BBC 4 on Wednesday, July 14, July 14..


Ghosn describes the moment he was arrested at Tokyo airport three years ago, saying: "It seemed as if the bus shocked you or something very painful happened to you.".

He adds: "The only memory that I carry about this moment is the shock and the severe shock.".

Ghosn was transferred to a detention center in Tokyo, and there he received prison clothes and was imprisoned in a cell, and he says: "Suddenly I have to learn how to live without an hour, without a computer, without a phone, without news, without a pen - without anything.".

Ghosn spent, for more than a year, long periods of imprisonment or mortgage of house arrest in Tokyo after his release on bail.

It was not clear when he would be trial, fear was for years to take years, and a branch faced the prison sentence for another 15 years in the event of his conviction, in a country where the average provisions of the conviction reaches 99.4 percent.

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Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.


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Ghosn decided to find a way out of the crisis, during the period of house arrest, when he was told that he would not have been allowed to contact his wife Carroll..

He said: "The plan was to hide my face, so I must hide somewhere.The only way I can hide was to be inside a box or a luggage bag, so that no one can see me, and no one can get to know me, and the plan is written for success..

He added that the idea of using a large box that usually contains musical instruments "was more logical, especially since at that time it was organized in Japan a lot of concerts.".

But how can a very famous person who is now notorious, in Japan to move from his home in the capital and go to the airport and then escape?

Ghosn says the plan was to act normally on that day as possible.

He adds: "It should be an ordinary day, in which I practice walking naturally in regular clothes and natural behavior, provided that everything suddenly changes.".

Ghosn will change the allowances, which he used to wear for years as a high -level executive in the global auto sector, with something else somewhat informal, so he thought about wearing jeans and sports shoes.

He says: "You can imagine that I had to go to places that I have not ever had before, and I buy clothes that I have not bought before.".

He adds: "All this is an aspect of a way that guarantees yourself the utmost possibility to achieve success, with no attention to your person at all.".

"the moment"

From Tokyo, Ghosn traveled by fast train to Osaka, where it was a private plane awaiting him at a local airport to leave.But first, the box is waiting for a branch in a nearby hotel.

He says: "When you enter the box, do not think about the past, and do not think about the future, but only think about the moment you live.".

"I am not afraid, there is no emotion except for the great focus that" this is your chance, it cannot be lost.If you are lost, you will pay your life, a life of living in Japan..

Ghosn was transported from the hotel to the airport by two men, the father and son Michael and Peter Taylor, they were asking musicians.

Ghosn generally believes that he remained inside the box for about an hour and a half, although the matter seemed to have continued for a "year and a half"..

The private plane took off on time, and Ghosn was stuck, who is now free, at night, and changed the plane in Turkey before landing in Beirut the next morning.

Lebanon does not have an agreement to hand over criminals with Japan, so a branch was allowed to stay.

Despite this, the United States has handed over the two American men, Michael Taylor and his son Peter, since that time to Japan as they are facing a three -year prison sentence for helping Ghosn to escape.

Greg Kelly, a former Ghosn colleague at Nissan, is also facing the prison sentence, and he is still under house arrest in Tokyo on charges of helping his former president in hiding his profits, a charge denied by Kelly.

What about the people who left behind the knees in Japan?

Ghosn says: "I learned that the end of the trial of Greg Kelly will likely end by the end of this year.God then knows what the results of this trial will be on a false charge, as I said..

"I feel sorry for all the people who have fallen victim to the hostage regime in Japan, all of them," he says..