Australians are developing a blood sugar measurement test without tingling

  • Time:Oct 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Capitals - Australian scientists have announced that they have developed a test to measure blood sugar for diabetics, is a tape that examines glucose levels by saliva.

Professor of Physics at Newcastle University in Australia and the team leader who invented the test, Paul Dastor, said: "The best test to measure the level of glucose in the blood is what is not required and resurrected.".

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"This test opens the door to tests to measure blood glucose levels without pain at a low cost, and we also hope for much better results for those who suffer from diabetes," Dustor added..

He went on to say, "The new test was created by chance while scientists were working on solar cells.".

He continued, "The new technology can be transferred and used in the Kofid-19 tests, allergens, hormone levels and oncology detection,".

Diabetics usually shake their fingers several times a day, then put a drop of blood on a test tape to monitor and control blood sugar levels..So some people with diabetes try to avoid this process to avoid pain and reduce the number of tests as much as possible.

But the new test works by introducing an enzyme that can detect the presence of glucose in a device that can then transfer and determine the levels of glucose, said Paul Dustor, professor of physics at Newcastle University in Australia and the team leader who invented the test..