broken ankle

  • Time:Apr 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The ankle is one of the joints of the body with a complex configuration, and its function is to connect the foot with the leg, and it consists of two joints; The first is the primary joint, and the second is the partial joint. The partial joint consists of 3 bones; are: the tibia, which is the medial part of the ankle; the fibula and be in its lateral part; At the bottom is the ankle bone, and this joint is responsible for the movement of the foot up and down. The partial joint is located below the main joint, and it consists of the ankle bone at the top, and the heel bone at the bottom, which is responsible for the lateral movement of the foot. There are many ankle fractures; Where doctors classify it according to the bones that were broken, and the degree of severity of the fracture ranges between small cracks in the bones or fractures that penetrate the skin. To find out the extent of damage to the bones and ligaments, and thus determine the appropriate treatment for the case. In this investigation, we address the problem of ankle fracture in all its details with an indication of the factors and causes that lead to this condition, as well as its symptoms that appear, and we present the possible prevention methods, and the used and modern treatment methods.

Sharp pain

Dr. Saeed Hamed (specialist in orthopedics and fractures) at Rashid Hospital in Dubai says: An ankle fracture causes the patient to suffer from some symptoms, which may be similar to the symptoms of an ankle sprain. Therefore, it is advised in this case to quickly refer to the doctor. He adds: Symptoms begin with sharp and rapid pain, which increases with any movement, with swelling of the ankle, and because of the swelling, the skin becomes thinner, and the patient cannot touch it, and in some cases bruises may appear on it. Difficulty walking or not being able to walk completely, and the joint movement from its normal position; It deforms the ankle, and in the case of an open fracture, the bones stick out from the skin.

Accidents and falls

Dr. adds. Saeed that the causes of ankle fracture are due to accidents, such as cars and motorcycles, as well as falls in the event of tripping, or landing on the foot after jumping from a somewhat high place. Said that this injury can be due to sudden and severe rotation of the ankle, and sometimes obstruction or a fall during playing sports can lead to this fracture. The risk of ankle fracture increases by some factors; Such as: excessive and continuous stress to the bones, and frequent ankle injuries; Because it may cause small cracks in the bones, which leads to stress fractures.


Lead to osteoporosis, as confirmed by d. Glad to increase the risk of an ankle fracture, and the risk of this fracture increases when walking or running on a slippery surface, or if you wear poorly fitting shoes; to perform exercise. And the practice of some sports can increase the risk of falling or sprains, and thus exposure to fracture, such as football, basketball, tennis or ballet. Not doing warm-up exercises before sports increases the risk of this injury, and there are also some professions that require effort. physical, or of an unsafe nature such as construction workers.


Complications associated with an ankle fracture are uncommon and may include arthritis; This is if the fracture extends to the joint, which causes inflammation after years; Therefore, the injured needs to go to the doctor, if he feels pain in the ankle for a long time after the fracture. An open fracture in this area can cause a bone infection, or what is known as osteomyelitis, and in some rare cases, he may develop compartment syndrome, which is a condition It causes pain and swelling, and sometimes causes disability to the affected muscles in the legs or arms. In some cases, complications of this fracture include damage to nerves or blood vessels, and sometimes their rupture; Therefore, it is recommended to get a quick medical advice if the patient notices any problem in the blood circulation or numbness; Because the lack of blood flow can lead to bone death and collapse.

Forgotten and savage

كسر الكاحل

Dr. Ashraf Walid Obeidat (specialist in orthopedic surgery) explains the types of fractures, saying: There are many types of ankle fractures, which mean a fracture of the tibia or fibula. The fracture at the end of the shin bone is known as the medial heel, while the fracture of the end of the fibula is known as the lateral heel. The fracture can be in the two bones. The lateral malleolus fracture is the most common, and the lateral malleolus is the bony prominence on the outer side of the ankle. Obeidat: It must be ensured that the ankle joint is stable and stable, which means that it functions normally despite the fracture; Because if it is unstable or the ligaments are torn or damaged, the doctor recommends surgical intervention. The medial heel fracture is; It is the bony spur on the inner side of the ankle, which is less common, compared to the lateral heel, and in general, surgical intervention is recommended for an unstable fracture.

The most important step

He adds: The injury can occur in the two protrusions visible on both sides of the ankle, known as a bilateral fracture, and this type is most commonly affected by those who exert great physical effort. This fracture causes instability of the ankle joint; Therefore, its treatment is surgical, and the patient should pay attention to the fact that fracture healing of this type must be accurate; Because the failure of the bones to return to their normal position affects the stability and stability of the joint, and thus may cause roughness in the joint. The most important methods of diagnosing an ankle fracture are to determine the quality of the fracture, and the extent of the stability of the joint; Because on the basis of this step, a plan and method of treatment is determined, which can be limited to conservative treatment in some cases, such as a splint or stabilization of the fracture with gypsum, and in others it reaches surgical intervention.

pain points

Finally, Dr. explains. Obeidat that the doctor diagnoses the ankle fracture through a physical examination of the injured person; It looks for pain points in the ankle, and accurate identification of the pain helps determine the cause. The examination may include moving the foot in several different positions; In order to know the rate of response to the range of motion, the patient may also be asked to walk a short distance; And that even checks the way you walk.

X ray

As for Dr. Wael Fayez (specialist in orthopedics and joints), he stresses the need for the doctor to request some x-rays; To confirm the fracture, most ankle fractures can be seen; Through X-ray images, the radiographer may need to perform imaging from different angles, so that the images of the bone do not overlap too much; Because stress fractures heal, they often don't show up on X-rays.

Bigger details

He adds: CT scans reveal greater details of the bone and the soft tissues that surround it. What helps the doctor determine the best treatment methods. MRI helps show bones and ligaments, and can also identify fractures, which aren't visible on X-rays. The doctor may conduct a bone examination; By injecting them with radioactive substances into a vein; The radioactive material is attracted to the broken bone, so the affected areas, including stress fractures, appear as bright spots on the resulting image.

quality of fractures

Dr. explains. Fayez that the treatment of an ankle fracture varies, depending on which bone in the ankle was broken, as well as the severity of the injury. The doctor may advise taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Some cases require other procedures, which may include surgical intervention, and these procedures include response, For those who suffer a displaced fracture; Because this means that both sides of the fraction are not aligned. This condition causes the doctor to have to return the parts to their correct places with his hand, and the injured may need a muscle relaxant or analgesic because of this; This depends on the extent of the pain and swelling that he suffers, and in some cases, things even require general anesthetic before this procedure.

Pins and screws

Finally, he recommends Dr. Fayez the importance of stabilizing broken bones; This is so that the two sides can be forced together again; Therefore, in many cases, a splint is required. Some cases may need to use pins, strips or screws, which maintain the correct position of the bones during recovery, and they can be removed after the fracture has healed, if they cause pain to the injured or are prominent. After the bone heals, the injured needs to relax the muscles that have stiffened in the ankles and feet, as well as ligaments, which is what a physiotherapist does; And that through exercises that improve flexibility and strength.